An Introduction To Dental Implants: What Patients Need To Know

It is one of the things that people notice about you when they meet you. Your smile. Ergo, if you have gaps in your smile, particularly at the front, it may make you feel self-conscious about how new people may perceive you.

One option is to have dental implants fitted, as these will fill those gaps and will help you to smile with the confidence that you deserve. However, the fitting of oral implants is quite lengthy, and many people who are considering them are surprised by the amount of steps required, as well as the time. 

So, if you’re considering oral implants and want to learn more, please read on here, you will be guided through 5 things every patient needs to know before getting oral implants.

The Fitting Can Take Up to 6 Months

The fitting of private dental implants will require an operation. This is not a big scary operation, but it is still one that will require about 1-2 hours to complete per implant that you are having fitted. Once the implants have been fitted into your jaw, you will need to wait for around 3 to 6 months for them to fuse to the surrounding bone. This is a process known as osseointegration and is essential for your oral implants to work. The fusion time will vary based on your age and your overall health. 

You Will Need To Brush Them

Once you have had your oral implants fitted and the prosthetic tooth or teeth attached, you will still need to treat them as though they are natural teeth. This will involve brushing them every day, using a fluoride mouthwash, and flossing with either regular dental floss or a water flosser. Why? The reason is simple. If you fail to care for your oral implants, you may develop gum disease around them, which can push them out of your mouth, making the entire process redundant and a waste of quite a lot of money!

They Can Last up To and Over 15 Years

Provided that you follow the aforementioned steps, as well as attend dental checkups, your oral implants can last for up to and over 15 years. Some people have even reported their oral implants have lasted for over 20 years, which makes them a suitable long-term investment in your smile and it also means that they will pay for themselves. As mentioned, just be sure to keep your oral hygiene levels up to promote the longevity of the fittings! 

They Don’t Hurt!

Following the first point in this article, you may be concerned about the operation to have oral implants fitted. Rest assured, this is not uncomfortable. Your dental team will be able to inject a local anesthetic into your jaw prior to the fitting, which will alleviate any soreness. Once you are at home and the anesthetic has begun to wear off, it may feel similar to minor bruising. If you have extreme levels of discomfort and bleeding, or you see pus, your implants are infected, and you need to seek an emergency dental appointment

There Are Contraindicated Health Conditions

Before you have oral implants fitted, your dental team will need to conduct an overall health assessment. If you have diabetes, a history of osteoporosis in your family, cancer, or an autoimmune disease, you may not be able to have oral implants fitted. Rest assured, however, that research is always ongoing, and these may soon not be an exclusionary factor. 

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Author: Shireen

I am a WFHM of 3 lovely girls - Alycia, Sherilyn and Cassandra. I am a health, fitness and clean freak. I am a freelance content writer and occasionally help out my other half in his food catering business. I also do product reviews and accept sponsored posts on my blogs. I hope you'll enjoy reading my blog as much as I enjoy sharing my day-to-day adventures and mostly boring ranting :P Welcome to my blog! :)

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