Poor Sherilyn. She really longs to go to pre-school. This morning as I was preparing Alycia for school, Sherilyn who was seated on her potty kept saying “i want to go to school”. The moment daddy opened the door to bring Alycia out, she sprang up from her potty and said “FINISH” (meaning finished her business) and ran to the bathroom to be washed up. She wanted to follow Alycia to school! As my maid was washing her up and putting her clothes on, she kept repeating “i want to go to school” and was on the verge of crying. So we all waited for her and daddy brought her along to the car for the short 1 minute’s drive to the school. When she came home, she repeated non-stop “i want to go to school, where is Alycia mummy? I don’t want Alycia to go to school. Go with me”. Poor girl. I think she misses her sister terribly and wants to follow her che che to school too. She then threw herself on the cold hard floor, sucked her thumb and her eyes were wet. She looked so terribly pathetic and my heart was wrenched. Now, I’m really considering sending Sherilyn to pre-school next year.
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Let her try. My daughter is 2+ now and she want to follow her brother to school too. Always ask me buy her a school bag so she can go to school, I will send her by December when there is new intake. 🙂
poor little darling. I’m sure she’ll be thrilled to go to school next year.
Yes, send her to playschool or nursery school first, informal learning, please! We just hope her natural resistance is strong enouh by next year. Since she yearns to attend ‘school’ so much she may not experience the anxiety or nervousness that her sister did.
u will be surprise how this gal loves going to school in future….bravo, baby Sherilyn 🙂
ya, since she’s now 2yrs 6mths old d, i suppose can start her in a nursery d..she is missin her sis at home. poor girl..
she can join toddler school or something…it’s like a daycare?
my son started school at age 1.8, my daughter at 2.4
Poor thing..!
Aik…exactly same for Isaac…He will keep crying wanting to go to school…everyday, whenever he see school, he will point said “school, school, i wan school”….me now, headache liao…