Pass It To The Front

Got this very simple and straightforward meme from this mum.  Here are the rules:

* First copy and paste it.
* Do not remove any content.
* Just add One word related to your blogs.
* If you don’t like the concept, please say no.
* Our main goal is we are going to circulate our number of friends.
* The more people join the “pass it to the front” the more links we generate.
* Lastly write only one word “short” for your blogs.
* Keep it simple and short, I know some of you have more than one blogs.
* The color is only black, gray, or white plssss avoid using any color okies.
Let me show you:
1.Filipina, 2.Darling allen, 3.Abroad, 4.Halfway,, 6.culture, 7.interracial, 8.pinaystories, 9.pinaysinglelooking, 11.Miscellaneous 12. Children13. my experience 15. milestones 16. Home 17. shopping18. wonderland 19. memories 20. bliss  21.  freak

Let’s pass it on to :
Phaik Ling

Sue Sue


No. of times viewed = 227

Red Tag

Have been tagged by my good blogging pal on this red tag.   It’s not really a difficult tag but time consuming as I had to go through My Pictures folder to find a picture of myself wearing red.  After searching the entire pictures folder, these 2 are the only pix of me in red.

That’s me exercising on my fitball. I used to do this exercise every morning without fail for the past 2 years+ before this pregnancy to relieve my backache.

So, here’s what you have to do in this tag : 

1. Post YOUR photo wearing red, may it be a red top, bottom, the least would be red accessories if you hate wearing red… If you can’t find one, you still have an option. Either post your Significant Other’s photo or your child’s photo, if you have one. Of course, they should be wearing red.

2. Let us know the reason why you were wearing red that particular day. Was it your birthday? Is red your fave color or was it the shirt that you first saw in your closet that day?

3. Tag 3 people close to your heart. By the way, they have to be in your blogroll. No cheating heart pleaseeeeeeee!

4. Once you’re tagged, could we please keep it going – just for this month?


I’d love to see you in red too :


Sasha Tan

Hui Sia

Montessorimum….. I hope you’ve regained your momentum to blog again!

Chooi Peng

No. of times viewed = 432

New Year Resolutions Or Not Meme

This tag from Slave Mom  happens to be my first tag for this year.  Ok, to begin with, I don’t normally have new year resolutions coz I don’t want to feel pressured to achieve them.  Since I’m given this tag, I guess I’ll have to come up with one. Here it goes :

 *Start Copy Here*
When it comes to New Year’s Resolutions we seem to fall into four categories: 1) quite serious about them, 2) be flippant about them, 3) do it because we feel pressured to, or 4) do not do them.

So, the purpose of this little game is to let us know which category you are in. Copy from “*Start Copy Here*” through “*End Copy Here*” and post it. Before “*End Copy Here*” tell us who you are, your site(s) (with link) and your New Year’s Resolution, or not.

Then tag as many others as you like, from one to your entire blogroll, your choice. If you like, create an intro paragraph to your post that also acknowledges who tagged you.

Juliana – Juliana’s Site – My New Year’s resolutions are looking for a part time job, keep blogging, and learn to cook and bake.

Michelle – Rusin Roundup – 1. Learn to be happier and accept myself for who I am, 2. Is to lose about 25 lbs., and 3. Is to stop smoking.

Karen – Grow Rich Along With Me – My resolution for next year is to achieve $3K per month passive income by the end of 2008.

Mel – Attitude, the Ultimate Power & Complain Complain Complain – “I don’t need no stinking resolutions.” I never hold to them anyway so why frustrate myself by starting them now.

Sandee – Comedy Plus – I don’t need no stinking resolutions either. Years and years ago I did them because everyone else did, but not once did I follow through. Why set yourself up for failure?

Lynda – lynda’s loft – My resolution is to see resolve to that which needs resolution. Like Mel and Sandee, I feel that resolutions give us more stress, however, being a person who sets goals each year, isn’t that the same thing as a resolution??? Goals vs. resolutions? Goals are more general and allow for more time to complete them, a resolution requires a mind-set and immediate action, which is not always feasible… Well, that’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it…

Amelia – Amel’s Realm – This is a list of my New Year’s Resolution:1. Health: Continue exercising twice a week, eat enough veggies and fruit, have enough rest, take vitamin C regularly and women’s multivitamin during my period.2. Spiritual: Improve my Daily Bread reading routine and my prayer life and learn more from God’s Word.3. Financial: Continue to make money online (my goal is getting €100 per month at least), be more creative in writing posts, and save most of the money.4. General Life: Continue to learn Finnish AND practice it as best and often as I can, try out more baking and cooking recipes, continue to maintain and share positive thoughts, continue to learn to control my thoughts, continue to learn to catch myself before I start complaining and count my blessings instead, continue to stop and cherish all the little moments in life that oftentimes go unnoticed, and continue to feed my inner child and last but not least, continue to ENJOY my life thoroughly.

