Four Ways to Increase Your Energy Levels

It is common for people not to have the energy levels they once did when they were younger, but some of this loss of energy can be attributed to other factors. The following are a few things that will increase your energy throughout the day.

Reduce or eliminate your sugar intake
This is a way that many people get the energy they desire. The problem is that sugar only spikes your glucose levels. Your body’s insulin floods your blood stream to break down the sugar, and then you have too much insulin working in your blood. The result is a crash in energy levels after an initial high. In order to have a steady amount of energy throughout the day, avoid all sugar. You want a steady flow of energy, and stop the roller coaster ride that sugar creates.

Get a good night’s sleep
Obviously, if you don’t sleep well you will lack energy during the day. The problem is people often are not sleeping enough hours, and they are not aware of it. Sometimes people buy into the myth that a man or woman does not need as much sleep as they get older. Unfortunately, science has not found this to be true. If you think five or six hours of sleep is fine, you are probably not getting enough sleep. Try going to bed an hour earlier. At first you are not likely to sleep the entire time because your body is used to waking up after less sleep. Be patient, after awhile your body will adjust and begin to stay asleep for a longer period of time. This will lead to more energy during the day.

4 Amazing Benefits of Sleeping on the Left Side

Add Maca powder to your diet
Maca powder is made from the root of a plant that is found in the mountains of Peru. It was used by the ancient Incas, and has proven itself beneficial in providing energy in the form of increased stamina and endurance. Maca can only be grown at high altitudes, and since it is native to the Andes mountains, many people have never heard of it. Along with helping your energy levels, Maca is thought to be an aphrodisiac. Maca powder is simple to use. All that you need to do is add a little to your food. Mix it with some juice or your morning cereal. The easiest place to find Maca powder is the internet, so you can shop for maca powder online and have it delivered to your door.

Bioglan Organics Maca Powder 100g

Make sure you are getting enough B12
Of all of the vitamins that are body needs, it is vitamin B12 that is most closely associated with energy. In fact, one of the symptoms of a vitamin B12 deficiency is lower energy levels. The human body must get its B12 needs from foods, so if your diet is low in B12, it is easy to become deficient. Top sources of vitamin B12 are liver and sardines. Cottage cheese and eggs are also high on the list of B12 foods. However, for many people, it is easier to take a tablet once a day.

Cottage Cheese and Digestion

The above information should get you started down the road of increased daily energy levels. You may need more than one method of increasing your energy, so you should experiment with various combinations of methods.

No. of times viewed = 12

Scott’s Champions Children’s Curiosity Through Learning Experience at KidZania Kuala Lumpur

Hey parents, sharing is caring. Today I am going to share with you how you can redeem a pair of tickets to KidZania, for 1 adult and 1 child. Read on…

As part of their ongoing ‘Bright Little Explorers’ programme, Scott’s is championing curiosity by giving kids a chance to experience grown-up jobs for a day at KidZania Kuala Lumpur.

Every parent knows that as their child grows, they become more and more curious about the world around them. Scott’s Malaysia (Scott’s), part of GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Consumer Healthcare Sdn Bhd, wants to champion children’s curiosity and help support their development by giving them a chance to have a fun, learning experience at KidZania Kuala Lumpur.

A household name amongst parents across Malaysia, Scott’s is well known for its range of DHA (DocosaHexaenoic Acid) products such as the Scott’s DHA Gummies. DHA is an Omega-3 fatty acid which plays an important role in brain development, function and healthy vision (*1,2). This is particularly crucial as research shows that 90% of a child’s brain development takes place before they are six years old (*3).

“As children grow older, they are continually asking questions as a way to fullfil their never-ending curiosity. It is this curiosity that helps them learn new information and spurs their imagination. At Scott’s, we understand the importance of providing children with new fun and educational experiences as a platform for learning to enhance their development,” said Venaig Jegou, Area Marketing Director, Oral Healthcare and Nutrition, South East Asia.

“Scott’s ‘Bright Little Explorers’ programme aims to trigger children’s inquisitive nature through on-ground activities that not only encourage them to be curious, but stimulate their development as well,” she said.

“We are delighted to collaborate with KidZania Kuala Lumpur as part of this programme, and hope to give kids an opportunity experience being a ‘grown-up’ for a day. We are confident that through this experience, kids would be able to experience real-life occupations and learn to be independent, work in teams, as well as develop life skills,” she added.



“We often find kids being curious about the adult world and what they do. At KidZania Kuala Lumpur, kids will immerse themselves in a complete adult-like experience. They can take on any role they want and experiment first-hand what it’s like to role-play different professions including firefighter, chef, doctor, TV and radio host, to name a few.” said Shahrul Nizar Ahmad, Mayor of KidZania Kuala Lumpur. “KidZania Kuala Lumpur is proud to participate in the Scott’s ‘Bright Little Explorers’ programme. We believe the purpose of the programme shares the same belief as KidZaniain which is to provide kids with opportunity to be inspired and the platform to fuel their curiosity and be empowered to learn and grow,” he said.

