Battling a Painful Callus On My Foot

For over two months, I’ve been grappling with a painful callus on the side of my left foot. This stubborn callus has been a constant source of discomfort, particularly when I’ve walked too much. Despite my best efforts using Duofilm solution nightly, the callus has refused to shrink or wither away.

The Frustration of Ineffective Treatments

My journey with Duofilm began a few months ago when I successfully used it to treat a corn on my toe. The solution worked wonders, eventually causing the corn to peel off. Encouraged by this success, I hoped for similar results with my callus. However, this time around, the callus remained as hard as ever, defying my nightly applications of Duofilm.

Seeking Medical Help

Realizing that my efforts were in vain, I decided to consult our family GP yesterday. As expected, the doctor reiterated much of what I had already learned through extensive Googling. According to online instructions, I needed to soak my foot in warm water before using a pumice stone to file the callus. Admittedly, I had been skipping the warm water soak, thinking it was an unnecessary step.

My doctor emphasized the importance of soaking my foot in warm water and mentioned that if this method failed, the next step would be surgery or laser under local anesthesia. He told me that a few LA jabs would be administered on the area surrounding the callus before removal via laser or knife 😱😨😰. The mere thought of surgery filled me with dread, prompting me to redouble my efforts to avoid such an outcome.

A Renewed Approach

Determined to avoid surgery, I started soaking my foot in warm water twice a day since yesterday. The warm water soak seemed to help, causing the surrounding skin to peel off more easily. However, the core of the callus remained firm and unyielding. During my showers, I used a pumice stone brush to gently file the callus, hoping to see progress.

Unfortunately, my efforts took a painful turn this evening when the callus bled badly during my shower. I quickly applied antibiotic cream to the wound, hoping to prevent infection and further complications. Despite this setback, I remain hopeful that the callus will eventually peel off without the need for surgery.

Encouragement and Advice

Both Sherilyn and Alycia have dealt with similar calluses on their feet in the past. They managed to treat their calluses successfully without resorting to surgery, and they’ve been offering me advice based on their experiences. Their encouragement, along with my persistent efforts, keeps me optimistic.

Hope for Healing

The path to healing this callus has been longer and more painful than I anticipated, but I remain committed to the non-surgical treatments. With continued warm water soaks and gentle filing, I hope to see progress soon. Tomorrow I will go to the pharmacy to get some corn patch/stickers. Sherilyn told me that she had used it previously and it was very effective in removing a callus on her foot.

Mr. Google may not have all the answers, but with persistence and the right care, I am hopeful that I can finally bid farewell to this troublesome callus. Here’s to healing and walking and running pain-free once again!

Warning! Graphic and Gory Photos Below. Please Scroll Away if You Have a Weak Stomach

Photo taken about two weeks ago.

Photo taken this afternoon, after soaking in warm water. Skin surrounding the callus peeled off.

Photo taken late this evening. The callus finally ‘exploded’ and there was blood everywhere on the bathroom floor. For a moment, I thought it was menstrual blood but I took a look at my foot and OMG, I went weak!

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