Trinity – Rooms of My Heart : My New Year’s resolutions in simple and fast way will be blog less and spend more time with my children and read more good books. I want to start studying about global warming and blog it…

Max – MAX – My New Year’s resolutions are to dedicate more time to my friends; to finally be able to read “Der Spiegel” in German; to be calm when organizing my marriage; to go one last time to my favourite club and dance the night away; and continue to be happy!

Eric – Speedcat Hollydale – I love chicken. Problem is that I really never get to have enough chicken! My New Year’s resolution is to enact “Chicken Tuesday”. On this day I will eat only chicken, blog about chicken, and promote chickens all over the world. (hormone free) Join me, won’t you?

Marzie – Mariuca & Mariuca’s Perfume Gallery – My resolution for 2008 is to enjoy a healthier lifestyle and to expand my Perfume Collection.

Sindi- Life Is A Roller Coaster – My resolution is to complain less, pray more and be a little more thankful for what I have.

Judy – Sugar Queen’s Dream – My New Year’s resolution is:To take better care of my health.To eat better, well at least 3 meals a day, I’m lucky these days if I stop for one meal a day….To help make the world a better place to live, I love the human race, but think there’s always room for change.To be generous until it hurts.To live each day as if it’s my last.To make a book of our personal family recipes and traditions for each of my 3 my children, so that the traditions and family cooking can be passed on in my family line long after I’m gone and finally…….To help more with the local Human society, Animals like little kids can not fend for themselves so it’s up to each of us to take care of our pets and to step in and care for all animals…..I hope that through me I can encourage my Children to be better adults and in turn to raise the Children they have or will have, to be good people with good, sound & solid values…. Peace!

Adrian – First Time Dad – My New Year’s Resolution for 2008 is to be a better father…now I don’t usually make New Year’s resolutions because I never keep them but this one I better keep! Happy New Year to one and all!

Colin – Life – New Years Resolution? No way…Better to achieve more throughout the year rather than pander to the whims of a one day ‘wishful thought’

Mauro – 1 Million Love Messages – My resolution for next year are: 1. Change my job (maybe work online). I’m really unhappy in the actual one. 2. Dedicate more time to my family and girlfriend… maybe start to get ready for our wedding 3. Work hard in 1 Million Love Messages and reach 2500 Love messages (or more) in the end of 2008.

MidgetManOfSteel – Mental Poo – To get out of dealing with people who I have no desire in helping at the job I’m doing…catch the eye of someone who can see that I can write and be funny…and get my own ticket to happiness from my humor….and a Ferrari. While I’m doing this, I resolve to get a Ferrari.

Stacy – My Thoughts – My New Year’s Resolution for 2008 – Is to be more understanding to my children and to other people, Not to curse at others while I am driving, try to eat right and exercise, try to volunteer in my community, and to believe more in my spiritual side.

Jason – & – Although, I normally don’t do New Year’s Resolutions (because I find it as an excuse to actually do something I should’ve already been doing), this year I will plan on giving back to the blogging community, especially my audience. I’m not sure how I will do it yet, but I definitely will.

Kesa – Little Aussie Cynic – My New Years Resolution is the standard….. to finally get off the smokes and to loose 8kg…. both which are possible just difficult…..Happy New Year to you and yours….Aussie

Ann – A Nice Place in the Sun – “To let the rest of my life begin as soon as possible.”

Wen – Little Paces – I want to sleep early to reduce my haggard and tired complexion. To blog better than last year and hopefully can save money from paid post so that we can immigrate to Australia. To spend more time with my children. To be able to bake.

Slavemom – Slavery Bliss – I’d like to have better control of my temper, be more organised and maintain my exercise regime.

Shireen – Health Freak Mommy –  To be more patient with my kids and spend more quality time with them.  Also, I wish I could shed all the weight that I will be gaining during this pregnancy by end of this year.

