Our Sunday – Sherilyn’s 2nd Trial Ballet Exam

We spent almost the whole afternoon on the road and at the ballet examination center in Selayang to give moral support to Sherilyn who sat for her 2nd trial ballet exam. The actual exam will be held in 3 weeks.

The girls deeply wrapped up watching Barbie in daddy’s new 11-seater MPV.

Performing warm-ups…

Sherilyn strutting her movements…

Tomorrow is a public holiday and we will all be going to Mid Valley Megamall for brunch and shopping, yippeeeeeee!! Happy Labour Day to everyone. Have a well deserved break, chill out and have your batteries recharged for another week ahead!

No. of times viewed = 268

How To Tie A Bun With Shoulder-Length Hair

Students who are to sit for their ballet exams are required to tie their hair into a bun. This is a pre-requisite in order to sit for the exam and the examiners are flown in from overseas. In some ballet academies like Jean Gan, they are pretty strict and even for regular classes, students must tie up their hair into a bun – strictly no hair straying on the head.

My first try with the bun with Alycia’s hair was not good. There was hair straying everywhere on her head. This time round, I wet her hair with water first, then applied daddy’s hair sculpting lotion on all her hair. When all her hair was wet, it’s much easier to comb, tie and clip up.

First, I tied her hair into a pony-tail with a hair band. As her hair is not long enough, I couldn’t twist the hair into a bun neatly. I had to use clips to fasten her hair in place before putting a hair net over the tied-up pony-tail like this:

Aly's trial ballet exam, BBC and her bowls 009

After putting the hair net over the tied-up pony-tail, it now looks pretty neat. Next, I used lots of black hair clips to clip up the combed-back and gelled-up fringe, hair on the sides and at the back like this:

Aly's trial ballet exam, BBC and her bowls 013
All in, I used 10 hairclips to fasten the hair on her sides, back and front.

No. of times viewed = 870

Alycia’s Trial Ballet Exam Again

Today is Alycia’s mock-up ballet exam again. Yes, again! This is the second mock-up exam in a month. This time, invitation has been extended to parents to watch their little ones dance. I wonder why there are so many mock-ups! For pete’s sake, these little ones are only toddlers! I feel bad that I am unable to attend the mock-up exam. I keep consoling myself that in a year’s time when Baby C is a little grown up and hopefully recovered from kidney reflux, I can get back my long-lost freedom and can be part of my 2 older girls’ activities more. Anyway, Alycia has daddy, mah mah and Sherilyn to watch her in action and to give her moral support today.

This morning has been a mad rush for me. After fixing my 3 girls  breakfast and hurried Sherilyn to quickly finish off her breakfast, I gave Alycia a quick bath. Then, I spent half an hour gelling up Alycia’s hair into a neat bun. This time round, I managed to fix a very neat bun without any hair straying on her head. Shall blog about this next. By the time Alycia, Sherilyn, daddy and my mil left the house, I was all sweaty again, though I had taken a shower after my jogging session this morning. I took another shower before giving Baby C her bath. Baby C is now soundly asleep. The house is now so peaceful and quiet, save for the sound of the water trickling in our water fountain on our balcony. I feel kind of lonely now. Ah, how nice would it be if I were now on a New York Sightseeing trip with my girls and hubby. Yeah, how nice, dream on!

2 wannabe-graceful ballerinas. Since last night, my vain-pot has been reminding me that she wanted to wear this sexy floral dress to her cheh cheh’s trial ballet exam. Doesn’t she look like she’s going for some sort of audition? Malaysian Idol? Hahah!

They still need lots of training to be graceful ballerinas. Check out their ultraman poses!

Alycia has to wear this pair of short pink socks for her ballet exam.

Loving sisters.

No. of times viewed = 402

Ballet’s Trial Ballet Exam

With the help from one of the mothers in Aly’s ballet school, I managed to learn the art of tying a bun. Well, it ain’t difficult at all. Daddy had to go to 3 shops in Mid Valley to get all those black hair clips and hair net. He even spent a whopping RM25 on a hair net from Evita Peroni…. man, they sure don’t know how to shop.

