Chinese Chestnuts

For a change in variety, I boiled some fresh Chinese chestnuts for the gals for breakfast several days ago. They loved them but it’s quite a laborious task to prepare the chestnuts. First my maid had to boil the chestnuts for at least 2 hours. When they have cooled down, both my maid and I had to use a sharp knife to break the hard shell and scoop the nuts out. But seeing how much the gals loved them was all worth the hard work. Chestnuts are healthy and wholesome too.

No. of times viewed = 261

Breakfast With Mah Mah

Being a health freak, I hardly ever serve my gals kuih or hawkers’ food for breakfast. Their breakfast normally consist of fruits or orange juice, an egg or Edamame beans or steamed sweet potatoes or steamed sweet corns, cereal, biscuits or plain chiffon cake. But since their mah mah is here, the gals had kuih and packed porridge for breakfast yesterday. Today they had fishball noodles. It’s ok to relax the rigid rules sometimes and let them enjoy some nice food with their beloved mah mah.

No. of times viewed = 220

Sweet Chestnuts

DH bought these peeled roasted chestnuts imported from China in packet form from Purple Cane Tea House last week. Alycia and Sherilyn loved them to bits, especially Alycia who insisted to eat them directly from the packet. Yesterday morning, when I poured out some chestnuts into the bowl for Alycia for breakfast, she waaaaaailed and insisted that she wants to eat them from the packet and she finished the whole packet all by herself and then asked for another packet. I am quite sceptical of food and products imported from China as I’ve read of them being tainted with pesticides, poision and what not. Anything that looks dodgy to me, I won’t want to put too much into my body. So when the gals were asleep, I hid the packet of chestnut, haha….

No. of times viewed = 256

Peter Rabbit Organic Cornflakes

Today, Alycia and Sherilyn had Peter Rabbit Organic cornflakes for breakfast, thanks to koo mah #1 who bought this from Hong Kong. These cornflakes are sugar-free, salt-free and additives-free. Though they tasted rather bland, but they were crunchy and the gals and I loved them. Even their kakak got to taste some of the cornflakes. I shall buy a box of fresh Marigold HL milk this evening so that the gals can have the cornflakes with fresh milk for breakfast tomorrow.

No. of times viewed = 4370

Green Soya Beans For Breakfast

Today, Alycia and Sherilyn had Edamame beans or green soya beans for breakfast. Instead of having hard-boiled eggs again, I served them their all-time favourite food for breakfast. If you are lost for good breakfast ideas for your lil’ ones, try Edamame beans and they are quick and easy to prepare. Just pop them into the microwave for 1 minute 15 seconds and your lil’ ones will have a nutritious breakfast as these green beans are packed with protein, calcium, Vitamin A & C, flavonoids, fibre and low in carbo (good for dieting mummy too).

Waaaaaaah….. Sherilyn was so possessive of her green beans that when I popped just 1 bean into my mouth, she waaaaailed and wailed non-stop for half and hour…. till she puked out her breakfast…. eeeeeww. Lesson learnt… don’t meddle with your lil’ one’s favourite food.

No. of times viewed = 4826