No. of times viewed = 256
No. of times viewed = 215
Cracked Heel-File
This is not a hair brush, it’s a cracked heel-file which my dear mil sent to me from Hong Kong last week.
For years, I’ve been battling cracked heels and I have really rough and ugly heels. My mil had advised me to use her cracked heel-file when she came back last month but I was too lazy and busy to use it. For years, I’ve been applying Elgy cracked heel cream, vaseline, shear butter paste, Rosken extra dry skin lotion, Savlon, Bepanthen baby cream, etc. etc. I’ve tried almost all the creams one can find from the pharmacy but none helped to relieve my cracked heel until I used this cracked heel-file. The result is amazing and just after 1 use, I saw DRAMATIC results. I’ve now used it religiously for 5 days already and I am so happy with the results. My heels are so much smoother now.
For those of you with cracked heels problem, go get this gadget, it really works for me, and I must thank my mil for it.
This is NOT a sponsored post 🙂
No. of times viewed = 486
Toys That Sharpen The Mind
No. of times viewed = 189
Another Lucky Day For Me
Today is another lucky day for me. This morning I got 1 offer from ReviewMe and 7 offers from Blogitive but I only accepted 5 from Blogitive coz I am not the greedy type. When my plate is full and can no longer fit in anymore, I’ll gracefully decline more offers. Hey, anyway writing 6 paid posts in 1 day is NO JOKE man. This is not my full-time job. Moreover today, I’ve been busy…. we went to the paed’s office, then went out for lunch and when we came home, had to feed Sher medicine and then put 2 hyper toddlers to sleep. I have not even touched my newspapers yet. Ok I better stop talking crap here, gotta continue working now…..
And oh yes, if I’ve not dropped by your blog yet, don’t be mad k, I will definitely visit your blog either tonight or tomorrow 🙂
No. of times viewed = 160
Sherilyn My Little Terror
Yesterday morning as Sherilyn was doing her poopy business on her potty, her itchy hands were busy twisting the drawer knobs and she unscrewed all the drawer knobs and played with them. Sensing trouble ahead, I wanted to stop her from playing as I just had a bad feeling she’d throw one or two knobs into her potty but before I could even say “stop playing”, I heard Sherilyn saying “uh oh….. i drop it inside my potty”. Shit….. i am in deep shit coz i would have to fish the knob out from the pile of shit. Oh, what shitty business have I got myself into for neglecting Sherilyn for just 5 minutes. Eeewwww…….. so i brought the potty to the backyard, put on triple layers of plastic bags over my hands and fished out the pooped covered drawer knob, wrapped it in another layer of plastic bag and chucked it into the bin.
The botak chest of drawers with knobs all removed by Ms Itchy Fingers Sherilyn.
No. of times viewed = 200
Alycia Loves Seeing The Doctor
I found out today the real reason why Alycia always pretends to be sick. It’s no other reason than food again. After Alycia had recovered from cough recently, it’s Sher’s turn now and she’s got quite a bit of phlegm that irritates her throat and causes her to puke easily. I didn’t get to sleep the whole of last night coz the minute Sher coughed, I’d get startled and then I’d worry that she would puke. Today, we brought Sher to the paed’s office to get some medicine. If we go to this paed’s office located at Sri Petaling, daddy would surely bring us to Overseas Restaurant located a few doors away from the clinic to eat dim sum after seeing the paed.
As daddy made a turn into the road leading to the paed’s office, Alycia excitedly said “daddy, i want to eat dim sum”. My maid and I laughed coz for the past few days, she’s been pretending to cough whenever she hears her sister coughs and she’d say “mummy, i m sick, i want to see the doctor”. But mummy knows she’s just pretending as she wanted attention from me too. Today, I found out that her real reason is she wants to eat dim sum from Overseas Restaurant!
No. of times viewed = 215
Kids Say The Darnest Things – Part 3
Conversation 1
Alycia – Mum, long time we din go back to Ipoh to see koong koong and granny.
Me – yup, you miss them?
Alycia – Yess….
Me – we will go back to Ipoh next month to celebrate koong koong’s birthday, are you happy?
Alycia – Yyess….. and gives me a big grin.
Me – so what are you going to give koong koong for his birthday?
