Terrified Of Her Green Bowl With Eyes

Baby C is terrifed of this bowl :

Look at the stone look on her face!

We bought this bowl for Alycia from Ikea a few years back and it’s supposedly a frog in the shape of a bowl. It comes with a matching plastic crumb-catcher bib and a froggie cup.

When I used the bowl the other day, my sweetiepie cringed and cried whenever she saw the 2 eyes on the bowl!

I had to turn the bowl to the side without the eyes so that she would stop crying…. but it was funny and hilarious seeing her cry each time she saw the eyes on the bowl, hehehe *evil mommy*

Does this bowl look that terrifying huh?  My sweetiepie seems to be afraid of any toy that has huge bulging eyes. A few months back, daddy bought a huge battery-operated and remote control-operated green ant that can emit sounds for Baby C. The toy ant can move like a robot and my sweetiepie was absolutely terrified of the toy. Even at the mention of ‘green ant’ would make her cry. We have since kept the green ant coz Sherilyn the menace kept scaring her baby sister with the toy.

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Author: Shireen

I am a WFHM of 3 lovely girls - Alycia, Sherilyn and Cassandra. I am a health, fitness and clean freak. I am a freelance content writer and occasionally help out my other half in his food catering business. I also do product reviews and accept sponsored posts on my blogs. I hope you'll enjoy reading my blog as much as I enjoy sharing my day-to-day adventures and mostly boring ranting :P Welcome to my blog! :)

16 thoughts on “Terrified Of Her Green Bowl With Eyes”

  1. aiyor, kesian cutie pie, mummy yai yai izit, beat her bum bum ok. i have the same bowl 🙂 but never let lil missy use yet. haha!

  2. ah yoh yoh…. haha..poor lil one..mummy so bad hor..
    my girl likes this set la. if i give her water using the cup, she will drink a lot water….

  3. Jesse used to b afraid of furry soft toy n I keep showin it to her n encourage her to touch. After awhile she was ok. Maybe u shod as her to touch the eyes to overcome her fear

  4. Aiyo, poor thing…..This happens to be Tee’s favourite bowl, cuz her favourite colour is green. Tee used to be scared too at this age until 2, of moving & unpleasant noisy toys like remote controlled cars or anything that walks or rolls by itself. It was really funny!

  5. OMG! Poor Baby C. We bought one for our little girl too and she loves it.

    But every child has his/her own fear. My little girl is not very fond of those rides at the amusement park. She quickly wants to be carried off the rides when we put in the coins and it starts to move.

  6. sometimes we really can’t figure out why kids are afraid of certain thing…i still remember a fren’s kid used to afraid of the display model in the shopping mall…somehow he knows is not a real human being or what…

  7. I think I know which green ant, the one which body rotates and goes reverse when knocks on something. Amber also terrified of it. I find it amusing too. Video the moment, they’ll have a good laugh next time.

  8. omg!! this is sooo funny… she does look terrified… but u’re evil ler. haha. my son was terrified of this doll that could open its eyes, and make sounds at the press of its armpits and belly when he was abt 6 mths but now he’s loving it. aiyo… bb boys with dolls??? should i be worried??

  9. Elaine… yup, you are right. It’s that green ant you’ve described here! The green ant toy is actually a very cool toy but I guess the way it moves and bounces back and rotates its body (while emitting that ‘toing toing toing’ sound) when it hits anything would sure scare the hell out of a small child.

  10. hey…yr little girl indeed looked very terrifying….but i also thot it’s hillarious lor….wakakaka, another evil mummy here!!

  11. oh my, that sounds exactly like my little Angel there. I do think that the bowl looks terrifying with the 2 eyes staring at you while you eat …. don’t you think so??? BTW, baby C still looks very very cute despite that she is in horror 🙂

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