Day 4 – Alycia Is Finally Discharged!

Sunday, 9 June 2024

Today, I received the best message from Alycia since the unfortunate mishap that happened four days ago. She informed me that the doctor had given her the green light to be discharged from the hospital. This meant her wound was healing well, and the prospect of going home filled me with immense relief and joy.

The process of getting discharged, however, was not as swift as we hoped and I had expected it from my previous experiences in other private hospitals. We waited over two hours for the necessary discharge procedures. While Alycia remained in her room, hubby, Cass, and I decided to have lunch at one of the nearby restaurants. Given the limited choices, we opted for Windmill Restaurant, a place with a nostalgic touch for us. Windmill has been serving old-school coffee house food for decades, and it was around even when we lived in Shah Alam in the early 2000s. Their menu includes classics like chicken chop, chicken Maryland, steak, mango salad, oxtail soup, and mushroom soup, just to name a few.

After a quick meal, we returned to SJMC, only to find that the invoice was still not ready. I had to expedite the process by urging the staff to follow up on our paperwork. Finally, after over two hours of waiting, we received the invoice, which listed many items in detail. The total came to nearly RM28k! It’s astonishing how a finger surgery with reconstruction can cost almost RM30k. This makes me anxious about the potential costs of Cass’ upcoming urinary tract surgery, which she will likely need in two years. All medical costs related to Cass’ urinary tract and kidneys will not be covered by her insurer as it’s a congenital issue, unless proven otherwise.

Fortunately, Alycia’s insurance will cover the majority of the hospitalization costs, though we still have to pay a maximum of RM1k along with some miscellaneous charges. This financial relief is a silver lining amid the cloud of medical expenses.

Reflecting on last year, Sherilyn was hospitalized in July due to a severe bout of hives, and now it’s Alycia’s turn. An eerie detail that sticks with me is the way my right eyelid twitched non-stop for a week before Alycia’s accident. It seems my eyelids have a knack for warning me of impending trouble, nine out of ten times.

As we navigate these turbulent times, I am grateful for the resilience of my family and the support of our insurance. Here’s to hoping for a smooth recovery for Alycia and a health-filled future for all of us.

Alycia’s bandaged hand. There’s a tiny plastic splint attached to the injured finger. The Hand & Micro Constructive surgeon did some reconstruction to the injured nerves on the finger in a 1.5-hour surgery that required many stitches to close up the wound 😰

Grilled chicken, sirloin steak, and ox tail soup from Windmill.
The boneless chicken wasn’t grilled but deep-fried. It was bacon-thin and dry. We kept laughing over the chicken as it was so thin as if it was hammered before going into the fryer. It’s something that I will not order again. 

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A Guide to Health Conditions Alleviated by Acupuncture

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medical technique that has become increasingly popular in the UK in recent years. Fine needles are inserted into specific areas of the body to stimulate and rebalance the flow of energy, known as Qi. When Qi is able to flow freely, the body and mind are balanced and healthy. When the flow of Qi is disrupted, it can cause pain, poor health and disease. Acupuncture aims to restore the smooth flow of Qi to alleviate these symptoms. Today, we will look at some of the many health conditions that acupuncture has been shown to effectively treat. 

Pain Relief

One of the most well-known uses of acupuncture is for pain relief. Acupuncture can reduce both acute and chronic pain throughout the body. Back pain is one of the most common reasons people seek acupuncture in Bristol and elsewhere in the UK. Clinical trials have shown acupuncture can provide effective relief for lower back pain when compared to no treatment or sham acupuncture. The effects can last up to a year, reducing reliance on medication.

In addition to back pain, Bristol acupuncture is helpful for neck, shoulder, knee and joint pain. It is commonly used before and after surgery to manage pain. Acupuncture causes the body to release natural pain-relieving chemicals, including endorphins and serotonin. For chronic pain conditions like fibromyalgia, acupuncture works to reprogram the nervous system to reduce overactive pain signals.

Headaches and Migraines

Frequent headaches and migraines that resist medication are another common reason people turn to acupuncture. Both tension headaches and migraines seem to respond well to acupuncture. It also helps prevent tension headaches and reduces reliance on pain medication long term.

