Alycia’s Ready To Be 100% Diaper-Free

Alycia is only on diapers at night for the past 1 year or so. During the day when she naps, she is diaperless and she can hold her bladder for 2 hours and even when she wakes up, she doesn’t go to the loo immediately.  She can hold her bladder for at least 3-4 hours.  However, this lazy mummy is just too lazy to wake her up in the wee hours of the morning to bring her to the bathroom to pee. 

For the past several days, she has been waking up in the morning with a dry diaper. When I asked her this morning if she wants to go diaperless tonight, she willlingly agreed!  In the past when I asked her, she would refuse and would insist that she wears a diaper. So I will have to face the night that I have long procrastinated tonight .  I will set my alarm clock to 1am today so that I can bring her to the bathroom.  I will also wake her up again at 4am or 5am, the time that I normally wake up to feed Baby C.  At the same time, I can go downstairs to my PC to check for offers…. killing 2 birds with 1 stone 🙂

Wish me luck and hopefully there will be no unwanted pee accidents.

No. of times viewed = 353

Alycia Has Finally Mastered Writing

Two weeks ago, when Alycia came back from school, she excitedly told me that her teacher has given her lots of homework to do. After lunch, she excitedly took our her homework and began writing. From what used to be at least an hour coaching her to do writing, Alycia managed to complete writing her ‘suku kata‘ (phonics in Malay language) in just minutes. I was really impressed and amazed that she has really picked up in her writing in just a matter of weeks after attending pre-school this year.

Alycia can now complete a page of writing in just a few minutes and her writing has also improved by the leaps and bounds. She can also finally write the letter ‘S’ in the correct order, legibly.

No. of times viewed = 207

Alycia Finally Understands

Alycia finally understands how to do this Math exercise :

and she did the entire exercise on her own with only a few mistakes made. Her writing has also improved by the leaps and bounds.

However, Alycia still could not do the exercise where she has to rearrange all the numbers from 0 through 30 in descending order, but I am confident she will be able to grasp the concept very soon.

No. of times viewed = 304

Alycia Can Spell And Write Her Name


 Alycia finally knows how to spell and write her name on her own.  This picture was taken yesterday and now, she can write the letter ‘a’ and ‘c’ in the correct order. She can also write the number ‘8’  without having to draw 2 circles joining to each another.  Last week, she was still writing ‘c’ and ‘a’ in the reverse order but she has been practising her writing diligently everyday without being told to.  She was so happy and ran to me telling me that she can write her name and the number 8 correctly yesterday.  

Alycia can also draw quite well and loves coloring.  Hopefully she can very soon do Math equations too.  Alycia still has lots of catching up to do in pre-school, for the many months of classes that she had missed last year but she is definitely improving.

No. of times viewed = 167

Alycia Has A Superb Memory

Alycia has a superb memory with things that she has seen, or done, with places that she’s been to and she is now my walking reminder.  She can even remember things that she had done with her mah mah and koo koo (my youngest sil) from as far back as 2.5 years ago.  She can even remember many things that she had done with me which I don’t even remember them myself.

I always ask Alycia to remind me to do things.  I will ask her to remind me to make important calls and to do many things and she rarely failed to remind me on those things.  On Tuesday night, I told her to remind me and herself that she’s got PE the next day and she’s to wear her PE t-shirt and shorts.  The next morning, the moment she jumped out from bed, she shouted this to me as I was in the toilet – “mummy, today is Wednesday. I have to wear my PE t-shirt”.  I had totally forgotten about it!  

If Alycia has such superb memory and can remember so many things so well, I am sure she can remember words pretty well too and I just hope she would take the effort to remember and recognize words.

Do your kids have good memory too?

No. of times viewed = 210

Alycia’s 1st Day Of School – Year 2

Yesterday was Alycia’s first day of school this year. Though this is her 2nd year in pre-school, she had only attended less than 4 months of classes last year. During the first month of pre-school, she kept falling ill (twice a month) and I pulled her out from pre-school in the second month. She only resumed pre-school in September 2007.

Everything went well yesterday – she looked forward to school and did not cry. The teachers also gave her stickers to give her a little motivation. Homework has increased this year and everyday, she brings home a bag full of books for homework.   Luckily my mum is here to coach her with her homework.  My mum who is a retired school teacher commented that the syllabus for 5 year olds is a tad heavy and tough, which I totally agree.     When my mum goes back to Ipoh, I will have to take over her role as the tutor.

