Do You Allow Your Maid To Go Out?

My maid asked me yesterday if she could go out with other maids in the neighborhood during the Hari Raya holidays as she has been invited to follow. I could have just said a big ‘no’ to her but I told her to ask Sir (my hubby). Based on experience with my first maid where I had no choice but to leave her alone at home, she has had the time and luxury to go out with other maids when my hubby and I were out for work. Consequently, she turned out to be really rebellious, lazy, kept asking to go out more and one day upon the advice of my neighbor’s maid, put some ‘charm’ and urine into my drinking water which I drank.

It is also the advice of the maid agent never to give this freedom to the maid, unless we are ready to face the consequences. It is also stated in the maid’s contract that they are not allowed to go out during their 2 years’ contract with the employer.

Later when my hubby was back, he told our maid that she can’t go out with her friends during the holidays. He told her that we can bring her out for a feast but going out with her friends whom we don’t even know is a big NO. My maid was obviously very upset with the decision, moreover my hubby told her off rather strictly. I think she later wept in the bathroom. Later, I told my hubby that he should not have been too harsh with her with his words. Feeling a little bad, my hubby then offered my maid an alternative, that is for his staff to drive her out for a shopping spree. She happily agreed and off she went to the new Giant at Bukit Jalil with my hubby’s staff and his wife who is an Indonesian an hour later. My hubby even paid for all her shopping expenses, totalling RM150 for clothes and shoes. That’s our Hari Raya gift to her. Tomorrow, we will also be bringing her out for a feast.

To those of you who have a maid, do you give your maid a rest day in the week though it is stated in the contract that no rest day will be allowed? For those of you who allow your maid to go out, do you see any negative impact it has brought?

No. of times viewed = 458


  1. Wow…that’s very nice of ‘Sir’ 😀 Though I don’t have a maid, i’ve heard so many negative things about them whenever they are given freedom. It’s hard not to let them go out or mix with others but sometimes you have to protect your own interests eh?

  2. I have an Indonesian maid few years back. I sent her back after 1 and 1/2 year because she always lies & lazy. She started to communication with neighbor’s maid when she was at our home 2nd day. I really DO NOT like them to communicate. I promise her to bring her to have a great lunch during Hari Raya but she can’t go out with any Indonesian maid.

    What my advise is, DO NOT let the maid have their own friends and communicate with outsider, they can do anything you can’t imagine.

  3. agree….quite poor thing lah they’re all alone in a strange land. imagine it being us during CNY. We are taking the maid out for haircut tomorrow and lunch. Already bought her some baju raya 🙂

  4. We won’t allow her to go out on her own. U’ll nvr know wat kind of co she mixes with. We always tell her there’re a lot of crazy ppl out there… kidnappers, thieves, rapist, etc. So it’s for her own good.

  5. I don’t have a maid but my Mother usually buys a new baju kurung for her maid and gives her an off day to go back to her ‘uncles’ place. This year though, she wanted to go back to Indon for holiday so my Mom said OK. She’s gone for 3 weeks and hopefully will show up at the end of this month.

    I strongly discourage maids going out because I know easily 20 Moms who allowed their maids to go pasar malam or wherever, just to buy groceries for family, or when there is minor renovation in house, also can get boyfriend. Anyway, it’s the start of TROUBLE the moment you let them out.

    I know it’s very ‘poor thing’ for them but I guess you have to play by ear and ‘read’ your maid; and only time will tell if you think she can be trusted or not. Even then, some maids are very smart……

  6. Actually it’s okay for maids to have boyfriend. The thing is, they start to slack and sometimes bring the boyfriend in front of the house. Well, it’s a tough situation. Contract is contract, but everyone expects a holiday on Hari Raya and if you forbid her, she may quit later or just start to slack. I’ll just let her to have a holiday for a couple of days. Everyone deserves a holiday. If she starts to act funny then just cut her contract. Or you can also negotiate a holiday later. Just say, you can’t go out in Hari Raya but you can go out later on November. Hopefully she won’t hang out with other maids since virtually no one is free on November.

  7. i allow them to go out, luckily nothing negative is happening. But I don’t allow them to entertain visitors at home, they cant get inside. normally they stay in the store fronting our house

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