Alycia – hmmmm……a BIG hug….
Me – only a big hug?
Alycia – and a balloon….
Me – what shape balloon?
Alycia – hmmmmm… heart shape and hmmmmmm….. a square balloon.
Conversation 2
Alycia and Sherilyn had just gotten up from their afternoon nap and Alycia started to whine for no apparent reasons. After I had failed to subdue Alycia, I gave up and brought Sherilyn to the bathroom and as I was washing up Sherilyn…
Sher – mummy, where is Alycia?
Me – Alycia is whining and crying in the hall. Mummy hates the sounds of whining and crying you know, make me mad.
Sher – make me mad oso.
Me – you also always whine and cry for no reason, right?
Sher – ahahahaha……
Conversation 3
We were having dim sum at Overseas Restaurant today and Sherilyn was placed on a baby chair with a seat belt that was spoilt.
Sher to me – my seat belt is spoilt. Aunty, aunty.. … halo halo…. please come and fix my seat belt, it’s spoilt….. as she waves her hand to the waitress.
All of us laughed at her.
No. of times viewed = 287
Sherilyn Is So Crafty and Full Of Ideas
Ms Spitty Spat Sherilyn is so crafty and full of ideas. Whenever she wants something or doesn’t want something, she surely knows how to think of a cunning way to achieve her mission.
Whenever my maid feeds her chicken meat or fish meat that is a bit rough and hard to swallow, she will spit them all out into the food catcher of her bib. My maid will then scoop the food and put it back into her mouth.
Yesterday, she finally thought of a way to stop kakak from scooping the food and chucking them back into her mouth. Instead of spitting the food into her bib, she spat it out into her cup of water. See how artful this little sly fox is.
No. of times viewed = 218
Kids Say The Darnest Things – Part 2
More funny, touching and darn things that my gals had said :
Conversation 1
Kakak – Ok, everyone, please help kakak pick up the toys.
Sherilyn – I’m so tired…. (and then lets out a big sigh)
Conversation 2
Sherilyn sitting on her potty – Jajak (kakak)… i stomachache…. please help me…. please please……(as she scrunches her tummy in pain with her hands)
Jajak and mummy then burst out laughing.
Conversation 3
Alycia – Mum, you are so pretty, like an angel…
Me – Thank you Alycia. You’re also very pretty and you’re also mummy’s angel. Why do you say mummy is pretty like an angel? Have you seen how an angel looks like?
Alycia – No, but you look like a princess.
Conversation 4
On a dark evening as it was raining heavily…..
Me – Take a look outside Alycia, it’s raining cats and dogs and it’s so dark
Alycia – Where, where…. where got cats and dogs?
Me – Raining cats and dogs means raining very heavily.
Me – Ohhh……..
No. of times viewed = 210
Our Pet Fish
This is our little fish pond. We used to have 20+ little nemos but they didn’t make it in the little pond, maybe they were fighting for oxygen and food, I don’t know. When DH just bought them, they just died, one by one…. everyday the gals would rush out to the garden to see if they could see any little nemos float in the water and if there was, Alycia would fish it out for kakak to bury it. Finally after weeks, only 4 nemos survived. But the number 4 is not auspicious mah, sei sei sang. So a couple of days ago, DH bought a few more nemos.
Alycia helping daddy release the little nemos into the pond.
Two sweet umbrella girls in the scorching heat watching daddy release nemos and seaweed into the pond.
No. of times viewed = 181
My Little Helper
Alycia loves helping me out in the kitchen. She is so happy and feels so useful when I allow her to help me out, so much that she’d be grinning from cheek to cheek and keeps asking for more chores.
If only she would still be this enthusiastic in helping me out in the household chores a few years down the road, I can then do away with a maid and save lots of money. I shall wait and see…..
Alycia washing her cup and bowl after breakfast with a cool scouring pad with handle which my sil bought from Sweden. This way, her hands won’t get in contact with the dish washing liquid.
No. of times viewed = 150
Alycia Makes Pancakes
Alycia loves eating, playing with her masak-masak (toy cooking set) and anything that has got to do with food. Yesterday she tried her hands at making pancakes for lunch. After I had poured out the wholewheat flour, chocolate milk powder, sesame seeds, poppy seeds, pumpkin seeds, wheatgerm, eggs and water into a large bowl, she helped me mix and stir the batter.
