Good Riddance

A week after our suspicious next-door neighbors, whom we suspect were involved in scamming or illegal activities, moved out, they finally had all their belongings removed. Interestingly, they didn’t even return to the unit themselves. Instead, they hired movers from Lalamove (I saw the truck with the Lalamove logo) to pack, seal, and transport their clothes and other possessions. They vacated not just their unit, but also two other units from a different block in our condo.

I can’t help but wonder where these suspicious Chinese nationals are relocating. With such a large group of people, it’s inevitable that they’ll draw attention wherever they go—especially from vigilant neighbors like me!

Yesterday, cleaners arrived to tidy up their unit, and, oh my goodness, the place was a complete mess! There was an overwhelming amount of trash, and the unit reeked of what I can only describe as rotting garbage. I had to spray a generous amount of disinfectant to cover up the stench, but even today, traces of the foul odor still linger. It’s unsettling, to say the least.

I hope my new neighbors will be someone decent. The two previous tenants were Japanese and they were all very friendly and nice folks. The first tenant, an elderly couple returned to Japan. The second tenant moved to another neighborhood nearer to their kids’ school.

No. of times viewed = 13

Weekly Update: Busy Days and Exciting Adventures

The past week has been quite a whirlwind for me. I’ve been deeply engrossed in my writing work, juggling deadlines and trying to keep up with the pace. I managed to complete one batch of articles, only to have another, even larger batch come in from my client. Initially, I hinted that I might need a break, but my client was so accommodating to all my requests that I couldn’t say no. So, it looks like my break will have to wait another week. The silver lining is that my client agreed to a flexible deadline, which means I don’t have to rush through the work and can still carve out some time for exercise—a crucial part of maintaining my sanity amidst all the busyness!

On Alycia’s front, her finger is recovering well, which is a huge relief. She’s off to Taiwan for a holiday with her friends this Wednesday, and she’ll be gone for a week. Not stopping there, she has another trip lined up to Korea next month with a different group of friends. This semester break is truly a globetrotting adventure for Alycia, and she’s making the most of every moment.

To recap, this year Alycia has travelled to Singapore to watch Taylor Swift’s concert, to Hong Kong, and then to Bangkok with me. She’s traveling to Taiwan this month and to Korea next month. I can’t help but feel a bit envious, wishing I had done the same when I was her age but I was a workaholic. My rewards were my multiple promotions, Merit Awards and Merit Increments throughout the eight years that I worked in the bank. I But I’m so happy Alycia’s enjoying life to the fullest!

Sherilyn has also been keeping busy. She just completed her Foundation in Natural & Built Environment and is now enjoying a well-deserved month-long break before starting her first year of Bachelor of Science in Architecture. This break has been a chance for her to catch up on sleep, which I’m glad she finally has the time for. Today, she started a 4-day coffee-making class, sponsored by her university’s Barista Club, where she’s a member. I’m sure she’ll have a great time learning the art of coffee. Sherilyn is also active in her university’s dance club, and in two weeks, she’ll be competing in two international dance competitions, which are self-funded. I’m hoping she wins, as that would strengthen her application for a Talent Scholarship for her degree studies.

As for Cass, she’s been as busy as ever with her figure skating classes, heading to the rink three times a week. It’s great to see everyone so engaged in their activities, each pursuing their passions and interests.

All in all, it’s been a busy but fulfilling week for everyone. As I navigate through my writing projects and watch the girls dive into their respective pursuits, I’m reminded of how important it is to stay active and engaged in life. After all, you need to be healthy and energized to keep up with everything life throws your way!

No. of times viewed = 12

Got Tagged Again – 7 Random Things

Got tagged again, this time by Leena (sweet revenge huh?) on 7 Random Things About Myself. Good tag, at least this will give my readers an idea of what kinda person I am.

1. As my blog title says it, I am a health freak, also a fitness nut and cleanliness freak.

2. I’m a worry freak too, love to worry over every single thing.

3. Like Leena, my sense of direction sucks too.

4. I am an Atkin’s follower and currently living on a low-carb diet, don’t eat rice, noodles, potatoes, candies and keep white flour products to the minimal.

5. My favourite colors are pink, baby blue and violet.

6. I am super impatient and my temper flares up very easily, thanks to my dad’s genes.

7. I weigh myself on the scale at least twice a day. You call this eccentricity or character flaw?

Now, I really want to get to know these wonderful bloggers too:

LZ Mommy
Shannon Chong
Elaine (Montessorimum) … another filler post for you, hah!

No. of times viewed = 310