Tag : My 7 Vanity Sense Facts

You Are 52% Vain

You’re a little vain, but more than anything you have a healthy amount of confidence.
Thinking the world of yourself is great. Just don’t think less of those who aren’t as pretty as you!

HipnCoolMomma passed this tag to me. To do this tag, I am supposed to take a test comprising a short questionnaire on my vanity and boy… I am surprised that I am ONLY 52% vain. I’d thought that I’d be 70% and above vain. Those who know me well enough knows that I am indeed a vain-pot, since my primary school days. Theimperfectmom can testify to that.

Here are my 7 vanity / fashion sense facts :

1) I am very particular about my face/complexion. I can tolerate no zits or blackheads or any flaws on my face and thus, I try to eat and drink healthily, sometimes I become fanatic about what I eat and drink. I drink approximately 12 glasses of PLAIN water a day and that excludes 2 cups of green tea, 1 cup of skim milk and 2 bowls of home-cooked soup a day.

2) I am very particular about my hair coz they are very fine and flimsy, like babies’ hair, so they are hard to style and always get out of place. Because of this, I tend to brush my hair very frequently but oh, since my 2 gals came along, I’d ditched my big brush from my totebag and have since replaced it with wet wipes and Dettol wipes (for wiping public toilet seats for Alycia to use in public). Theimperfectmom can also testify to this. She used to be my chief hairstylist back in school and man she is good, just like her koo mah.

3) I am super weight-conscious and I think I had mentioned this before, I weigh myself on the scale at LEAST twice a day and sometimes more. If ever the red needle on my scale moves slightly to the right, boy, that’s a red flag for me and i know it’s time for me to jog an extra 10 minutes the following day.

4) I like to wear sleeveless tops, mainly spaghetti straps or tube tops (but now my tubes are temporarily shelved BUT will be BACK in use when I no longer have to carry Sherilyn my lil’ brat who sometimes demands to be carried). No, not that I am deliberately inviting wolves to gawk at me but I am one person who cannot stand the hot sweltering Malaysian weather, so that’s the reason why I love wearing as thin a layer of clothes as I am permitted to so that I feel cool and comfortable. My man is quite possessive and jealous wan and dont like his wifey to be whistled and slobbered at by sake long.

5) I used to put on eye shadow, mascara and perfume when I go out but now, I just can’t squeeze in enought time to do that. My must-haves before I leave my house is simple…. baby powder on my face, my blusher, liner for my faint coloured eyebrows and a thin layer of lipbalm or lipstick.

6) I use a good toner and moisturizer for my face and I use Lancome.

7) I squeeze a tiny amount of lemon juice on my face as astringent every week to tighthen and detox my face. I read somewhere that lemon juice is a great ‘food’ for the skin. I also apply cool cucumber slices on my eyes whenever I slice up some for my gals to snack on.

8) One more bonus fact for my readers. I brush my teeth after almost every meal. I used to keep a bottle of Listerine and a pack of dental floss at my office drawer when I was still working and whenever I didn’t have time to brush my teeth, Listerine and dental floss came in handy. I absolutely abhor bad breath and body odour.

Now let me see who will be my next target to pass this tag to.

Big Pumpkin… you look good. I am curious to know your vanity secrets. Don’t run away from this tag ah.
LZ Mommy
Baby Shern… again. How can I leave you out. Dont be angry ah?
Malaika’s mum
Mommibee… you look gorgeous. I want to know your beauty tips too.

No. of times viewed = 707


  1. thanks for doing the tag Shireen, hope you won’t get tired of doing tags assigned to you ^_^

    i need to improve in #1 – hats off to you, you can take the required water/liquid intake in a day…give me soda, i can finish 12 glasses in a day =(

    #2 you are lucky, you have fine beautiful hair, no need to go to salons and have it ironed/rebonded

    #3 is funny, really you do that?

    #4 i have not seen a picture of you here in your blog, maybe i’ll do some more archiving…i want to see you on spag straps and sleeveless tops

    #5 i do mine in the car ^_^

    #6 i’m super oily, i don’t need moisturizers

    #7 i think im gonna try that too…do you mix anything with it?

  2. Girlie… no, i use fresh lemon juice. If your face is oily, then lemon juice is just the right ‘toner’ for your face. Happy trying!

  3. Walau…I just completed Jenn’s tag and haven’t even done your other tag yet, kena again. OK,OK I’ll try tonight because if I don’t, I might have a tag list by next week 😛

  4. Thanks for the tag Shireen, I’ll come over and let u know once I hv done it 😀 Ah, you overrated me, that is an old pic – 3 yr old, before I got fat and had Bee, muahahha. I reckon u must be a very beautiful lady, judging from the pretty + beautiful features of your two girls!

  5. thanks for tagging me..will do it in the next couple of days k.

    4.you’re a size zero, you can get away with even a bikini.
    6.i use lancome too. i love the pure focus cleanser. and the sunblock spf50 rocks.

  6. Thanks for tagging me 🙂 I will have to crack my brain to do this coz ever since the kids came, I don’t have time for anything 🙂

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