Alycia looks so matured here in a bun, definitely doesn’t look like one who has just turned 5 years old.  I don’t know where she learned how to pose like that, like a pro ballerina lol!

The trial ballet exam turned out well. Alycia did well but has to improve on ‘rhythm hand clapping’. My princess wannabe also followed daddy and Alycia to the dance studio and dressed up like she’s going for Malaysian Idol audition, with her Paris Hilton sunnies on her head, a cardigan and a sexy dress!

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Sherilyn My Earnest Ballerina

On Friday, as Alycia and Sherilyn were waiting for daddy to pick them up for their ballet class, koo mah from Hong Kong (my sils from NZ and HK are here for a holiday) asked Sherilyn to ‘perform’ what she has learned in ballet school. Without any hesitation, my Miss Show-Off gladly showed off her stuff like this one:

She also danced a ‘butterfly’ dance round the living room which I must say was done very gracefully and everyone clapped.

Alycia will be sitting for her ballet exam soon, where there will be examiners arriving from the UK. On Monday, there will be a trial exam in a hall in Selayang. I have even learnt how to tie a bun for her…. from her classmate’s mum. We will have to get some black clips and hair net for her today since her hair is not long enough to tie a bun neatly.

No. of times viewed = 277

Sherilyn Finally Got To Wear Her Ballet Costume

Yesterday was Sherilyn’s second ballet lesson, well it was supposed to be her third but she missed a lesson last week when she was down with high fever.

I normally have a hard time getting Sherilyn to wake up from her afternoon nap but yesterday was an exception. At the mention of “Sherilyn, wake up and get ready for your ballet class”, she jumped out from bed, drank a cup of water without any fuss and without spilling (yay!), went to pee and asked me to put on her costume for her and to tie up her hair.

This week, Alycia has to attend ballet lessons three times in a week, all in a row, from Wednesday through Friday. She normally has lessons only once a week but the lessons have been increased to twice a week to prepare her for an exam in May. The class today (Thursday) is a replacement class. Since Sherilyn missed a class last week, she’s also joining her sister in the class. BTW, Sherilyn and Alycia are in the same class. After the exam in May, their class will be separated.

When I asked Alycia and Sherilyn to pose for a pic, Alycia who was grouchy (she just woke up from her nap) refused to smile but Sherilyn tried to make her laugh….

…and Sherilyn succeeded in making her sister laugh and act silly too….

2 not-so-gracious little girls… on their way to become gracious ballerinas….

No. of times viewed = 610

Sherilyn Learns Ballet Today

Sherilyn my little vain pot and princess wannabe finally got her wish come true today.   She followed her cheh cheh to the ballet school today and joined her in her class.  When Sherilyn attended the trial ballet class last year (she was 3 yo then), she was awestruck and just watched the students in their cute tutu and ballet costume dance with her mouth wide open.  She was so awestruck that she couldn’t follow what the teacher told her to do.  Consequently, the ballet teacher ordered her out of the room and she was really dejected.  Ballet schools are pretty strict on discipline.  If I sent my gals to Jean Gan Ballet Academy, I don’t think they will even be accepted as my friends who send their kids there told me that the teachers are really really strict.  Now, a year later and much matured after having attended pre-school for half a year, Sher’s learning curve has become sharper and she is more ready to take instructions.  At the ballet class today, she was very enthusiastic and followed the teacher attentively.

When the girls got home, Sherilyn was very eager to show me what she learnt in the ballet school.  Alycia who has never wanted to practise her steps or show me what she learnt in ballet school felt left out that daddy and my attention was all on Sherilyn and felt the competition.  For once, she was also eager to show me the steps and ‘corrected’ Sherilyn’s steps.  I think it’s really a good idea to send Sherilyn for ballet lessons together with Alycia.  This way, a healthy competition is created and Alycia will have more enthusiasm in learning.  My 2 daughters are just so different in characters.  Alycia is really shy, timid and reserved while Sherilyn is really outgoing, bold and wants to learn everything.

No. of times viewed = 655

Alycia’s First Ballet Concert

Today was Alycia’s first ballet concert and her first ever concert in her life.  Alycia has only been attending 8 months of ballet lessons and she joined her other classmates who have been learning ballet for 1-2 years in the concert.