Acupuncture points on the hands, feet, ears and head are used to treat headaches and migraines. The needles stimulate nerves in the body that block pain signals to the brain. Acupuncture also improves blood circulation, relieving the build-up of pressure that can trigger migraines. For best results, a course of acupuncture, combining multiple sessions, is recommended.


With its relaxing and calming effects, acupuncture can also help treat insomnia and other sleep disorders. The needles activate parts of the nervous system that lower heart rate and blood pressure, reducing anxiety and allowing the body to fall asleep more easily. Acupuncture also increases nighttime melatonin levels, improving sleep quality.

Clinical trials show acupuncture significantly improves both the amount and quality of sleep compared to placebo treatments. The calming effects also last after the treatment ends, with continued improvements in sleep reported.

Digestive Problems

Acupuncture is very effective at treating a range of digestive complaints, from constipation to diarrhoea and bloating to acid reflux. It works to regulate gut motility, stomach acid secretion and intestinal contractions. This brings relief for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), constipation, diarrhoea and indigestion.

While acupuncture has its roots in ancient Chinese medicine, today, it is an accessible and increasingly popular therapy in the UK. As research continues to demonstrate its efficacy for various conditions, more doctors are recommending acupuncture alongside conventional treatments.

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How to Make the Most of Non-Permanent Beauty Enhancements

Non-permanent cosmetic enhancements like lip fillers, lash extensions, and spray tans can give you a quick beauty boost without the commitment of permanent procedures. When used correctly, these beauty treatments can help you look your best for events, holidays, and special occasions. Follow these tips to maximise their impact while avoiding potential pitfalls.

Research Your Options

With so many non-surgical options available now, it’s important to understand the differences between procedures and products. Consult with experienced cosmetic clinics about the best choices for your needs. Ask about the longevity, cost, side effects, and recovery time for procedures that interest you. Check reviews to ensure providers use high-quality products and services. Being informed helps you get the most from temporary enhancements.

Focus on Facial Features

Small tweaks to your lips and lashes can make a big difference for photos and special events. Lip fillers London add volume and definition for a plump pout. The best lip fillers in London last 6-12 months and can be dissolved if you don’t like the results. Lash extensions come in different lengths and curls for eye-opening impact. Classic lashes last around three weeks before needing infills. Avoid oil-based products to extend the longevity of lash extensions.

Enhance Your Complexion

Spray tanning, microneedling facials and makeup can transform your complexion before weddings, holidays and parties. Self-tan applied by a professional lasts around 10 days on the body and 5 days on the face. For a glowing complexion, microneedling with serums and creams stimulates collagen and tightens skin. Or book a special occasion makeup session to look camera-ready. Proper exfoliation and skin prep helps these treatments look smooth and even.

Plan Ahead

To avoid a last-minute panic, schedule non-surgical treatments well in advance of your event. Lip fillers require 2-3 weeks for full effect. Lash extensions need 2-3 weeks to grow out if you want them removed or adjusted. Spray tans, facials, and makeup need 2-3 days to allow any redness or reactions to fade. Avoid tanning beds, chlorine, skin peels, and saunas for a week before your spray tan. Proper planning ensures you look your best when it matters most.

Practice Good Maintenance

Follow your provider’s aftercare advice to extend the longevity of injectables, lashes, tans and makeup. Avoid extreme heat, friction, scrubbing, or chemicals near treatment areas. Gently cleanse your skin and apply recommended products like lip balm, moisturiser, and sunscreen. Use touch-up kits to maintain your spray tan. Infuse a few new lashes every 1-2 weeks for a fresher set. Non-surgical treatments look their best when properly maintained.

Know When to Get Treatments Refreshed

To avoid an obvious faded or grown-out look, get treatments refreshed before they expire. Re-apply self-tan after 5-10 days when it starts fading. Fill any gaps in lash extensions after 2-3 weeks. Plump up lip fillers after the 6-12 month mark when volume starts decreasing. Regular touch-ups mean you look bright and polished, not overdone. For special long events like destination weddings, schedule refresher appointments nearby.

From lip fillers to lash tints, non-surgical cosmetic procedures offer instant gratification without permanence. Follow these tips to maximise their impact while avoiding a fake or overdone look. With proper planning and maintenance, temporary beauty fixes help you look your radiant best for any occasion.

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