Lunch today was a one-dish + rice meal. Some spoilt brats weren’t too pleased as they had expected more than that.
When Drama Queen and Cass came back from school, they looked really disappointed when they found out that there was only one dish, i.e. steamed egg with minced meat and that’s something very rare. Someone quipped “where’s the veggie? You mean there’s only ONE dish? No veggie even? Why no veggie? Like seriously?”
Reason was I was having a foot spa at the beauty salon and was only back half and hour before they came back, thus did not have time to prepare a proper lunch or pack food for them. The mil was busy with something else, thus a one-dish + rice lunch. To us, that’s good enough as we were brought up to eat humbly and simply but for our privileged kids, that’s unusual.
Drama Queen went straight to the kitchen, rummaged through the fridge and fished out a bottle of furikake, cucumber and tomato. She diced the cucumber and tomato and together with the steamed egg and meat, a few shakes of furirake, kimchi and pepper, she mixed everything up with the rice. Cass saw her 2che’s creation and did the same with her rice.
Drama Queen’s eureka moment must have stemmed from a compilation of ideas she got during our regular dining out at Japanese and Korean restaurants (picture below shows one of the dishes that looks similar to her creation)…
She transformed the dull dish + rice into a Japanese-Korean style no-fry fried rice, which tasted like onigiri and was really delish!
Thumbs up to Drama Queen for her creative ideas in transforming a simple steamed dish and plain rice into something that tantalizes the taste bud! Cass and I loved her creation too. This girl’s got talent in the kitchen! But she told me that she ain’t gonna be a chef in future. She has other plans in mind.
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What a great way to get the kids to participate in meal prep! The reverse is true for me; if I make more than one dish, the kids want to know what the occasion is! Haha!
It all boils down to training. You’ve trained your kids well to accept just 1 dish. Well done! 😀