Baby was weaned off my breasts about a month ago. But she had a relapse of the boobies! Though she no longer needed the boobs to help her fall asleep at night, funnily she still needed them to lull her to sleep in the afternoon. Then the addiction started to intensify and she would climb up onto my lap and touch her comfort tools whenever she felt sleepy or bored. When I could no longer tolerate the ‘fondling’, I took out the cili padi again. Though she saw me rubbing the cut cili padi on my boobs, that hardcore boobies addict went ahead and licked them and then the burning sensation began to torture her tongue and her mouth. She did not cry (as she knew she asked for it LOL!!) but she ran to the kitchen, pulled an Ikea stool to the counter top and kept pouring water into her cup to drink… she gulped down cups after cups of water muahahahaha! After that incident, whenever the addiction kicked in, she would run to me, tries to touch my boobs and then she would ask “your breast got cili?” I would give her a resounding YES and show her some dried up cili padi left on my computer top. This has never failed to stop her from laying her mouth on my boobies again LO!!
Caught in action!!
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does it hurt yr nipples when you rub chilli padi on it? I am thinking of ways to stop my 2.5 yo from sucking her thumb and am considering chilli padi but am not sure whether it is too painful.
Wah not bad. She can withstand the cili padi. If cili padi gets into my mouth, I think I will be crying already.
TC… nope funnily my nipples did not feel burnt at all
Amy… I would have yelled out too if cili padi gets into my mouth LOL!
TC… by the way, I’m still trying to stop my #2 from sucking her thumb and she’s already going to be 6yo soon! Not easy. But yeah, I may try the cili padi again!
poor Cassandra… kesian betul
but you gotta do what you gotta do right ?
lol! She is just too cute and innocent.
With this going rapidly, she will be able to take chili next time…:)
Gosh, this is too funny! Look at that cheeky face of hers
oh Cassie… you are so precious!
She’s very smart, to pour the water into the cup by herself. Mine will… make a puddle..and play in it!!!!!!
Haha cute Baby C, she must be “Yau Ngoi Yau Han” with your boobs xD
hahaha!! look at her pouring water and drinking! oh… and I love her curls! just the right length for cny