Last night around midnight, I had reserved an offer from TigaPi. This morning, when I tried to reserve the offer again, the dreaded red words appeared! This has happened far too many times albeit the 6 hours is not even up yet. Never mind, there were still a few offers shaded in green and I happily reserved another one. After cracking my foggy brain and typing for around half an hour, I wanted to publish the post and clicked on the reserve tab again. Holy shit, the dreaded red words appeared again!! Lighting does strick twice at the same spot! I just can’t believe the jinx. But God is kind, I managed to reserve 2 more offers and had successfully submitted the posts to TigaPi. Now I can only pray that these 2 posts will be approved by TigaPi. What a great start to a Saturday morning!
No. of times viewed = 163
Hey, I replied to yr email before reading this post:( Why don’t you send them a ticket and see what they say. Not fair eh?
Barb… tks for the suggestion. The next time it happens again, i’ll def send a ticket to them.
Yes.. send in a ticket..! they will be able to help.