My Keto Meal

While I’m not a hardcore keto dieter, I have been a low-carb eater for over 20 years, ever since I was diagnosed with PCOS in the year 2000.

When I first started to be on a low-carb diet, I was hardcore. I printed out a list of foods with their carbohydrate weight and ensured that I stuck to a total carb of no more than 100gm a day. I would plan my low-carb meals everyday and had steely will power to stick to the regimen, on top of running twice a day – once at 5.30 a.m. and another time in the evening after work. It worked and my weight dropped steadily, though not easy for someone with PCOS.

Here’s another easy-peasy quicky keto meal that I had today – alfalfa, onion and chives sprouts with pork soup.

The pork soup was from the pork noodles that hubs bought yesterday. Today I heated up the pork soup and poured it over a huge bed of raw sprouts.

I chomped down the entire punnet of raw sprouts.

This is SO good! The hot flavorful pork soup with lots of pork lard infused every strand of sprout, making them so palatable, sans any taste of raw grass. Sprouts may not be for everyone because of the raw grassy taste but if you pair them with something flavorful like soups and a delightful salad dressing, you’ll be able to consume more of these tiny but mighty super food.

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Keto Coconut Bread

I love bread but have for the past few months started to consume bread sparingly, as part of my low-carb diet for better health and for a trimmer bod.  I only choose whole grain breads made with wholemeal flour and occasionally buy flour-free sprouted wheat bread.

I was really excited when I found out that my friend, Cynthia is selling keto coconut bread at her kopitiam. I sent in an order immediately and collected the delish bread the following week. The keto bread is pre-order and will only be made by the baker when there are orders.

To get the record straight, I am not on a keto diet. I don’t think I am disciplined enough to stick to a 100% keto-compliant diet nor can I stomach a 100% keto diet.  Too much fats and meat make me feel sick. Rather, I am more towards adopting the Mediterranean Diet and I think that this flexible diet suits me rather well. I eat healthy carbs and still indulge in the occasional sinful fast carbs.

OK, back to the keto coconut bread!  It’s made with coconut butter (Mana), eggs, Madagascar vanilla beans and Himalayan pink salt.

Price is RM20 a loaf (8 inch)

Texture of the coconut bread is like cake and best eaten when toasted.

I like to pair the toasted coconut bread with homemade pandan kaya or homemade peanut butter (salt, sugar and oil-free) with a small wedge of Whittaker’s almond chocolate toasted together. So lip-smacking good!

If you’re  keen to order this keto coconut bread, do Whatsapp Cynthia at 016-229 1429 or drop by at her kopitiam at Kedai Makanan Kuen You.  She makes keto pandan kaya and serves keto-compliant meals at her kopitiam too.

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