Last Sunday, while Drama Queen went on a class trip to the National Planetarium and Alycia went on a day-outing with her grandma and a friend, Cass and I stayed home. In the evening, we went jogging around our neighborhood. It’s been a while since we last did this. I had to rummage through my drawers to find my pepper spray and when I tested it, it was empty, bummer!! We went out jogging anyway and hoped that we wouldn’t be attack by stray dogs or muggers. I am very familiar with our neighborhood as I used to run for hours around our neighborhood every day and know exactly which street has crazy dogs that chase people up their butts and which street looks dodgy and creepy. We avoided those roads. Cass was in a very jovial mood. She stopped every 5 minutes to smell the flowers and grass, pointed out mushrooms to me and we stopped at almost every house that has a cute dog to play with the dogs. We enjoyed our 40 minutes of jog and walk thoroughly. If not for a runner’s stomach that she had, we would have continued jogging for another half an hour or so. Cass seems to get side stitch cramps each time she runs for 20 minutes or so. I later Googled the reasons and found out that it’s caused by wrong breathing techniques and having too much food / liquid in the abdomen. I was worried that it’s related to the two abdomen surgeries that she had when she was 13 months old.
After we were back at our condo, Cass did some cycling and played with the resident cat.
After we were done exercising, we were both sweating profusely and had flushed cheeks. I love seeing Cass’ chubby cheeks turn rosy. In my eyes, she still looks like a baby and will always be my baby girl in my heart.
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I would suggest taking a few deep breaths where you actually inflate the stomach, not just the chest. Then, do a few stretches ( side bends, rotations ) before the activity.
Hey Chris, thanks for the tips! Will get Cass to try them soon 😉