7 June 2024 ~ Day 2 of Alycia’s Mishap/Hospitalization

Alycia Whatsapped me in the morning to tell me that she’s the 15th on the OT wait list and the nurses cannot tell her what time her surgery will be because surgeries can run into complications and may take longer than expected. At around 5pm, Alycia told me that her surgery will be at around 9ish to 10 pm. So I told hubby to only pick me up from home at 7 pm. But less than an hour later, Alycia Whatsapped me to tell me that she will be going into the OT soon! Hubby and I hurried to SJMC.

When we arrived at SJMC, Alycia was already in the OT. We sat outside the OT for almost 3 hours. I kept asking the nurses if the surgery was over but was told that it ain’t over yet. Worried set in. Could Alycia’s cut be so deep that the surgeon (Hand and Microconstructive doctor) was taking a longer time to fix the finger?

This is where we sat outside the OT. I’d gone through this nerve-wracking moment four times – three times with Cass and once with Alycia.

Finally I saw Alycia in the recuperating bay. I was expecting to be next to her when she opened her eyes but it wasn’t until another hour later that we only got to see her in her room. The nurses had wheeled Alycia back to her room from the back door and we were not even informed until much later when one of the nurses left the OT after work and saw us still waiting. That was at around 11 pm.

Back to her room after the surgery. She looked very well and alert and asked for her phone immediately 😅. Who doesn’t, right? She looked away as she didn’t want me to take her photo.

By the time we reached home and showered, it was already way past midnight. It was another night of insomnia and sleep deprivation for me. Whenever I sleep past my usual bedtime, I will have trouble falling asleep, what more with so much goings-on and anxiety the whole day. The high cortisol levels flooding my body since the day of Alycia’s mishap has been causing me insomnia and sleep loss can also increase cortisol levels.

Even as I’m typing this post, I am still feeling insomniac and it’s 10.30 pm now. I know I’m going to be feeling very sleepy over the next few days when the cortisol levels in my body goes down now that Alycia’s back home.

To be continued…

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