Savings For The Kids’ Tertiary Education

Sherilyn is now into Grade 2 of the Royal Academy of Dance for ballet. When she first attended ballet lessons, we paid only about RM70 for a once weekly lesson. Then, a few months before the exam, the teacher increased the lessons to twice weekly and the fees was doubled too. Now that she is in Grade 2, the fee is RM170 a month for twice weekly lessons. This is what The Husband paid last week :

A whopping sum of  RM618 for April, May, June fees and other miscellaneous items.

What do you think of the fees? Expensive? If I were to send Cass and Alycia for ballet or music class soon, The Husband would have to cough out at least RM400 a month on ballet and music. With art class, Mandarin tuition, swimming, UCMAS class, pre-school fees and other inevitable expenses, our expenses on our 3 girls alone totals up to RM2k a month. Household expenses and food bill are not included yet.   These are all very basic expenses of a medium class family living in the Klang Valley. I have been thinking… if I quit my online store business, would we still have a four-figure savings in our bank accounts every month?? We would require at least half a million bucks for our girls’ university funds though they all have an insurance plan with medical and education roped in.

Do you put in a four-figure savings in your bank account every month? How much do you save for your kids’ tertiary education funds a month? Let’s discuss! 🙂

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Sherilyn’s Grade 1 Ballet Exam – 2nd Trial

We dedicated half our Saturday yesterday to Sherilyn and accompanied her to the ballet studio for the 2nd trial of her Grade 1 ballet exam. The studio was pretty far from where we stay and the journey itself clocked up to almost an hour, both ways. My childhood friend SF and her daughter Mel car pooled with us. Mel and Sherilyn have been friends ever since they knew how to babble – they went to the same kindy, same tuition centre, same ballet school and learn swimming together at our condo now.

After watching how my rascal danced, I am pretty convinced that ballet/dancing is her forte! She just needs some reminders from me every now and then to practice her movements though.

At the changing room, getting ready…

Sherilyn doing a solo Poca dance…

The 3 ballerinas putting on their character skirt and shoes …

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