Tom Tom The Piper’s Son

Today just before lunch time, I read and sang some nursery rhymes to Sherilyn, my 2.5 yo toddler who LOVES singing and loves me reading through singing to her. I sang her a few nursery rhymes like Baa Baa Black Sheep, Rock A Bye Baby, Little Bo Beep Has Lost Her Sheep, Hey Diddle Diddle and Tom Tom The Piper’s Son. She loved the Tom Tom song so much that she wanted me to sing and point out each word to her as I sang to her over and over and over again and she didn’t want me to stop. I swear I sang like around 50 times. When I stopped, she cried. I had spent close to 1/2 hr singing to her till my voice ran hoarse. As I wanted to do some work on the computer, I put Sherilyn on my lap as I did my typing with 1 hand and I continued singing and singing till I told her mummy got to stop to go wee wee. Wah… the moment I put her down on the floor, she wailed and her tantrum flared.

My maid and I spent another 15 mintues trying to placate her. She didn’t even want to watch Thomas & Friends when the tv was turned on. So my maid placed Sherilyn on her lap and fed her her cereal for lunch. After a while, she stopped whining and began to settle down, enjoying her meal of cereal and organic green tea noodles with fish paste in winter melon soup.

No. of times viewed = 278

Sherilyn Has Swollen Lymph Nodes

We just came back from the paed’s clinic. My poor baby Sherilyn’s lymph nodes on her right neck, just below her jaw are swollen and infected. She has also been having gluey yellowish-greenish goo on her right eye for the last 3 days and I thought she was just plain ‘yeet hei’ as the chinese say it or heatiness in her body coz she had been eating quite a bit of durian, biscuits, corn flakes and pan-fried tempeh lately. I am also having a strep throat and slight runny nose with phlegm and I guess Sherilyn must have gotten the bug from me.

Careless mummy me didn’t even notice the swell in her glands near her neck until daddy felt it last night as he was cuddling her while reading to her. When I touched it and felt a lump there, I really felt a big lump in my throat, so did DH. Being the wimp in us whenever health issues affect our 2 precious daughters, we were actually quite worried, more so as the swell is on the lymph nodes in her neck. All sorts of morbid thoughts came flashing through my mind and I am sure DH’s too, coz I could see he was just as worried but just put on a “nah…. nothing to worry wan” look on his face.

The paed said Sherilyn’s lymph nodes are infected and if we brought her to the clinic a few days later, the lymph nodes could get inflamed and then more invasive medical treatment is necessary. The lymph nodes got infected as they were trying to fight off virus from invading the body. She also has URTI (upper respiratory throat infection) and antibiotics (Augmentin) is needed to treat it. She was also given an ointment for her eye and allergy medicine for her nose.

As Alycia has also developed a slight cough this morning, she was also given an allergy medicine for her nose. Both the gals have sensitive nose and get nose allergies easily, or so said the paed. The total bill came up to RM140. Cost aside, DH and I are both relieved that Sherilyn’s swollen glands are nothing serious.

No. of times viewed = 650

Miss Pukey Sherilyn

Sherilyn is nicknamed Ms Pukey coz she throws up very easily from the time she was a baby right through now. She pukes when she cries, when she eats food that she doesn’t like, particularly meat, when I brush her teeth, when she gets choked on food or when she’s over-eaten and simply when she wants sympathy and attention. She even knew how to gagged her throat with her fingers till she puked just to get our attention whenever she was locked up in the playpen when she was barely a year old. She knew mummy would not easily succumb to her crying and pull her out from the playpen but if she pukes in the playpen, mummy would rush to her aid and bring her out from her little prison. See how cunning and manupulative my brat can be.

Sherilyn has been rather whiny, cranky and cries easily for no real reasons for the last few days till she really gets on my nerves. Yesterday, she woke up from her nap bawling away as if she had had a bad dream. Nothing seemed to subdue her. I then fixed her a bottle of milk and she drank it with her head lying on my lap like a baby.

When I went into the kitchen to wash the bottle, she was still bawling and rolling on the floor. I was already very pissed off with her as there was no apparent reason for her bawling and I’ve exhausted all my means of trying to placate her from distraction to laughter and my patience was really wearing thin.

As I had expected, Ms Pukey then choked, coughed a tad bit and I knew she was about to puke. This happens most of the time when Sherilyn has a bawling session. I dashed right into the storeroom and fished out a huge garbage bag (that’s all I could see in the storeroom) and headed back to retrieve Sherilyn’s vomit. The milk that had formed into fresh curd spewed out from Sherilyn’s throat right into the garbage bag. After she was done, she pushed the bag away and said “finish already”.

Afterthat, I brought Sherilyn to the loo to have her washed up. As she sat on the toilet, she was still whining and sobbing for no apparent reasons. I was even more pissed off with her now and as I looked her straight into her face, I told her this, “Sherilyn what’s the matter with you? Why are you crying non-stop for no reason? You’re not in pain, you’re not hungry, cheh cheh didn’t bully you and you’re not a baby. Only babies cry like this because they don’t know how to talk. Can you tell me what you want instead of cry? If you want to be a baby, fine…. I’ll put you into the playpen and you stay in there”. Without any second thoughts, Sherilyn blurted out “i don’t want playpen”. For a moment, I could feel something magical had happened. Sherilyn stopped bawling, then the bawl gradually dwindled into a faint whimpering and then as I dried her body and put on her clothes, she transformed into an angel…. singing and giggling as she tried to start a conversation with me. Hiyah… kids are just so unpredictable and sometimes you just don’t know whether to get mad or laugh at their quirks and idiosyncrasies.