*End Copy Here*

What are your new year resolutions? Care to share with us?

1)  Cooking Momster

2)  Annie Q

3)  Hui Sia

4)  Barb

5)  Chin Nee

No. of times viewed = 307

Spare The Rod, Spoil The Child

Chin Nee would like my views on whether I agree with sparing the rod and let the child rot or otherwise.

For me, I feel every child is different and should be handled differently.  If my 2 rascals were obedient and do as I say, I would gladly spare the rod and never want to have anything to do with it.  But unfortunately this is not the case and as with most toddlers, mine are willful, rebellious and seem to turn deaf to my instructions (selectively).  I am really amazed with how some parents can spare the rod and raise very well behaved kids.  I really need to learn from them.  I know mine will stray without the rod.  So far, they can be disciplined with the rod and I hope that as they outgrow their toddlerhood, I can gradually spare the rod too.  

I’d love to hear how these parents discipline their kids and whether they spare or use the rod :

1. Jo-N
2. The New Parent
3. Scribbles For My Angels
4. ImMomsdaughter
5. Elaine


Instructions :
**Start Copying Here**

Tag 5 bloggers
1st – You leave their blog and post link and add to the list below.
2nd – Let the blogger know that they have been tagged by leaving comment in their blog.

1. Miche does not spare the rod.
2. Chinnee still spare the rod at this moment.
3. Healthfreakmommy does not spare the rod.

No. of times viewed = 387

Health Tip

Another very simple and straight forward tag from Chin Nee.

Copy the whole thing, skim the list and put a * star beside those that you like. (Check out especially the * starred ones.) Share one of your own health tip (tip on how to be more healthy) with others. Try to make your tip short but informative.

Tag at least 2 person.

 1. Be happy – Everyday health and beauty
2. Be contented with what God Bless us – chanelwong
3. Be faithful – Ruth
4. Laugh a lot – Chinnee
5. Follow a healthy regimen and remember to exercise! – Healthfreakmommy

Tagging time :

1)  Estee Soo
2) Twinilla

No. of times viewed = 233

The Love Chain Tag

Been tagged on this one by my very good blogging friend.

This is how the tag works.

This linky love trail rules: When you get tagged…you have to add your name to people who had done the tag and and let the list grow!

Those Who’d Dunnit
Lovely Mummy

Tagging time:


Blur Angel

Channel Wong

No. of times viewed = 362

Tag : My Proudest Moment

Alice and Slavery Mum would like to know what my life’s proudest moment is.   Like most mums, mine was when I finally managed to cuddle Alycia in my arms and meet her face to face for the first time after carrying her for 38 weeks.  

When I was carrying Alycia, I had gone through endless downs and many nerve-racking moments.  During the initial stage of my pregnancy when my gynae could not detect the sac in my womb, I was worried sick that it would be an ectopic pregnancy.  Weeks later, my sil who stayed with us had German measles and I was at risk of contracting it too.  I got even more convinced that I had German measles when spots started to appear everywhere on my body.  My gynae did a blood test to check for German measles and I had to wait for 2 weeks for the results to be out.  That 2 weeks was one of the longest periods in my life.  When the results were finally out and revealed that I had no German measles, I was overjoyed.  Many weeks later at around 20 weeks of my pregnancy, I started to have frequent contractions throughout the day.  A trans-vagina ultrasound scan showed that my cervix had shortened and upon the strict advice of my gynae, I was on partial bedrest for the next 3 months until I delivered Alycia.

Alycia was indeed a miracle, a baby whom I’d wanted so much to have and had gone through so much to conceive her.  The afternoon of 5th December 2003 was indeed the happiest and proudest moment in my life.  She was the most beautiful baby I’d seen.

No. of times viewed = 294

Tag : What’s My Breakfast Today?

This mummy would like to know what I had for breakfast today. As usual, I had fried vegetarian meehoon with a fried egg, something that I’m really hooked on from the start of my pregnancy.  There’s nothing else that I really like for breakfast ever since I got preggers except for this, though sometimes I would have porridge or nasi lemak.   Before I got pregnant, I would rarely have these stuff for breakfast.  I only ate fruits, skim milk and hard boiled egg for breakfast.  See what the wacky pregnancy hormones can do to your system.