From November 2017 until February 2018, Scott’s is giving parents an opportunity to redeem One Adult ticket and One Child ticket to visit KidZania Kuala Lumpur. Parents will have to collect six stamps in total (RM35.00 = 1 stamp) to redeem the tickets.

For more information, kindly visit Scott’s Malaysia’s Facebook Page.

1. EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies. EFSA Journal 2014;12(10):3840.
2. EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies. EFSA Journal 2010;8(10):1734.
3. Berk LE.Child development. Boston: Pearson Education. 2013. p186.

No. of times viewed = 21

Teaching Your Kids Living Skills At Home

Alycia was feeling a tad under the weather yesterday evening. She said she felt very hot inside her body and felt very tired. I touched her body but it didn’t feel that hot.  I gave her a packet of Izumio hydrogen water and told her to pop 2 capsules of Super Lutein.

Later, I fished out the digital thermometer to check Alycia’s temperature but the batteries conked out. It’s been ages since we last used the thermometer. As we were rushing to send Alycia to the tuition centre, I summoned Cass to help me find new batteries to load them into the thermometer.

As there is a screw at the battery compartment for child safety purpose, I fished out our set of screw drivers. Then I gave Cass a short tutorial on how to unscrew the battery compartment by first finding the right screw driver.  Cass was very enthusiastic to learn. She volunteered to test each screw driver to see which fit the tiny piece of screw. After the cover to the battery compartment was released, I taught her how to put the right sides of the batteries into the compartment by looking at the positive and negative sides. Finally the thermometer was good to go and I showed her how to use the digital thermometer.  Cass learned something new. And Alycia had a temperature of 38.3C. She attended the Math tuition class anyway.

After popping 2 capsules of Super Lutein, a packet of Izumio, a glass of Manuka honey with propolis and 2 Esberitox, Alycia was well enough to go to school this morning. She was very worried of getting a fever as this would mean skipping school today.

In Alycia’s high school, skipping school without an official medical cert from a doctor would mean a deduction of 0.2 marks from every test paper. And for a slight fever or flu, going to the doctor’s office just to get an MC would cost at least RM50! Times are bad and our economy is lackluster, no way am I going to throw away my RM50 just for a piece of paper.  Thank God Alycia got well this morning and didn’t have to skip school.

No. of times viewed = 17

Vitacare Health & Wellness Discovery Journey Event (The Gardens Mall – 14 July 2017)

This is one bloggers’ event that I enjoyed myself thoroughly. What  would interest a health freak more than a health event, eh?  From start to end, every moment of the Health And Wellness Discovery Journey Event organized by Vitacare Pharmacy was filled with discovery of informative health information.

The most exciting part of the event was a life demonstration of “Live Blood Analysis” (LBA) – a test using high-resolution dark field microscopy to observe the life blood cells to provide information about the state of the immune system, possible vitamin deficiencies, amount of toxicity, pH and mineral imbalance and other areas of imbalance. This test was complimentary to all the bloggers, with instantaneous results of our LBA. I opted to be the first volunteer to have my blood tested and I was really amazed and pleased with the results.

Below: my LBA results, projected onto the screen for all to view, with the pharmacist explaining the results…

As accurate as a lab blood test done, the pharmacist could tell that I am anemic. As I had eaten a bowl of red beans sweet soup and peanut butter toast for breakfast, the microscopic test shows several slightly acidic blood  cells (peanuts and red beans are slightly acidic).  Overall, my blood analysis shows good blood profile with healthy blood shown.

After the first LBA of my blood, I was given a cup of Rin Enzyme to drink. Half an hour later, another LBA test was done to see the changes in my blood cells.

RIN Enzyme is a premium phyto-enzyme drink from Japan, fortified with more than 36 kinds of vegetables, fruits, grains, algae and greens. It is the perfect enzyme supplement for today’s hazardous environment and hectic lifestyle.

20ml of Rin Enzyme a day can help to enhance digestion and nutrient absorption, promote metabolism, increase body immunity, reduce blood acidity, normalize hormones, improve skin complexion, assist weight loss and promote general well-being.

Below: blood cells of my 2nd LBA, which according to the pharmacist appear ‘healthier’.  Normal and healthy blood cells are roundish in shape and nicely spread across the field. They are sometimes touching or even slightly overlapping, but they’re not all piled up on top of each other. There are occasional small empty spaces.

After viewing the specimens of blood from about 5 volunteers among us bloggers, we were all “experts” already in differentiating healthy and unhealthy blood cells! Ha ha!  When the microscopic images of subsequent blood smears were projected onto the screen, we could already tell which looked healthy and which didn’t.