It’s a shame I couldn’t attend the concert as the entire concert lasted around 2 hours.  This included the performance by other performers like pianists, violinists, etc who took lessons from the center.  I didn’t want a situation where Baby C fussed or cried and caused a stir in the studio. I made sure daddy brought along the camera and camcorder.

Alycia did not smile throughout the concert as she felt uncomfortable with the sticky lipstick on her lips…. which was also the first time she had lipstick applied on her lips.  She told me that her teacher even sprinkled some silver dust on her lips and she dared not close her mouth throughout the concert ….. which made her look kinda stiff and grouchy lol!

Alycia has been telling me that she doesn’t like to attend ballet classes.  That’s because I can no longer accompany her to the classes like I used to before Baby C’s arrival.  Most of the parents there accompany their daughters throughout the ballet lesson.  I told her that once baby’s a little grown up, I can accompany her to her classes every week…. which made her happier!

No. of times viewed = 507

Ballerina In The Making

Here are some pix which I took during Alycia’s ballet class yesterday. Though parents are not allowed to go inside the class, I managed to discreetly snap some pix.

The students lining up for their turn to walk tip-top, chest out, hands on waist and head raised, towards the teacher.  Alycia is the second tallest in the class and she’s standing second from the back row.

Alycia’s first try… and she really looked so stiff and funny. Not only did she raise her head, she also protruded her chin so awkwardly, in her effort to raise her head, LOL!

The teacher correcting Alycia on how she should position her head.

The teacher informed us that ballerinas should preferably have long hair and tied up during classes.  The fringe should also be clipped up. 

No. of times viewed = 431

Alycia’s First Ballet Class

Despite running a low grade fever, I still brought Alycia to her first ballet class yesterday.  Thank God, she did not puke or purge in class and was enjoying every moment of the 1-hour session.  While the teacher was teaching the kids dancing, Sherilyn and I watched them through the door outside the room.  I am really glad that Alycia paid full attention and followed her teacher in the steps.  It was really funny to see her dancing tip toed and swaying her arms up and down with the silk hanky like a little bird that’s hopping and flapping its wings.

The teacher helping Alycia put on her new ballet shoes.


Despite all the vomiting, purging and not eating much for 3 days, Alycia still looked chubby in her ballet costume.

No. of times viewed = 307

Alycia Is Learning Ballet!

Yesterday daddy and I brought Alycia and Sherilyn for a free trial baby ballet class. I had no intention of sending them for ballet class so soon. I thought the earliest I will sent Alycia will be next year when she turns 5 years old.

Before the class, Alycia kept telling me that she doesn’t want to attend ballet class. Sherilyn on the other hand appeared very excited and kept dancing like a ballerina by putting her hands up in an arch shape and tip toeing her feet. She had seen little girls dance ballet in one of the Barney DVDs and liked ballet very much.

However, at the trial class, the unexpected happened. Alycia was happily following the teacher’s instructions and steps while Sherilyn just stood frozen staring at the teacher in complete awe. She was really stunned with the little girls all dressed up in ballerina costume and cute tutus and was trying to comprehend what the teacher was doing. Minutes later, the teacher brought her out of the room. We were later told that the minimum age for acceptance into the baby ballet class is 4 years old.

As Alycia has shown so much interest in learning ballet during the trial class, we immediately signed her up. The first formal lesson will begin on Wednesday next week at 6:45pm for 1 hour. The fees will be RM60 per month once a week or RM110 per month for twice a week. I signed her up for the once weekly class. One of the reasons why Alycia was willing to attend the ballet class was because her little aunty (hubby’s 5 year old cousin) was also going to join the class and they are best of friends.

The ballerina costume cost RM225, which consists of a pair of stockings, the pink bodysuit, a tutu, a scarf / hanky and a pair of ballerina shoes.  The costume is very costly as everything is imported from the UK.   The pair of delicate stockings alone cost RM55!

I jokingly told Alycia that she has to lose some weight coz her little belly was protruding in the tight ballerina suit and she really looked like a ‘fei por zhai’  (little fat girl).  I hope Alycia will love ballet and excel in it and not like mummy who learned ballet for 3 years and quit.

No. of times viewed = 531