Our girls have been trained to eat lots of vegetables and fruits since young. As such, they have no problem eating a wide variety of vegetables and fruits every day. These are important to us, just as how water is to us. They’ve also been trained to eat raw greens and funnily though, they prefer their raw greens without any salad dressing, which is healthier.
Of the three girls, Cass is the most health conscious. She’s a fruit and veggie monster and can really scarf down a LOT of veggies and fruits every day, which hurts my wallet *ouch*.
Alycia is grazing on her plate of raw Mizuna leaves here. This semester (short semester), most of her classes are in the evening, so she joins us for lunch at home on most days.
I get at least two punnets of Mizuna salad from the supermarket each week, on top of the regular veggies like cabbage, broccoli, spinach, cucumber, beans, etc.
This superstar green is high in nutrients yet low in calories and boasts a long list of benefits to your health. Mizuna provides a megadose of nutrients, including antioxidants. Antioxidants are compounds that work by neutralizing harmful free radicals, preventing damage to cells and reducing the risk of chronic disease.
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