Below: blood smear sample from one volunteer who told us that she’s a Thalassemia carrier.  As you can see here, her blood cells are not roundish. They look  beat up, clustered and piled together. They deviate from a perfect round appearance.

The LBA from another volunteer showed a bad overlapping of cells.  The result interpreted  that she has gout, is very stressed, has acidic blood and some other health issues.

I find the LBA very interesting. It’s a ‘fortune telling’ of sorts of our blood and health under the lens. I am now contemplating bringing our girls to have their blood analysed too. At least I know how healthy or unhealthy their blood cells are and how they can be remedied.

Vitacare normally charges a fee for the LBA but on some special occasions, like the event that I attended, they offer complimentary tests. Below is the special LBA microscope costing a whopping RM30,000 each!

Below: one of the founders of Vitacare, Mrs Yap.

30 years ago, in a quiet neighborhood mall in the Klang Valley, Vitacare was born. A long-held dream of two pharmacists, the vision then, of putting the customer first by providing the best top-quality health and well-being consultation around continues today as it did way back then.

Below: the owners of The Good Co., giving a short talk on their set up and products after distributing very yummy energy jars to us.

After the talk was over, the bloggers had a group photo session and refreshments of healthy snacks. We were each given a HUGE goodie bag (I’m SO HAPPY!) bursting with healthy goodies inside!! And gawd, the bag was really heavy with bottles of good stuff! I had to lug it around to  get takeout lunch and then lug it to the car park.

I so love the bag…

… and all the contents inside…worth RM500!

Health freak’s delight in a bag: a bottle of Rin Enzyme, a bottle of tonic consisting of  a concoction of ginger, lemon, celery, honey and apple cider vinegar, Breton healthy crackers, 123 Easy health drink powder, homemade mushroom powder, granola and nuts from Amazin’ Graze (my favorite – they sell really amazing and tasty granola), Lifestream Asta Zan supplement, wild honey and a very pretty gift tied with a gorgeous ribbon over an elegant box.

What could be inside the box?!

Cass was more excited that I was. I gave her the honour to unwrap the gift. I could not believe my eyes when I  saw the bottle of Trilogy organic rosehip oil antioxidant and Trilogy firming body lotion! Trilogy is New Zealand’s no. 1 skincare brand and they are pretty costly here.

I thoroughly enjoyed myself at the health event  and wish to thank Vitacare for inviting me.  Please count me in should you have future health events 😉  I don’t mind being an ambassador of Vitacare as I’ve always been a loyal fan of this pharmacy. Vitacare carries an impressive array of health products, supplements and natural products.

For more information on the Life Blood Analysis offered by Vitacare, Rin Enzyme and other health products, do drop by Vitacare at the following address:

Lot LG-220, Lower Ground Floor The Gardens
Mid Valley City Lingkaran Syed Putra
59200 Kuala Lumpur
Tel / Fax : 603-2282 4641


No. of times viewed = 57

Organic Barley, Lemon Grass And Pandan Drink

I made a big pot of organic barley drink today. The concoction composes of organic unhulled barley, organic Job’s Tears, organic lemon grass powder and organic pandan (screw pine leaves) powder.

Due to its alkalinity, barley water has been used since ancient times to treat various digestive conditions. Barley water is prepared by using one part of barley with 15 parts of water, which is boiled till it becomes 2/3rd of its basic solution. Being extremely alkaline, barley water is also beneficial for those suffering from gallstones. The water-soluble fibre content in it helps prevent formation of stones and cures existing ones. It is also a good remedy for kidney problems and is a traditionally acclaimed drink for supporting and nourishing kidneys in times of stress.

~Wash the barley pearls and Job’s Tears several times.

~When the barley pearls and Job’s Tears have turned mushy (about 1 – 1.5 hours later in medium flame), add in the organic lemon grass powder and organic pandan leaves powder and stir until the powders are completely dissolved. Then turn off the fire.  I added 1 teaspoon each.

~ Pour out the barley water using a stainless steel sieve.

As this is my first time trying out this concoction, I didn’t add too much of both powders, lest the drink tastes weird. But the drink turned out great!  I love the color of the drink, which has a pretty hue of green.  The drink is really refreshing when chilled. Even Cass who absolutely hates barley water has no issue gulping her cuppa green barley down without pinching her nose.  This girl always drinks her barley water with her nose pinched *roll eyes*

The next time I prepare this concoction again, I will add more lemon grass and pandan powder. I prefer it to have a stronger aroma of lemon grass and pandan.

Pandan leaves are slightly bitter in nature, thus, do go easy on the pandan powder.

Health benefits of lemon grass:

Lemongrass is used for treating digestive tract spasms, stomachache, high blood pressure, convulsions, pain, vomiting, cough, achy joints (rheumatism), fever, the common cold, type-2 Diabetes and exhaustion. It is also used to kill germs and as a mild astringent.

