Yesterday, I had to let Cass ponteng class for a day coz I had to go to Ikea to finish off the credit in my account before it expires (my contract as blogger with Ikea ended last Nov). That was the first time I made Cass ponteng class and she was bathed in mixed emotions of both happy and guilty for skipping class when she’s not sick o_O
Our lunch at the Ikea cafe….
Can you see the plate of the ever-popular Ikea meatballs on the table? Yeah, that’s my all-time favorite meal at Ikea and we walloped them all and after checking out for our purchase, I even bought a bag of Ikea meatballs. Was so happy with this purchase until I read from posted by one of my friends in Facebook that tainted horse meat has been found in Ikea meatballs *GULP*! Now, what am I going to do with the RM30 bag of Ikea meatballs now?
I also grabbed 3 packs of my favorite Ikea ginger almond thins at RM5 only… and Cass couldn’t be happier that she could fix her own ice cream at the Ikea ice cream vending machine. The expression on her face was priceless!
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Serve the meatballs with some hay, no?? Heehee!
Chris, good idea! 😀 Now, I’ve got a better idea. I think I’ll heat it up and give them to my friends with dogs!
just saw the news on horse meat too … luckily I am not a fan of beef burger and Ikea is too far from us … we go there perhaps once a year …
BTW, cutie Cassie!
perhaps those are made locally and not like those in the other Ikea worldwide? call their number to find out more or else return it?