Alycia mixing and stirring the batter.
Fresh from the pan wholesome pancakes for toddlers and mummy too.
Alycia can’t wait to taste the pancake that she had helped to make.
No. of times viewed = 262
Wedding March
Today, we attended Alycia and Sherilyn’s sunday school teachers’ wedding. We had to arrive at the church by 10am and I was so worried we would be late again as the gals are not used to sleeping early and waking up early. I woke up at 6am, did some work on the computer, went for my jog and woke the gals up at 7:30am. We had to rush breakfast off, skipped the gals’ bath and quickly dress them up. Luckily, we managed to arrive at the church at 10am on the dot. Alycia who is usually not comfortable in crowds and with strangers, refused to partake in the wedding march whilst Miss Social Butterfly Sherilyn had a ball and was the centre of attraction with her antics. She even joined all the older kids in a choir singing “Jesus Loves Me This I Know” on stage and didn’t display any stage fright.
Daddy helping the gals wear their socks.
Despite much coaxing, Alycia refused to partake in the wedding march and kept tucking away from the kids. She just held on tightly to my hands and refused to let go of them.
Sherilyn holding hands with her partner Jia Ying, marching into the church altar.
When the wedding ceremony was over, Daddy brought us to Purple Cane Tea House for a lunch of authentic chinese dishes with tea leaves cooked in almost all their dishes.
No. of times viewed = 207
Home-cooked Food
Remember the fresh mushrooms, fresh bamboo shoots, fresh lotus seeds and fresh gingko that I bought last week? This is what I have whipped up.
Stir-fried organic brocolli with diced chicken breast, fresh gingko, Enoki mushrooms, sweet peas, garlic, big onions and MSG-free soya sauce. We had this dish on Monday.
Stir-fried cauliflower with diced chicken breast, sweet peas, fresh bamboo shoots, tomatoes, fresh gingkos, big onions, MSG-free soya sauce and MSG-free oyster sauce. We had this dish yesterday.
Stir-fried Enoki mushrooms and fresh oyster mushrooms with butter, garlic, 1 tsp of organic miso paste and some freshly chopped spring onions on top. So whaddaya think of my dishes?
No. of times viewed = 255
What Drives Me Bonkers
My 2 gals are really angelic and charming when they are anywhere outside the house. The minute they step foot back home, they automatically transform into little monsters and could instantaneously drive me bonkers with their nonsense. Here’s a list of the top 10 things that my gals do that really drive me bonkers and send fire up my head:
1) When I need to get some work done and they refuse to nap or sleep despite all my coaxing, threats, bribes and whipping.
2) When the gals start giving me excuses like they want to poo poo, wee wee, drink water or complain of body itch or pain, etc after the lights are turned off at night. What irritates me most is after I have put on my hand lotion and worn my socks after applying cracked heel lotion on my feet and all ready to plonk my battered body on the bed for a good night’s sleep, my 2 brats start demanding that they want to poo poo or wee wee and drink water, both gals demanding at the same time, one request after the other.
3) When they whine and whimper for no real reason. The sounds of whining drive me nuts.
4) When they refuse to eat their proper meals but demand to eat crackers or junk food that daddy has bought.
5) When one of the gals want to watch Barney and the other demands to watch Hi-5 and then they start crying and fighting when I say no one gets to watch anything or when I accede to one of the gals’ request, the other whose demand is not met throws herself into a fits of rage.
6) When they mess up my computer or shut down my computer when I am in the midst of working.
7) When they tear their expensive story books or wreck their toys.
8) When they turn complete deaf to my warnings and continue in their forbidden acts and stunts.
9) When they cry till they puke and make a complete mess on the bed and on the floor just before bedtime, when I am always drop dead tired and sleepy.
10) When Alycia demands to wear the same old outfit (which is her Pumpkin Patch or Mothercare jeans and pink Benetton t-shirt) each time we go out though she’s got a wardrobe filled with pretty dresses and refuses to wear most of the dresses. Alycia is a tad tomboyish when it comes to her choice of clothes as she prefers jeans and t-shirts to dresses and skirts.
Now what drives you crazy?
No. of times viewed = 205