I got a real pleasant surprise this morning when I went to check out this review company’s website, just to try my luck in grabbing some offers albeit being informed by them that I can only come back on 1 Aug 07 to accept offers as my quota has already been maxed out. I was so happy when I saw a message stating that the new quota is now 40 per month. I quickly checked my categories and my goodness, I saw so many offers waiting for me to accept. I quickly accepted 6 offers and now, I have lots of assignments to do. I can forget about PPP for the time being as I had not properly selected the category my blog should be in, thus the reason why I have not been receiving opps from them. Thanks Chin Nee for informing me! PPP says I can only change my blog category in 24 days’ time, what the fun!…. never mind, thank God, I still have some offers from other companies.
No. of times viewed = 263
hey…i didn’t know that too. where can you change your blog category? also i thought you are free to accept any offers that are not in shaded grey.
Mom to chumsy… u can go to My Blog and click on your blog name and edit the categories. My understanding is that as long as the opps are white, we can accept?
waaahhhh…i didn’t get that message, i’m still up to 10 only…you are lucky!
Is there a way to make them pay higher for sponsored post?
Wow..!! 40 opps..!! that’s cool..!!