Prevention of bacteria: Lemongrass might help prevent the growth of some bacteria and yeast.

Lowers Cholesterol: Studies have shown that the regular consumption of lemongrass has shown significant results in sustaining healthy levels of triglycerides and reducing the LDL cholesterol in the body.

Detoxification: Lemongrass helps in cleansing and flushing harmful toxic wastes out of the body, as a result of its diuretic properties.

Cancer: Lemongrass is effective in treating various types of cancers without affecting the healthy normal cells of the body. Research conducted to prove the anti-cancerous activity of lemongrass has shown promising outcomes in the prevention of skin cancer. Studies have shown that a certain component, citral, which is present in lemongrass, helps in inhibiting the growth of hepatic cancer cells during the initial phases and prevents any further production of cancerous cells. Another study has provided supporting evidence regarding the anti-proliferative effect of citral in impeding the growth of human breast cancer cells and the induction of apoptosis.

Health benefits of pandan (screw pine leaves):

Reduce Cramps / pain relief
If you have cramps regularly, you can use pandan leaves as a traditionally cure to help reduce those cramps. Pandan leaves can also help you with gastrointestinal tract cramps, especially stomach cramps. You can make pandan leaves tea and drink it to help you reduce your cramps.

Anti-carcinogenic Properties
Another amazing benefit of pandan leaves is that they are anti-cancerous. It can counteract the effect of toxins and inhibits cancer cell development.

Reduce Fevers
Pandan can help in reducing fever. It is a traditional remedy in treating fevers.

Other health benefits of pandan include : mild laxative for children, detoxifying the body, lowers high blood pressure, helps to strengthen weak nerves, boosts appetite and it can also help men with impotence.


No. of times viewed = 826

Exam Season Is Here Again

The dreaded exam season is here again!  This time, I am attempting to go green.  To save papers and printer cartridge, I am cutting down on the printing of test papers.  Instead, Cass goes to the website where the test papers are accessible and writes down her answers on a piece of recycled paper where  I will then refer to the website to mark.

Here, Cass is working on a BM test paper. She’s wearing an anti-blue light glasses which I bought from the Naturally Plus office. It’s mine and she always steals it from me whenever she uses the laptop and handphone.  I am going to get  three more pairs of this eye glasses for the girls soon.

The fact that blue light penetrates all the way to the retina (the inner lining of the back of the eye) is important, because laboratory studies have shown that too much exposure to blue light can damage light-sensitive cells in the retina. Added blue light exposure from computer screens, smartphones and other digital devices might increase a person’s risk of macular degeneration later in life.

Our girls also pop 1-2 capsules of Super Lutein a day to protect their eye health and overall health. Let me know if you are interested in Super Lutein as I can help you to order it.



No. of times viewed = 3

Long Silence

Hellooooo everyone! Sorry for the long silence. I’ve been spending days fixing the unloadable photos in my blogs AGAIN.  Darn it, this is happening too often. As I was fixing one of the old posts, I  read that the last time this happened was on 20 August 2016.  I then checked back my most recent pictures and found out that they are all not loading in my blogs too! In total, I have to fix the photos for 17 months (Nov 2015 through March 2017) for my 3 blogs totalling thousands of photos! I am fuming!!   This confirms that I cannot upload the pictures in Facebook and copy the pictures to my blogs.   Pictures uploaded in Facebook are not compatible with blog settings. Thus, I am now using another way of uploading the photos before importing them to my blogs.  Miss Cheapskate here ain’t going to pay photo hosting sites, thus going through all these trouble.  Since Monday, I have been putting the photos back into each post, one by one.  So much precious time has been wasted doing this!

Anyway, I am trying hard not to stress myself too much over this disaster, though it will take me weeks to resolve. Stress is only going to mess up my body and spur the growth of the fibroid. I’m going to chillax, drown myself with Izumio, enjoy my cuppa ginger + lemon grass + green lemon tonic, enjoy a body massage on my Osim uJolly massage chair while I am at it and walk down memory lane reading all my old posts again 🙂

Below – my cup of pure Bentong ginger powder + ginger brown sugar cube + organic lemon grass powder + organic green lemon powder health tonic.

Can you view the 2 photos?



No. of times viewed = 8

Meal-Replacement Shakes

Designed to have fewer calories than an average meal, meal-replacement shakes include all the vitamins and nutrients needed for the rest of the day. While taking such shakes, one needs to make sure it is followed by healthy dietary and lifestyle habits in order to drop some weight.

Generally, it is a good idea to drink the shake for breakfast in the morning. It goes without saying that your dinner, lunch and snacks ought to be low in calories and sugar-free. Such changes make you lose weight faster and easier to sustain.

Here are a number of tips on what properties to look for:

Avoid sugar
When your liver is unable to absorb the excessive amount of sugar, it is turned into fat.

