Rascal #3 has a very bad habit of running around whenever she eats. She takes after rascal #2 who can never sit still at the dining table during meal times or when she’s asked to do homework. Thus, these 2 rascals get whacked a lot during meal times. A few days ago, I got so pissed off with her jumping up and down and running everywhere during dinner that I tied up her hands and legs! But her 2 che ches ROTFL out so hard and Baby thought it was funny too. They laughed till their tummies hurt! Soon, Baby managed to release herself from the cloth strings and she finished up her food obediently. But this brat went back to her old habit the next day, sigh!! I don’t like to use the whip on her or on any of my girls but it appears like that is the only thing that they are truly scared of. Threats and punishments don’t work on Baby. Only the cane does. Such a cutie pie but she is one hard-headed fella. Does anyone have any better idea of keeping a toddler and a 6.5yo seated still at the dining table during meal times? I know that if I put them right in front of the idiot box, they will obediently polish off their food and glue their butts onto their chairs but that’s bad discipline!
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Easy. I take their dinner away. Works after a couple of nights. No snacks and no milk either.
your gals definitely happy girls!……like chinese says “siu can pau”
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