This year we celebrated Father’s Day at If Only Restaurant, a striking space of elemental elegance in the city centre. As we did not make prior reservation, we waited for almost half an hour for a table. But the wait was all worth it. We enjoyed the superb food and desserts.
If Only also hosts the second home of Universal Bakehouse for superb Shio Pan, terrific tarts, croissants, cakes, and much more. We especially love the out-of-the-world Shio Pan.
After lunch at If Only, we went to Bray to get a loaf of sourdough bread and other desserts. We got a surprise when we were informed by the staff that fathers could choose a complimentary loaf of sourdough bread in honor of fathers on Father’s Day. We chose a loaf of apple and onion sourdough. As the girls and I are now ‘experts’ in sourdough breads from our frequent purchase at different bakeries, we know what the texture of perfectly baked sourdough breads should be. We all agreed that the sourdough bread that we got from Bray was spot-on. The inside of the bread was bubbly, slightly moist and chewy and the bread had a slightly tangy taste.
The girls surprised their dad with his favorite chocolate – Whittaker’s Almond Gold chocolate bars. Sherilyn bought them from Family Mart after her dance class in the evening.

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