No. of times viewed = 309

Sherilyn My Poor Feeder

Sherilyn who is 2 years 3 months is a very picky eater and poor feeder. When it comes to rice and dishes, I still have to blend them for her. Can you beat that?

I have tried many times trying to wean her off blended food and gave her unblended rice and dishes to eat but guess what she did to the meat? She would take forever to chew the meat and then just when I thought she’s about to swallow them, she would spit them all out and give me a ‘I almost want to puke’ look. It’s really frustrating seeing your toddler rejecting food in this manner, gross and heartbreaking altogether.

Sherilyn does not even like food from restaurants and hotels, apart from cakes, bread and of course salad . Whilst most toddlers her age would squeal with delight when brought to these places to eat such a wide variety of mouth-watering grub, my Sherilyn is contented with her cereal. Yeah, can you beat that? Sherilyn is still eating cereal and she loves them…. till she eats her cereal everyday and she never seems to get tired of it.

Sherilyn is a great fan of greens and even eats raw celery sticks, carrot sticks, raw bell-pepper, bittergourd (which would instantly nauceate most kids) but detests meat of all sorts except fish paste and fish balls. I had initially assumed that meat is too hard for her to chew and too rough for her to swallow but what about toasts, crackers, pan-fried tempeh (her favourite), raw carrot sticks and brocolli? ALl these are hard stuff but she devours them and never feels that they are too hard for her tiny teeth to work on or too geli for her throat.

Are there any parents out there who are facing the same situation as me? Please share your experience.

No. of times viewed = 297

I Want To Watch Barney!

Last nite after using the tv to babysit the gals for about 20 minutes whilst I had a quick scrub in the bathroom, Sherilyn pleaded to watch more Barney when I turned off the tv. She wailed and rolled on the floor. It took me about half an hour to finally subdue her. She’s normally ok when the box is switched off but yesterday she was cranky, really cranky as she did not get sufficient sleep during her afternoon nap time. Gosh, really hate it when the gals have insufficient sleep in the afternoon.

Alycia cheh cheh was trying to comfort and hug her mui mui but ended up almost smothering her.

No. of times viewed = 334

A Picture of Peace

This is the picture of Sherilyn taken this afternoon after we came back from a day at church and lunch at PJ Hilton’s Genji Japanese Restaurant. Sherilyn was so sleepy that she dozed off the minute we buckled her up in her car seat. Not wanting to jolt her up from her sweet slumber upon arrival back home, we just placed her on the mattress on the floor with her outing dress still on. What a picture of peace on her sweet face.

No. of times viewed = 215

Thumb Sucking

Sherilyn the thumb-sucker at 3 months.

2 years on…. and still a happy and cheerful thumb-sucker.

Sherilyn’s other obsession is thumb sucking. From the time she was in my womb till now, age 2 yrs 3 months, she has always been a compulsive thumb-sucker. She finds such great comfort, security, relief and syiok-ness sucking her thumb. She sucks her thumb when she’s sleepy, hungry, bored, happy, sad and when she sleeps.

Many well-meaning friends and relatives urged me to wean her off this habit but I don’t think I want to do do it just yet. I actually find this thumb sucking in Sherilyn so…. well, syiok. I simply adore seeing her suck her thumb. She looks so baby-ish, so adorable, so manja, so helpless, so very cute when she sucks her thumb. So why do I want to take away this feeling of comfort and security from my little baby girl? I am confident that she will weane herself off this habit when she’s ready, when she knows the feeling of embarassment, when she’s matured enough to understand that it doesnt’ look decent and cultured to be thumb-sucking in public. So, I’ll just let it be and let time takes it course.

Here are some excerpts on thumb-sucking from my Dr Benjamin Spock baby book on thumb sucking for the benefit of my readers who have toddlers who are thumb-suckers:

1. If you keep on worrying (about thumb sucking), even though you resolve to say nothing, your child will feel your tension and react against it.

2. Remember that thumb sucking goes away all by itself in time.

3. Eventually it disappears for good.

4. It rarely stops before three years.

5. It usually peters out between three and six.

6. Thumb sucking by itself is not a sign of unhappiness or maladjusment or lack of love. In fact, most thumb suckers are very happy children and children who are severely deprived of affection don’t thumb suck.

7. Dentists point out that if the baby gives up thumb-sucking by six years of age, as happens in a great majority of cases, there is very little chance of its displacing the permanent teeth. (what a relief!)

8. Don’t nag or bribe your child to stop thumb-sucking.

No. of times viewed = 235

Sherilyn and Her Nappy

For the past 1 week, Sherilyn has been obssessed with nappies, yeah, of all things, it has to be cloth nappies. The moment she wakes up in the morning, she will grab a nappy and tie it round her shoulders, like a cape and refuses to let go of the nappy. She will then bring the nappy to the toilet, bathroom, when she naps, when she sits and eat on her highchair and even wore the ridiculous looking nappy cape when I brought her out for her evening walk with Alycia and my maid yesterday. I was so embarassed when passers-by stared at her and laughed, really malu :blush:

Besides this strange quirk, she’s also super whinny and cranky for the past 1 week. Oh God, I just hope these are not foreboding symptoms that she’s going to fall sick soon coz Alycia just recovered from a slight cold. Or could it be she’s just obssessed with Baby Bop and its yellow blankey?

I like my white-tie blankie in the day and night. I love this song by Baby Bop mommy.

Sherilyn running around the house with her ridiculous looking nappy cape.

Sherilyn went for her evening walk and jumped on the trampoline in her nappy cape like a ‘sor poh’ (mad woman) ha ha….

No. of times viewed = 223