Since I had a surplus of 2 pieces of KFC from Saturday’s lunch, I made oven-baked KFC sandwich today.
Despite me giving specific instructions to the KFC customer service staff on the phone that I only wanted drumsticks and ribs, I was still given about 3 pieces of breast meat! And this is not the first time this had happened, sigh!
My girls and I do not like chicken breast meat as it is very rough and tasteless. I normally ‘recycle’ the breast meat and will use it to cook fried rice, fried noodles, pizza, sandwiches or stir-fry the shredded breast meat with veggie or mushrooms.
So here’s our lunch today — oven-baked KFC sandwich (wholemeal bread) with hard-boiled eggs, butter and President burger cheese served alongside sweet pineapple slices, cucumbers and cherry tomatoes. The crispy sandwiches were baked for about 15 minutes at 160 degreesĀ Celsius in the oven.
My fussy-pots enjoyed this simple and healthy snack for their lunch very much and enjoyed helping to prepare it too. Cass helped to shell the eggs and mash them up. Sherilyn helped to shred the pieces of KFC and Alycia helped to slice the cucumbers.
Cass got to eat the ‘display unit’ today. The girls take turns to have the ‘display unit’ as it is always decorated to look its best for the camera and for mummy’s blogs haha!!
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It’s funny as over here, breast meat is actually more expensive. Unfortunately, my kids love breast meat, yucks! When we have KFC, which is abt once a year, I specifically ask for dark meat and the staff are more than happy to comply. KFC actually charges more if u request for more breast meat!
Chris, yes breast meat is surprisingly more expensive over in Western countries. Here, it is cheaper. Your kids dont mind the rough and dry texture of chick breast meat?