You should avoid the following foods, among others:
~ Spirits (and alcohol)
~ Sweets, pastries, cakes, biscuits
~ Jarred fruits

Fruits can be consumed in larger quantities quite safely as fructose doesn’t make you gain weight like sugar. However, it is best to eat everything in moderation. Fruit is an excellent choice as a healthy source of carbohydrates.

Low-caloric diet makes our body use fat as fuel
Consuming excessive calories, your liver transforms them into fat. If you alter your dietary habits and avoid sugar, your body will use fat for energy. Seek shakes that are lower than 200 calories. Also, avoid eating foods low on nutrient properties such as donuts, French fries, corn dogs, popcorn, etc. Such foods are rich in calories and low in nutrients.

Know that there are different carbohydrates
After consumption, they can either be transformed into sugar or as protein. Simple carbohydrates are easier to digest providing us with energy in a short term. Dairy products and juices are the sources of such carbs. Complex carbohydrates work vice versa – they take more time to digest, yet provide more energy in a longer term (grain products, greengrocery). Thus, aim for shakes with food fibers and low on carbs so that they fill you up and you shed weight faster.

20g of protein or less
In addition to enhancing your metabolic process, shakes also help to get rid of fat and keep you full longer. For you to choose the right shake, choose one with 20g of protein per serving.

meal replacement shakes with fruit

Add greengrocery in your menu
They are rich in fiber, which is paramount for you to lose weight. It goes without saying that fruits and vegetables are the key to good health due to the abundance of vitamins and minerals. What’s more is that they reduce your craving for unhealthy snacks, give you energy and are low in sugar.

Cut Down On Salt
We should aim for less than 1500 mg of sodium per day, and definitely not more than 2300 mg. 1500 mg of sodium amounts to 0.75 teaspoons or 3.75 grams of salt per day, while 2300 mg amounts to one teaspoon or 6 grams of salt per day. Try to avoid eating foods high in salt.

Meal Replacement Shakes: A load of crap or loads of help?


GMOs and gluten-free
Your diet should be free from GMO and gluten containing products. This includes paying close attention to the greengrocery you buy.

There are plenty of shakes available in the market to meet the preferences of vegans, lactose intolerant patients, those on a weight loss diet, sports enthusiasts, etc.

With the above tips, I am sure you now have a better idea on how to choose a proper nutrition shake.


No. of times viewed = 0

Treating High Fever Naturally

On Thursday morning, Cass woke up at 3:45 a.m. to look for me.  She complained that it was very hot. Her cheeks were flushed and lips were redder than usual. It is not a norm for her to wake up at this ungoldly  hour to look for me and when she does, she is normally unwell. I gave her some water and got her to pee.  She had complained of leg pain and slight headache the night before. Now, that got me very worried. Could she be having a UTI attack? One of Cass’ initial symptoms of a UTI attack are headache and leg / body pain.

At 5:30 a.m. when I woke Cass up to get her ready for school, her body felt like a piece of burning charcoal. I was even more worried. I kept asking her if she felt OK and if she felt any pain at the bladder and kidney region. She said she felt fine but have developed a slight cough. Worries quelled. If she has cough / runny nose, I can safely rule out a UTI.  And I asked her many questions on what she did the day before. It was after questioning her that I found out that when she stayed back for extra co-curricular activities the day before, they were made to run in the 2pm hot sun for about half an hour!  With a sizzling temperature of almost 38C, kids can easily get sick from being grilled by the unforgiving sun or get a heat stroke. Even we adults may not be able to tolerate running round the track in the burning 2pm sun. I will surely have a headache if I am exposed to the hot sun for half an hour.  Crazy teacher!

I gave Cass her usual packet of hydrogen water the first thing when she woke up on Thursday morning. Then gave her another packet to bring to school. I told her to down the packet of hydrogen infused water when she reached school. And to call me from school should she feel unwell and want to go home to rest. When she got home that afternoon, her insatiable appetite seemed to have gone. She could not even finish her bowl of porridge. Her body was warm. After a shower, she asked for an ‘ice cap’ for her head and took a nap.  An ‘ice cap’ which we both aptly named, is a frozen wet towel that I put on her head whenever she has fever.

Image may contain: 1 person, sitting

The next morning, Cass’ body got hotter. I took her temperature and got a shock with the 41 degrees Celsius  reading on the thermometer. Thoughts of brain damage, febrile fits and hallucination raced through my mind coz a fever of 41C is really high.  I continued to give her hydrogen infused water and her supplements containing carotenoids.  But the hubs wasn’t happy that with such shockingly high temperature, I wasn’t giving his princess any fever medicine and pressed me to bring Cass to the doctor. I gave in under pressure, though I knew that I could bring the fever down the natural way.

