Chinese Writer App by Molatra

Today is the eve of the eve of Alycia and Sherilyn’s final exam and I am only starting to revise with them today.  Can you feel the heat and pressure I am feeling now?  I am reeling from the  exam fever heat *wipe sweat from forehead*!   It does not help that the weather for the past few days has been hot and humid with no rain. As I am typing this post, I have fans blowing at me from my right, left and top, I kid you not!

To distract Cass from being the attention seeker while I revise with her sisters (this rascal can be a brat at times, fighting for attention), I downloaded a new app into the iPad to keep her entertained.  It is a Chinese Writer app by Molatra.

Molatra is one of the best Chinese Writer apps for those seeking to learn Chinese. You have to write the Chinese character according to the correct order of the strokes (pit soon). If not, you will not be able to proceed to the next character. One can check the strokes order at the practice section. The character will be read out clearly too. There are speed levels for beginners to advanced learners. Cass and even Alycia love this app and find it challenging to beat the time to complete writing the characters correctly.






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Alycia Learns To Read From The Compute

Learning loves to read from the computer but I just can’t afford to let her rule the computer for long as I’ve got assignments with deadlines to meet.  So whenever I read to her from the computer, she shows great enthusiasm and concentration and picks up words pretty fast, way faster than learning to read from books.

Lately, Alycia’s reading skills have improved by the leaps and bounds.  Ever since I gave her a pep talk and told her that she needs to improve on her reading and writing before school reopens, she has put in extra effort and now, she can even read an entire book given to her by her pre-school on her own.  I am so proud of her achievement.

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