Cass earnestly and diligently at work, helping grandma to remove the stinky beans from the pod and then peeled off the skin.
And she completed the entire job all by herself! This I really have to give her a pat on her back. I have absolutely no patience for this kinda boring task. Of the 3 girls, Cass has the most patience to complete a task. When she was about 3 years old, she was hooked on fixing jig saw puzzles and would spend hours on end trying to complete a puzzle, oblivious to what was happening around her and even oblivious to the fact that we were all going out.
Did you know that stinky beans are Cass’ favorite beans? I am surprised that all my girls love stinky beans, despite it having a loathsome aftermath the morning after.
I actually love stinky beans but I try not to eat them. The older I get, the more conscious I get too with my breath and you know, the odor of my morning dumps kekeke!! Alycia is just like me. Though she loves eating stinky beans she tries not to eat them if she has to go to school the next day.
Do your kids eat stinky beans?
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I don’t eat petai, so I don’t cook petai.. But hubby loves it, and MIL will cook it sometimes.. Usually just cook with minced meat, cili boh and “har mai” (I think).. How do you cook your petai?
Hi Princess Ribbon, we normally cook it with minced pork / chicken. Sometimes with sambal and prawns, yummeh!
I love stinky beans with sambal prawns! but I only dare to eat ’em on weekends 🙂
I’m amazed! I am very afraid to peel those stinky beans coz there are always some tiny worms inside
Hi Jocelyn, yes yes we always see wriggly worms inside the petai but Cass ain’t scared of them coz she’s used to seeing it. We will then soak the peeled beans in salt water to kill the worms 🙂