As I had already predicted, the medical officer on duty was super quick to prescribe Cass with antibiotics without even doing any test on her.  I told him straight that I wanted no antibiotics and even wanted to tell him that I didn’t want any other oral medicine too. But I just paid for the prescribed flu meds to please everyone at home that I had brought Cass to the doctor and had brought medicine home. But I didn’t give Cass the flu meds.  Except for the Volren suppository that the MO insisted to give Cass to bring down the high fever, I gave Cass hydrogen water (every 4 hourly), carotenoids supplements (3 capsules a day), raw honey with bee propolis (3 times a day) and showered her body many times throughout the day and night.

Image may contain: 1 person, closeup

Cass was really disappointed that she could not participate in her school jogathon today. But at least she has something to look forward to now – the school’s jogathon next year 🙂

Image may contain: 1 person, sitting and indoor

Today (Saturday) Cass woke up with no more fever.  Though she has thick goo and a slight cough, her ravenous appetite has returned, yay!  When a sick child still has a good appetite, you can be rest assured that she is recovering and nothing major is brewing inside. No doubt, I was worried sick when Cass’ temperature kept hovering at 40 – 41 degrees Celsius the entire Friday.  I always believe in healing the feverish body naturally and with lots of rest and not overload it with medicine.


No. of times viewed = 22

Help Your Friend With Cancer

Recently, I visited two close friends at the hospital. One had a nasty bout of kidney infection and another went for a kidney stone blasting keyhole surgery. I brought along a bag of hydrogen water for each one of my friend.  They were so happy and grateful for the hydrogen infused water, which helped them in their recovery.

If you have a family member or friend who is undergoing cancer treatment, bring along some hydrogen water for him/her to help turn things around quicker.  According to  the US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, hydrogen which has antioxidant properties can be administered to cancer patients to reduce inflammation in tissues and reduce  the effect of oxidation stress.

Whatsapp / call me at 019 266 4290 or email me at to find out more.



No. of times viewed = 2

Osim uJolly Portable Massage Chair

The hubs gave me one of the best presents for Christmas about 5 years ago. It was an Otto portable massage chair.  This massager has brought so much relief to my life. Whenever I have backache, a stiff neck or still shoulder, I would switch on the massager, which had become a permanent fixture on my work chair. About one month back, the fabric on the massager gave way. Initially, it was only a slight tear and I continued using it. Days later, the entire piece of fabric got frazzled and tattered, exposing all the mechanisms inside the massage chair. That was when I stopped using it, lest I got electrocuted.

A month of not having my back massaged by the massage chair, coupled with a week of not having any helper during CNY, I developed backache again. I told the hubs that I really needed a new massage chair.

As yesterday was Thaipusam holiday, we took the opportunity to shop for my massage chair at Mid Valley Megamall.  In under half an hour of testing the Osim uJolly back massager, we bought it.

I came at the right time as Osim is now having a fantastic promotion.  The uJolly is now selling at a promotion price of RM1,200 (usual price is RM1,588).  On top of that, Citibank card holders have the benefit of using their points to redeem the massage chair. With combined points from my card and the hubs’ card, the balance to be paid is only RM600+.  Wait there’s more!  We could even opt for a 1-year or 2-year interest-free installment, which means installment is only about RM58 a month!

If you are not a Citibank credit card holder, no worries. You could opt for the 2-year interest-free installment which means you only need to pay RM50 nett a month. So everyone can now afford a massage chair!

Cass testing the uJolly massager…

If you are prone to aches and pains on your back, neck and shoulder, or have insomnia, getting a massage chair is a good investment but a full-fledged massage chair can be very costly at over RM18,000 a unit. So a portable massage chair or back massager is the next best option.  Having a portable massage chair attached to my work chair is now a necessity. It helps to relief aches, helps me to de-stress and helps to lull me to sleep very, very easily 😀


No. of times viewed = 96

Iron Rich Foods

Ever since I was told by my doctors that I am severely anemic (reading of 6 g/dL), I have been pumping iron rich foods into my body. Every. single. day. I feel like I am on a blood chase marathon where time is limited and I have to stuff myself with iron rich foods to build up red blood cells before my next menstrual cycle begins! The days are ticking away and I have only a few days left before the next war of blood begins.  I don’t feel woozy actually and only short of breath when I run. Brisk walking, swimming and shopping for 10 hours don’t make me breathless though 😀  And my heart flutters too. That’s because red blood cells (RBC) carry oxygen to the rest of the body and being short of RBC, I have a feeling that I lack oxygen when I exert myself physically. It is also highly dangerous when the RCB drops to a very low level as my heart may fail me!

My breakfast would consist of an egg each day now. I used to eat an egg a day (sometimes two) but have since stopped when blood works showed an elevated cholesterol level a year ago. Now that my cholesterol level has dropped to 4.9, I have the ‘allowance’ to indulge in an egg a day again 🙂

Image may contain: dessert and food

I add a teaspoon of organic and unsulphured blackstrap molasses to my egg as blackstrap molasses is rich in iron.  This gooey liquid is not the tastiest of food and I cannot bring myself to down in with a glass of water. Think swallowing a spoonful of dark soy sauce. Yup, that’s how it actually tastes.  I need savory food to help mask the texture and taste of the molasses. Or mix it with a bowl of plain vermicelli.

