Notice Any Difference In My Blog?

Notice the difference in my blog?

It’s the new beautiful pink header that I’ve been wanting to put in my blog for a long time but just didn’t have the time or knowledge to get about doing it. I have to say a BIG thank you to this wonderful cheery mom who has kindly offered me her help in creating this lovely header for me. She had offered me her help quite some time back but I only had the time to go through my pictures folder yesterday to select 2 pix to email to her today. I must really commend her for acting so promptly and I was really surprised that she managed to get the header done for me within hours!

Thanks Anggie for your help and for your very prompt replies to all my emails. I really appreciate your help.

No. of times viewed = 271

Some Really Nice People

I’ve mentioned in my earlier post that I’ve made friends with some really nice people through blogging. These wonderful ladies (you know who you are 🙂 ) have helped me in many ways – offering to buy my gals toys from warehouse sale, offering to help me buy Avent baby bottles and teats from Singapore, offering me help to create a new header for my blog (wait, I’ll send you the pictures soon Annie), sending me SMS to alert me of offers from advertisers, going all out to help me secure offers from advertisers by logging into my account to reserve the offers, offering me help to set up my own domain for my blog, offering me advices on computer and technical problems and the list goes.

Today, I was out having my lunch when I received an SMS from this nice mummy alerting me of offers from this particular advertiser. I replied her SMS and told her that I’m out. Minutes later, she SMSed me again, offering her help to reserve the offer for me. I was so touched by her gesture. Though she’s busy with 2 young kids, one of which is only a few months old, but she went all out to help me. I was really happy when she SMSed me again minutes later telling me that she had managed to secure 1 offer for me. Thank you Hui Sia!

No. of times viewed = 180

Nice People

I’ve made friends with some very nice, thoughtful and helpful people through blogging. Most of them I have never met but they have offered me help in many ways. One such person is this mummy who has never failed to check offers for me and even heped to log into my account to reserve offers for me whenever I am out, asleep or busy! We help each other out but she has gone all out to help me. Thank you Barbara!

No. of times viewed = 199

A Surprise Call From Shern’s Mom

I had a surprise call on my mobile phone an hour ago. Guess who called me? It was Leena aka Shern’s Mom. She was at the Mattel warehouse sale at USJ and she called me to ask if I wanted her to help me get some cheap Barbie dolls. She said the Barbie dolls were going for RM10 each. I told her my gals have enough toys, in fact they have too many toys. Just yesterday, DH bought them another 2 new toys.

Anyway I’d like to say a big thank you to Leena for her kind thoughts. It was truly a surprise call for me. I’ve definitely made many good friends through blogging.

Leena definitely deserves the ‘award’ from HipnCoolmomma.

No. of times viewed = 181

A Special Message to My Dear Friend

This post is specially dedicated to my dear friend, Jennifer or The Imperfect Mom. Just want to say a very BIG thank you for your BIG help recently. I know how busy you are being a SAHM in a foreign land with no maid to help you out but you sacrificed some of your precious time to help your friend in dire need here. Thanks Jenn, you’re truly my true and precious friend of 27 years!

Hope you don’t mind me picking your brain again : )

No. of times viewed = 195