Tagging time now.  I’d like to know what you had for breakfast too this morning :


No. of times viewed = 190

Tag : 5 of 5

Have been tagged by this mummy. I am to answer 5 questions with 5 answers to each question and tag 5 friends. Ok, here it goes :

5 things found in my room:- TV, VCD player, king-size bed, baby cot, a drawer filled with kids’ books.

5 things I’ve always wanted to do:- Tour a country that I’ve never been to, relax in a spa, shop till I drop without having to worry about how much I’ll be spending, donate more to charity, to be able to wake up after the sun is out without having to worry about the kids.

5 things found in my bag:- Wet wipes, wallet, antiseptic wipes (for wiping toilet seats), hair brush, packets of tissue papers

5 things found in my wallet:- Cash, medical insurance cards, credit cards, My Kid cards for the gals, my own My Kad

5 things I’m currently into:- Doing paid blogging (and loving it), 13th week of pregnancy, worry about my unborn baby, praying hard to God for a healthy and perfect baby, teaching my gals to read.

5 beautiful mummy to tag: Shern’s mom, Sasha, Elaine, Barbara, Momibee

No. of times viewed = 194

Tag : Shopping Tips

Got tagged by my sifu for my new blog and Ashley’s mum, my CNN network buddy. They want to know what handy shopping tips I can give. Well, most of the bloggers here have already given very good tips, so what else can I think of?

~ Start copy ~
It’s very simple. When you receive this tag, copy the whole list and add your own shopping tip to the bottom and pass it on.

Wear comfy clothing when you’re shopping. You don’t wanna fuss with too many laces and buttons when you’re trying clothes on.

Choose stores offering some kind of reward program, e.g. purchase points, rebates or store coupons. Knowing how the program works and when to use them will save you a lot of money in the long run.

Always ask for a discount or bargain, especially when you pay cash for big purchase like furniture and electrical items, you will be surprised how much lesser you have to pay.

Buy in bulk or from the hypermarket. Hypermarket like Giant and Tesco has greater offer than places like Jusco or Parkson. (I’m referring to household stuffs)

For food stuff, always check the expiry dates, get items with later expiry dates so that you can store them longer.

~ End copy ~

Would you like to give your handy shopping tips too?
1) Shern’s mom… I know you are a pro shopper 😉
2) Hui Sia… another shopping kaki 😉

No. of times viewed = 185

Tag : First Letter Of Your Name To Answer Each Question

Got tagged by this wonderful cheery mom who’s the person behind the header for my blog.
My name starts with ‘S’ and here goes the list of questions :
1. Famous Singer : Shania Twain
2. Four letter word : Shit
3. Street : Sesame Street
4. Color : Silver
5. Gifts/Presents : Shirts
6. Vehicle : Stream
7. Things in Souvenir Shop : Sunglasses
8. Boy Name : Sean
9. Girl Name : Sherilyn
10. Movie Title : Sleepless in Seattle
11. Drink : Sour Sop
12. Occupation : Stenographer
13. Celebrity : Sit Kar Yan, Nancy (HK actress)
14. Magazine : Style
15. U.S. City : San Francisco
16. Pro Sports : Skiing, skating
17. Fruit : Starfruit
18. Reason For Being Late To Work : So tired!
19. Something You Threw Away : Straws
20. Something You Shout : Shit or ‘Sei Lor’!!
21. Cartoon Character : Strawberry Shortcake
and I’d like to pass this tag to :
1) Wen

2) Barbara… another interim post for you 🙂

No. of times viewed = 163

Tag : Autograph Book

Got tagged by this banker mommy who comes from a family of bankers (want to know who her dad is? Go ask her) who coincidentally is the sil of a very good friend of mine. What a small world! I am supposed to list down my likes and dislikes, just like how we did in autograph books when we were young.
Here it goes :

#1 What is your favourite movie?
Let me tell you, eversince my 2 gals came along, I never had the time to sit and complete a movie.

#2 Who is your favourite singer?
My all-time favorite singers are Air Supply.

#3 Which song gets you grooving in the morning?
No song in particular. Each morning I’ll just turn on my radio and tune in to 94.5 or 105.7 and I’ll get groovy.

#4 What is your favourite fruit?
Sweet Pineapple

#5 Who is your best friend (excluding your family) :
I’ve got a number of good friends since my school days but at the time when I left school, my best friend then was Yi Yi (who is coincidentally Phai Ling’s SIL!) and till today, we’re still very good friends.

