This picture was taken at Cass’ swimming session yesterday at our condo.
Cass is now joining two other girls (aged 8 and 9 years old – living at the same block as us) in the swimming class. Can you spot Cass?
Of the 3 girls, Cass is the slowest in terms of speed and agility. Nonetheless, she has shown vast improvement within these 2 months under the new swimming coach (female coach now). Cass has been telling me that she ain’t exactly enjoying her swimming lessons as she finds it tough and tiring but I ain’t letting her give up. I will never let her give up learning swimming until she can swim like a fish. I told her that swimming is a survival skill and whether she likes it or hates it, she has no choice but to master it, period! I told her that she will one day love me for forcing her to learn swimming. And that’s what I always tell Alycia and Sherilyn – that they can hate me now for forcing them to study hard but one day, they will definitely secretly or openly tell me that they love me for being a tiger mom!
On another note, Cass told me 2 days ago that her teacher informed the class that she is one of the students who has garnered the top 5 positions in class! But the actual position is not announced yet. I don’t understand why the teacher has to wrap this up in such a suspense for the kids and mothers! Cass can’t wait for this Saturday to come as it will be parents-teachers meeting day for report card collection. This impatient mommy quickly logged in to the MoE website to check her class and standard position online. For 2 days the website was down and today it’s finally up and running again and I managed to check the positions for all 3 girls! So am I a happy and satisfied mommy or a crestfallen one? Ain’t letting you know yet. Do catch my post on Saturday to find out! 😉
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What!! Can’t wait to know, this suspense only has 24 hrs to go!