Maid Issues… Again

One of my dreaded worries finally came true a couple of days ago. My maid told us that she doesn’t want to renew her contract to continue working for us when her contract expires in December. She said she wants to start a small business back home. This means that hubby has to spend a few thousand ringgit on the agency fee to hire a new maid. I called up the maid agency yesterday and was told that the total amount for hiring a new maid will be a whopping RM6,200 upfront! Breakdown – agency fee around RM3,500 and 5 months advance salary @ RM450 per month. Wow, that’s a lot of money and hubby would have to pay thru his nose like that man. Also, the thought of getting a new maid and training her from scratch makes me shudder and gives me sleepless nights.

I’ve had pretty bad experiences with my previous 3 maids – the 1st maid poured urine and charm water into my drinking water, which I drank. The 2nd and 3rd maids (I had 2 maids when i was still working) brought their boyfriends back to my house in the wee hours of the morning and stole my sil’s and hubby’s handphone. My current maid is by far the best. She is very smart, educated and picks things up very fast. When she goes back to Indon, I will have to start all over again to train the new maid by waking up at 5:30am to show her how to do the household chores and teach her the basics of cooking, caring for toddlers, showing her the dos and don’t’s etc. That’s really very time consuming coz for the first few days, I actually have to do the chores myself and cook myself to show her. I don’t think I’ll even have time to blog then. I’m praying that my upcoming maid will have good attitude and easily trainable, else I’m really going to be really stressed up again.

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Author: Shireen

I am a WFHM of 3 lovely girls - Alycia, Sherilyn and Cassandra. I am a health, fitness and clean freak. I am a freelance content writer and occasionally help out my other half in his food catering business. I also do product reviews and accept sponsored posts on my blogs. I hope you'll enjoy reading my blog as much as I enjoy sharing my day-to-day adventures and mostly boring ranting :P Welcome to my blog! :)

21 thoughts on “Maid Issues… Again”

  1. Shireen, your maid baby sits your children?

    Else you can get hourly maid to do the house chores on weekend.

  2. Shireen, your maid baby sits your children?

    Else you can get hourly maid to do the house chores on weekend.

  3. Vicky… yes, my maid helps to look after my kids when i need to get some work done on the computer. I’ve also thot of hourly maids but i need someone at home to help me everyday. My kids are really boisterous and demanding. I still need a maid for another 2-3 yrs until at least my kids go to primary school.
    Tks 4 d suggestion.

  4. maid maid…same problem I was facing. But how come your maid salary so cheap? Mine already gone up to RM500. In total we paid upfront about RM7K.

    You knew I rant a lot about my new maid… at least she is catching up a bit in the 2nd month, after much scolding.

    Good luck in your maid hunt.

  5. Montessorimum… is RM450 cheap? That’s their starting salary offered by this agency. Lucky you that your maid has buckled up, hopefully she’ll be really good by the time you’re due for delivery. Don’t scold her too much, else you wont know what she’ll be up to.

  6. wow…..maid’s salary has increased so much over the years lar….our last (with late MIL) was only RM3xx+….without maid also cannot ya…house chores so much to do, with kids around, nothing seems can be done…

  7. omigod…your first maid actually did that?? how did you find out? this is so scary. i heard filipinas are better but more expensive 🙁

  8. Mom to chumsy… i found out coz i drank the water with the pee in it. My agent said indon or filipina, all depends on our luck.

  9. Sometimes i do hope to get one maid for myself when i move to new house next year. but then, i heard so much bad news about them and this made me doubt. with a maid, everything will be easy, and we stay relax….

  10. i agree, filipinas are good, i am filipina. normally the filipinas who go overseas to work as domestic helpers are learned, some are college graduates or college levels. Work here is pretty hard and the pay is low, so they go elsewhere to earn bigger. That’s why they are very easy to train. They can get loyal too.
    My nanny has been with me for 15 years now, my other helper 9 years, and my third 2 years. They leave me only when they get married.

  11. For me, if possible, no maid, no matter what….like you mention, it really scared me a lot….even tho in my dream, I do hope got maid to help me out (really exhausted almost everyday – handling 2 boys + work):)…..why don’t you try Cambodian maid? Heard my friend said it is good and even better (even tho communication a bit problem) 😛

  12. with maid also “fan” without maid also “fan”… old days ppl can cope without maid…. these days ppl can’t live without maid, i think i’m one of them who can’t live without maid, coz i don’t like to do house cores, i can take care of my kids but not house work… lazy bum ma 🙂

  13. my maid’s contract will be expirin in dec. but she’s goin to renew her contract after her raya break. i really hope she’s goin to come back. but im keepin some of her money just in case. agent fees really blood sucker. so im thinkin if i can go renew her visa myself.
    pray hard for a good maid.

  14. Girlie… wow your nanny has been wif you for 15 yrs! How nice, she must be like part of your family now.

    Leena… good thing ur maid still wants to work for you, you get to save so much on the agency fee.

  15. Leena, you can do your maid’s visa yourself. Much cheaper, I think.

    I am also ding-dong0ing whether to have maid or not. Never had a maid before but every other day at Tee’s school, got maid stories…run away la…boyfriend la…chi sin la…all got. So still takut. Still in discussion with the Hubs whether to get maid or not….maybe when I get pregnant hehe…

  16. Big Pumpkin… it’s def cheaper if we by-pass the blood-sucking agency. If you hv 2 kids, i think u’ll need a maid, dont know about you, for me i wont be able to cope without any help at home.

  17. Hi, I was reading your post and noticed you might be looking for a maid.

    I’ve a personal friend who owns a maid agency and they’ve got; Cambodian, Indonesian and Filipinos. He’s also showed me figures that his company has one of the lowest cases of maids running away.

    Anyway, if you’re interested in meeting him or contacting him, do reach me and I’ll pass you his contact and company details. 🙂


    p/s: I miss my local maid who’s been with us since I was born. Sigh…

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