#6 Name one activity you would like to indulge in, in your free time.
Massage and spa

#7 When was the last time you laughed so hard till your sides hurt?
Sorry, can’t recall.

#8 Do you recall your last dream?
Lately i’ve not been having continuous sleep at night – I’ve had too much disruption lately coz my gals were not feeling well and I’ve been waking up at crazy hours to grab offers too. When I have disrupted sleep, my brain can’t seem to dream well too!

#9 What is your all-time favourite hobby?

#10 When was your last holiday without the children?
Never – everywhere that we went, including overseas, we brought our gals along.

Now, I am passing the tag to :
1) Annie-Q
2) Anggie’s Journal
3) Jo-N

No. of times viewed = 277

Tag : Nothing But The Truth

Got tagged by this wonderful and dedicated dad, whose blog I love to read and that’s where I gain a lot of tips and information on parenting.The idea is to tell you things that I don’t like or things that irritate me. Ok, here it goes :

1) I hate people telling me lies.

2) I hate people who ‘blow their own horn or trumpet’ – loud and annoying, sometimes to the extent of belittling other people.

3) I detest men who live off women’s hard earned money.

4) I dislike cheating spouses.

5) I don’t like pushy sales people.

What else? I think I have a lot more dislikes but at this moment, these are all I can think of.

Now, would you like to share what you don’t like too ?

1) Chin Nee
2) Everyday Healy

No. of times viewed = 124

The Age That I Wish To Go Back To

Hui Sia would like to know at which age I’d wish to go back to if given a chance. Well, if there’s really a time tunnel or time machine, just like the serial movie ‘The Time Tunnel’ that was popularly shown in the 1980’s (which was my favorite), I would choose age 14-15. It was a year where I had so much fun with my classmates. First we went on our very first trip to KL on a bus. Back then, it was such a big deal to be able to go to KL for some ulu Ipoh mali school girls like us. We visited the zoo, the airport, went to The Mall (which was the newest and trendiest mall in KL back then), Batu Caves and many more. Then, we went on our first camping trip to Pangkor Island. It was such a fun-filled year and I just miss those care-free, stress-free, worry-free, child-free days.

Now, I’d like to know yours too :

Barbara…. good interim post for you 🙂
Anggie …. first tag for you 🙂
Shannon …. don’t mind doing this tag?

*******************Start copy************************

Title: The Age That I Wish To Go Back To

Requirement: Write about the one age that you wish to go back to and why?

Tag Mode: 5 blogger
1st – You list down their blog name and blog url and add to the list below.

2nd – Let the blogger you want to tag know they have been tagged by commenting in their blog or etc.

Have fun with this tag!

The age that they wish to go back to:
Amidrin wish to go back to age 22 to correct back some mistakes in life.
Lemonjude wish to go back to age 6 to enjoy kid’s life.
Hui Sia wish to go back to age 16 to meet her first lover again.
Shireen wishes to bo back to age 14 to relive her fun-filled childhood days.

No. of times viewed = 186

Tag : 5 Posts Links to Keywords

I was taken by surprise when I received this tag from Judy. I’ve never visited her blog before and I can’t recall her visiting my blog too. Thanks Judy for visiting my blog and for this tag. I do hope you’ll make your presence more at my blog!So this is what I’m supposed to do :

1. Post 5 links to 5 of your previously written posts. The posts have to relate to the 5 key words given below.

2. Tag 5 other friends to do this meme. Try to tag at least 2 new acquaintances (if not, your current blog buddies will do) so that you get to know them each a little bit better.

3. Don’t forget to read the archived post and leave comments.


Link ONE must be about family
Lovely Sunday

Link TWO must be about friends
Nice People

Link THREE must be about yourself:
Sweet Memories Part 2

Link FOUR must be about your love
Sweet Memories

Link FIVE can be anything you like
Before Alycia and Sherilyn Came Along

Here I need to tag 5 people
1) Scibbles For My Angels… hope you are feeling well enough to do this tag 🙂
2) Karen Yiau
3) Lian
4) Janice
5) Mariuca

and 2 new acquaintances
1) Misha
2) Hijack Queen

P.S. : I took more than an hour to complete this tag – interruptions by the 2 rascals in between, looking for new acquaintances, then jumped from one blog to another to another to another……. and left comments in their blogs……coz all the blogs seem so interesting…. until I really forgot what my mission was…. LOL!

No. of times viewed = 171