Image may contain: food

I try to include beef in my diet each week, though beef is not my favorite type of meat.  And lots of spinach too.

Image may contain: food

My diet these days make me feel like I am in confinement😊   The smell of boiling red dates water  wafting in the air at home each day reminds me of my confinement days.  My mil would boil red dates soup with chicken or a plain concoction of red dates + black dates water everyday.  On some days, she would double boil chicken essence for me. Bless her for all her TLC 🙂

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I would also chew about 2-3 organic dried red dates each day.


And chew on organic goji berries too. Goji berries or wolfberries or gei jie is rich in iron and are good for the eyes too.

Superfoodies Organic Goji Berries

As well as graze on nori seaweed sheets (plain ones with no salt, no sugar and no oil) like a cow.  Did you know that not only is nori high in iodin, calcium, protein and fiber, it is also high in iron and your bones love it?Nori lowers cholesterol too.


Stock image of 'Nori sheet of edible seaweed species of the red algae genus Porphyra, isolated over white background'

With such rich and nutritious food pumped into my body for the past one week, I feel more energetic, my lips are starting to turn reddish again and my heart has stopped fluttering. Oh and I forgot to mention that I pop 2 Sangobion iron tabs each day.

Ladies, if you feel like you lack stamina, feel tired, have heart palpitations and have heavy menstruation, it’s good that you have a total blood count done. It can be life saving.


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Stroke and Heart Attack

I get heart flutters or heart palpitations whenever I get very angry. My heart flutters also increase in frequency if I do not get enough sleep and have been stressed out. I always tell my kids not to irate me too much, lest they see me collapse right in front of their eyes due to a heart attack. I kid you not. My friend lost her husband 8 years ago to heart attack. Her husband was in his early forties and had the heart attack right in front of his three young daughters.

Early this week, I was really saddened when I read that my favorite fashion designer died of a heart attack. I used to shop a lot at his boutiques when I was still in the corporate world.  He was only 54 and looked really fit and active.  His death is a great loss to the Malaysian fashion scene.

Heart attack can attack anyone – young or old, fat or thin, fit or unfit.

Exercising with unusual vigor while you are enraged or emotionally distraught could also be dangerous for your heart, according to a cautionary new study of the types of events that may trigger heart attacks.

Research found huge differences in the treatment of men and women who suffer heart attacks

Cardiologists have long known that a wide variety of circumstances can initiate heart attacks in people with cardiac disease. Among the events that are tied to an increased risk of having a heart attack: sunrise (you’re more likely to have one on awakening), spectator sports, earthquakes, air pollution, job stress, holidays and, in rare instances, sex. Extreme physical exertion and extreme emotional distress also often have been linked to sudden heart attacks.

Many prevent stroke and heart attacks with hydrogen infused water. If you value your life, take hydrogen infused water for stroke and heart attack prevention. There are real case studies and clinical trials done on molecular hydrogen on stroke and heart attack prevention.

I can be reached at or 019 266 4290 for more information.



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Busy Busy Monday – 26 Sept 2016

Yesterday I have been SO BUSY that I forgot I was over exhausted!

The past one week has been really really hectic for me. Applications for purchase of Izumio and Super Lutein have been high as the promotion for 1 free product ends on 30 Sept 2016 and many people are submitting their applications at the eleventh hour. My online store business has been pretty busy too.

I haven’t been getting sufficient sleep since a week ago. After the week-long school holiday, I have been having a hard time waking up at 4:45 a.m. again. With barely 5 hours of sleep each day, I am a mummified mummy with puffy eye bags and dark rings round my eyes 🙁

Yesterday morning, I woke up with a slight throb on my head due to lack of sleep. I told myself that I would just skip exercise for the day and instead hop back onto bed after sending the girls off to their transporters. But the determined fitness freak inside me screamed out to me to just get onto the walking tracks. And so I did, for half an hour. But as I walked, I could feel my heavy eyes drooping. I was dozing off on the walking tracks, in the pre-dawn darkness. Have you ever felt so frazzled and sleep deprived that you actually dozed off while walking or driving? I had many times. I know it is dang dangerous to snooze off for even a few seconds while driving. I did not even have the energy to run and I soldiered on for half an hour of brisk walking yesterday and this morning.