No. of times viewed = 525

Alycia’s Birthday Lunch At Pavillion

Today, we celebrated Alycia’s birthday at Pavillion. We had lunch at the famous worldwide Tony Roma’s beef ribs restaurant.

Hop on to my other blog to see what we ate at Tony Roma’s. The beef ribs were one of the best I’ve ever tasted and I will definitely go back to Roma’s and this time, we will order the largest portion!

Daddy not only surprised Alycia with this slice of strawberry cheese cake, but I got a pleasant surprise too as he did not tell me that the restaurant is giving this slice of cheese cake on the house.

When the waiters came to our table with the cheese cake singing “Happy Birthday”, Alycia got a rude shock. We thought she would be burst out laughing but  she looked rather pissed off and did not even want to blow the candles!

In the end, our little Miss Social Butterfly Sherilyn blew the candles and stole her sister’s thunder, as expected!

After lunch, daddy brought Alycia to shop for some clothes. I got her some very nice blouses at Mothercare as they are having a sale and also some clothes from Giordano Junior as they are currently having a promotion.

Stay tuned for more…..

No. of times viewed = 155

Happy 4th Birthday Alycia


4 years ago at this time, daddy had brought mummy and granny to Sunway Medical Centre. It was the day that mummy, daddy and your grandparents had been waiting for for years to come. Mummy was all jittery and anxious as she just couldn’t wait to see you and hold you in her arms. Mummy had gone through so much pain, heartache, hardship and emotional roller coaster rides just to conceive you and carry you to the 38th week.

Mummy could still remember every single hour that passed in the hospital whilst waiting for your arrival. At 1pm, mummy was finally wheeled into the OT. She was shivering as the room was freezing cold. The anesthesiologist, Dr PK Wong then administered the spinal cord anesthetic into mummy’s spinal cord. It was really painful and long but mummy endured. When Dr Jason Lim came in, mummy was really excited but terribly terrified. Mummy could feel Dr Jason cutting her up but she could not feel any pain. She could only feel her body move as the doctor cut her up and she could feel that there were a lot of activities going on at her belly area. Mummy was shivering and her teeth were clattering due to the effects of the epidural and also the fear in her.

As Dr Jason was trying to bring you out from mummy’s womb, he told mummy that you had already poo pooed inside. Oh dear, thank God mummy had listened to Dr Jason and went ahead to deliver you 2 weeks earlier via elective c-section, else you would have eaten your own poop and gotten sick!

Minutes later, mummy heard a weak wail and the anesthesiologist said “you’ve got a chubby and fair baby girl. What have you been feeding her with?” He then brought you over to mummy and there you were winking at mummy. Your face was as white as snow and you were oh so chubby, the most beautiful baby mummy had ever seen. Daddy began snapping your pix.

When mummy was wheeled back to her ward, the nurse brought you in. As she was walking in, she said “your baby has blond hair!” When daddy, mummy and granny took a closer look at you, indeed we saw streaks of blond hair. You were so terribly fair. You then opened your beautiful eyes and everyone’s heart melted. You have big eyes with double eye lids and you have the 2 sweetest dimples on your cheeks too. Everyone who saw you commended on how beautiful you were. Mummy was beaming with pride and joy. The years of going through infertility treatment to have you were all worth it. The 9 months of sufferings mummy went through were all worth it.

Alycia, you are indeed mummy and daddy’s pride and joy. Happy 4th birthday to you and we love you very much!

No. of times viewed = 285

Alycia’s 4th Birthday Party

Today, we celebrated Alycia’s 4th birthday party at Burger King @ Sri Hartamas. Amongst the blogging moms who were present are :

1. Demoments’ Chin Nee, hubby and Qi Qi
2. Mamapumpkin’s Patsy, hubby and Tessa
3. Scribbles For My Angels’ Mei Leng, Elisa and Erika
4. Jazzmint’s Jasmine, Faythe and Vyktore
5. Montessorimum’s Elaine, hubby and 3 kids

It was like a mini bloggers’ gathering. Some could not attend due to the short notice given, sorry, my fault!

I wanted to invite more bloggers but felt embarassed due to the very short notice given, so I had only invited those whom I am closer too. It was really fun to have a bloggers’ meet and I hope we can have another one soon and invite more bloggers to attend.

The kids and the adults had a great time. Initially the kids were quite shy but after a little warming up, they were playing with each other.

Before the party, hubby dropped by a nearby party shop to buy 20 gift packs consisting of party hats, party whistles and ballloons. He also bought 3 pinatas but only 1 worked. When the pinata broke and the confetti flew out, the kids went crazy over the bits of colorful papers. They spent a good one hour playing with those colorful confetti.

