Lately, I am into fixing salads for the kids. Since I have no more help from the maid and mil, I have to find the simplest ways in food preparation in the shortest time possible. So yeah, I am hooked on salads as salads do not need peeling and chopping of garlic/onion and no wok or oil splatters are involved. Most of my salads involve vegetables that are parboiled as I still think young kids should not be eating too much raw veggie, especially if the veggie is non-organic. Apart from using organic butterhead lettuce, I normally blanch brocolli, cauliflower, french beans, mustard green and ladies fingers. Then I throw in some Japanese cucumbers, organic cherry tomatoes, avocados, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, pistachios, apples, pears, over-night roast chicken and hard boiled eggs. These are all wholesome and healthy stuff and full of fibre.
Here are some of the salads that I prepared recently…
Butterhead lettuce salad with over-night smoked chicken from Han Room restaurant, cherry tomatoes, avocado, Japanese cucumber, pumpkin seeds and hard boiled egg. Since no one wanted to touch the breast meat during our dinner at Han Room on hubby’s birthday, I asked for the chicken breast meat to be packed back for salad!
Eggs are something that I try to include in the kids’ meals everyday as eggs are chokefull of nutrients. I normally use free-range chicken eggs.
I used Goma dressing, bought from Isetan. Goma dressing is sesame seed salad dressing from Japan and is very flavorful. The kids and I love it! Ain’t cheap though, at RM20 for a small bottle that can only last us 9-10 times and used very sparingly since it’s not cheap, call me el cheapo haha!
Ingredients of Goma Dressing. This dressing goes very well with blanched mustard green, ladies fingers and other green leafy veggie.
Brocolli and seeds (sunflower seeds and pistachios) salad with green pears, apples, cherry tomatoes, hard boiled eggs and Goma dressing
And a very simple one -organic french bean salad with Japanese cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, hard boiled eggs and mayo as dressing.
French bean-avocado salad with chicken bolognaise spaghetti on Sunday.
In case you are wondering whether salad is all I feed my kids, of course not la… the salad is to replace the usual stir-fry veggie dish. I still have a meat dish (chicken, pork or fish) and a soup for the kids for dinner 😉
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My girls are still very choosy in terms of taking veggie and green. Not so many variety like your girls. The spaghetti next to your salad looks presentable.
i love sesame dressing too. Always buy our Goma dressing from the shop next to Sushi/Pasta Zanmai.
I love the sesame dressing! Very healthy food. It’s good that your kids love salad.
mmm .. i love goma dressing too … such a wholesome meal .. I will try to serve this to my girl too .. thanks for sharing …
Healthy meal…
Nothing wrong with salads for either lunch or dinner. That’s what I usually have for lunch, nothing else. Easy to take to work, easy to throw together. That salad drsg is certainly pricey, likely cos of import tax. There is a trend to make your own salad drsg; make lots to keep in fridge, more effort but cheaper. Lots of recipes out there on the net. Most convenient is olive oil with an acid like balsamic vinegar or lemon jce.
Is that avocado in your salad? Nice to take green in fresh, rather than cook it. Well done mommy.
so delicious and healthy. hey, i bought a cheaper version of the Goma sauce from Daiso. Taste good too 😛