Back home, I just wanted to plonk my weary body onto the bed. But I downed a packet of my hydrogen infused water. And what do I know? After my shower, I worked in front of my computer until 6pm! Non-stop, except for leaving my desk to prepare lunch for Cass and for toilet breaks. I was so busy that I had totally forgotten that my body was exhausted. I even skipped my usual daily 20-minute power nap. In the evening, I downed another packet of hydrogen water. I really needed extra packets of hydrogen water yesterday to give me the energy as I was totally zonked out. Iz**** really rocks!! How can I ever function without my most trusted Iz****? My life as a work-from-home-mum is REALLY TOUGH and hectic. I find that it’s way more stressful that having a full-time job at the office. And I CANNOT afford to fall sick. Thankfully I have my Iz**** to keep me mentally and physically strong.

Breakfast yesterday was something light and plain which I could eat whilst seated working in front of the computer and filling out forms simultaneously.  Yup, mothers are really good in multi-tasking 😀

Today I am feeling a tad lightheaded from having my eyes glued to the computer screen on top of filling out so many forms for the past 2 days, with no break to rest.

Yesterday’s breakkie – Vanilla cocoa hazelnut granola with organic multi puffs (puffed buckwheat, sorghum and brown rice), organic sunflower seeds crackers and dried cranberries. I didn’t have the appetite to eat anything more than this.


Yesterday’s dinner was  pork chop loin with onion sauce and  blanched veggie. Cooking was done pretty late again. Thank God for Drama Queen who helped me to cook the rice, wash the vegetables and fry the onions sauce when she got  home from school at 4pm.

Today is yet another super busy day and I still haven’t got the chance to take my power nap to recharge my batteries coz I’ll have to leave the house in a bit to get some errands done. I’ve already delayed doing them for days and I can’t procrastinate anymore.


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Hydrogen Infused Water And Carotenoids For Good Health

At a products training session two weeks ago, I had the opportunity to meet and make friends with an amazing lady. She’s non other than Yvonne Gabriel.  Yvonne is the aunt of  my team leader cum mentor, my friend of 11 years. Looking at Yvonne, one would NEVER have thought that she is a cancer survivor.  She looks TERRIFIC, so pretty, bubbly, spunky, SO friendly and humble and no one would have guessed her age.   Scroll down to see her picture on the cover of Her World magazine, Feb 2011.  Yvonne is 60 years old this year. Bet you won’t believe it looking at her!

Yvonne is a single mom who has raised two teenagers single-handedly, now young adults, for the last 15 years without ANY help from the ex-husband, who is non other than the singer of Hijau.  Yvonne is currently consuming hydrogen infused water and a carotenoids supplement for good health.

Here’s a written testimonial written by Patsy, my team leader:

She is also a colon cancer survivor having gone through chemotherapy and I have personally seen her suffer with my own eyes with black toenails and pus and blood coming out of them everywhere she walked whilst she was undergoing chemotherapy.

These were some of her health ailments that she hoped to heal and see improvements on last year (2015):-
1. Frozen shoulder
2. Knee pain
3. Insomnia
4. Neck pains
5. Recurring depression
6. Gum deterioration (receding gum line)
7. Vision deterioration
8. Symptoms of old age (wrinkles!)

And one year later, we can report that:-
1. Her shoulder is much better. 3 months later it was still a bit stiff but from not being able to carry an Izumio box AT ALL then, she can now carry two.
2. Gone
3. Sleeps much better
4. Gone
5. Gone
6. Comment from Yvonne herself – As for my gums, i now brush my teeth with a pinch of salt every time, so hopefully it will stay healthy. I just want to say, exercise is crucial in maintaining body and mental health….especially as you age.
7. Vision has improved
8. She is looking hotter than ever! (Yes, I can attest to that!)

We pray for her complete healing!!!

If you would like to give this hydrogen infused water and carotenoids supplement a try, I can be reached at or 019 266 4290 for more information.


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Treating Thalassemia Naturally With Hydrogen Water And Carotenoids

One of our members who has been consuming Iz**** and Super L***** shared with us the good news that her nephew with Thalassemia is slowly but surely on the road to recovery after consuming both the products for over a year. This member in particular is a medical doctor.

Below is her testimonial translated from BM to English.

Today is the first day my nephew began his new life as an undergraduate… a Thalassemia sufferer who needed blood transfusion every month. He has been taking Iz**** and Super L***** for more than a year. His blood transfusion went from 4 weeks once to 6 weeks once after taking the products.

And last night, a ‘today in history’ matter happened. His follow up for blood transfusion before he enters university.   It was shocking that his haemoglobin level was NORMAL and the doctor cancelled the scheduled blood transfusion for this month. Thank you God.  Hope that this will continue always. To whoever who has a child with Thalassemia, please PM me immediately.  With God’s blessing may their quality of lives be changed.

Thalassaemia labeled Diagram


If you know of anyone suffering from Thalassemia, please refer them to me. There is no harm trying the products. Give the products a chance to proof themselves vs. continuation with regular painful blood transfusions.

I can be reached at or 019 266 4290 for more information on the products.



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