I woke up at 5:30am today. Only managed to complete 2 assignments, still have around 10 more outstanding. It’s 7:10am now. I have to make myself a mug of milk with Milo, pop my prenatal vitamins and hormone pills then walk down the road to Alycia’s classmate’s house to look for his mum. Sean’s mum runs a maid agency and I always see a pool of maids in her house. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that Sean’s mum can help provide me a maid by December, else I would be maid-less for at least 1-2 months! Unimaginable! Well, at least for me, I’m quite a siew cheh and can’t stand doing household chores and taking care of 2 high-needs toddlers at the same time. Though I used to multi-task when I was a PA but if you ask me to do household chores, cook and look after 2 hyper toddlers who are ever so demanding, I know I’ll collapse!
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Wish u luck to have a new good maid soon! U’re getting an indon maid?
I hope you find a good maid, especially with your condition now. Sorry I missed out on your announcement, congratulations Shireen!
when u are preggy, with so many things to do, better get a maid
Better get a maid to help out, esp coz u’re pregnant. Don’t want to negotiate further with ur current one?
Take good care of yourself. You can loan a maid for 1-2 months.
Yes Shireen, you are very honest and I like it. Get some help if you can’t handle your own. Don’t worry too much!
It’s always hard to get maid near the Hari raya here. Everybody is going home to rural cities and many new maids are coming to town. The problem is, most of them are new maid who are inexperienced and often commit a lot of minor criminal acts. If you are pregnant though you better find a really good maid, not just any maid. A lousy maid will probably just add your workload, You need to correct her mistake and show it to her continously.