We only reached home at around 4pm and as expected, the gals did not take their afternoon nap. They were excited over the pressies and could not wait ripping the present papers apart to see what’s inside. Looks like it’s going to be an early bedtime for the gals tonight.

 Party packs and Disney stickers for the kids.

Scribbles For My Angels’ Erica and Elisa.

The kids playing musical chairs.

Alycia and Sherilyn eyeing the Barney moist chocolate birthday cake.

The kids enjoying the birthday cake (Tee, Alycia and Melissa).

Montessorimum’s cutie pie, baby Jolene. So nice of her to attend though she’s still in her confinement.

The bunch of very happy kids at the end of the party.

From top anti-clockwise : Tessa, Qi Qi, Sherilyn and Alycia

No. of times viewed = 301

Alycia Is Reading!

No. of times viewed = 321

Alycia Learns To Read From The Compute

Learning loves to read from the computer but I just can’t afford to let her rule the computer for long as I’ve got assignments with deadlines to meet.  So whenever I read to her from the computer, she shows great enthusiasm and concentration and picks up words pretty fast, way faster than learning to read from books.

Lately, Alycia’s reading skills have improved by the leaps and bounds.  Ever since I gave her a pep talk and told her that she needs to improve on her reading and writing before school reopens, she has put in extra effort and now, she can even read an entire book given to her by her pre-school on her own.  I am so proud of her achievement.

No. of times viewed = 357

Alycia’s Mastered The Chopsticks

Yes, Alycia has finally mastered the chopsticks.  Now, she doesn’t want to use the spoon and fork anymore whenever she eats noodles but requests to use the chopsticks instead though she’s taking longer than usual to eat with chopsticks.  And she’s really proud of her achievement! 

No. of times viewed = 231

Alycia My Discerning Diner

Alycia who loves nothing more than food has lately shown very keen interest in mastering the fork and knife and chopsticks. We were at PJ Hilton last Sunday for lunch and she insisted that she wanted to use the fork and knife to cut her sausage,  just like we adults. When Sherilyn saw, she also followed suit without any hesitation.  Alycia has always been an easy feeder and most times now, I don’t have to feed her meals as she prefers to eat on her own.   She even told me that she wants to attend the cooking class at her pre-school during the school holidays.  I may consider sending her to the class but it’s really costly at RM150 for 5 days @ 2 hours each session.   I think she will end up being a chef in future!  Well, it’s in her blood and it runs in the family!

No. of times viewed = 310

Diaper-Free During Naptime

Alycia has been diaper-free during her afternoon nap for over 1 month already.  I don’t even have to wake her up half way through her nap to bring her to the potty to pee.  She can now control and hold her pee until she wakes up, which is a 2-3 hour nap.  However at times when she’s cranky and tired, she would demand to put on a diaper.  I know I can start training her to go diaperless too at night but lazy me just keep wanting to procrastinate this training.  Maybe I should wait until next year when she’s more ready.

No. of times viewed = 167

That’s How Alycia Eats Her Medicine

Alycia who once gave me and the entire family a real tough time feeding her medicine can now eat her medicine without any fuss. I must say she’s even better than me when it comes to this. I hate medicine and I can never swallow any type of liquid medicine without barfing. All I need to do now is to put a treat in front of Alycia, pour the medicine out in the measurement cup and there goes my baby – she’ll drink the medicine without any complaints but if the medicine has a strong smell, she’ll pinch the bridge of her nose like this :

Notice her watery eyes? This particular medicine has quite a strong taste and she almost puked; I quickly stuffed a pinch of Mexican bun into her mouth which stopped her from puking instantly.

No. of times viewed = 228

Alycia Loves Coloring

Pre-school has somewhat disciplined Alycia. She used to laze around in the house, playing or demanding to watch TV all the time but ever since she resumed pre-school 3 weeks ago, her interest in writing and drawing has surfaced again. Last Saturday morning, after Alycia got up from bed, had her milk and washed up, she took out her Doodle Pro and began drawing with a stencil without being told to. After carefully tracing the stencil, she began coloring the pictures on the Doodle. She was so wrapped up with her coloring that she didn’t even bother to eat her breakfast. So I fed her breakfast as she did her coloring and she had spent close to an hour carefully coloring on the Doodle. Her coloring skill has improved tremendously and she can now color within the lines of the pictures.

No. of times viewed = 204