How to Make Time for Hobbies When You Have a Baby

The arrival of a new baby brings joy along with sleepless nights, endless feeding, nappy changes, and general chaos. While your little one becomes the focus of your world, it’s important not to completely neglect your hobbies and interests. Carving out small pockets of personal time will make you a happier, more relaxed parent. Follow these tips to make space for the things you love.

Get Creative with Your Schedule

After the initial newborn haze lifts, aim to establish some sort of routine. Look for windows of time when your baby happily plays independently. Use this time to pick up a hobby for 20 minutes here or there. The key is flexibility – be prepared to pause what you’re doing when your baby needs you. Over time, you’ll discover patterns you can take advantage of in your day.

Involve Your Little One

Choose hobbies you can do with your baby close by. Arts and crafts projects are great for this. As you colour, paint or draw, chat away to your little observer. Not only will you enjoy your hobby time, but you’ll be also stimulating your baby’s development. Investing in a front carrier like the Ergobaby or a sling can allow you to get creative while keeping baby snuggled close.

Take Advantage of Nap Times

A sleeping baby means hobby time for mum! Use your baby’s daytime snoozes to catch up on scrapbooking, peruse craft books like the top drawing books for beginners, or even take an online photography course. Keep the best books for learning to draw and all your supplies or devices in easy reach so you can jump into action as soon as those little eyelids get heavy. The key is preparation since nap lengths vary.

Get Dad or Your Partner Involved

Negotiate set hobby times by enlisting the help of your significant other. While you disappear into the craft nook or home office for an hour or two, have them take over baby duty. Then, return the favour so they can enjoy their own special interests. This time is sacred, so avoid non-essential interruptions.

Connect with Other New Parents

Arrange a parent craft group in your neighbourhood. Take turns hosting so you can work on hobby projects together while the babies entertain each other. Not only is this a great way to enjoy ‘me time’, but you also get to build friendships with others who understand the joys and challenges of new parenthood.

Join Forces with Your Little One 

As your baby grows into a toddler, get them involved in simple arts and crafts. Provide lots of safe materials you don’t mind making a mess with! Be prepared to step in if frustration surfaces. Not only will this allow you hobby time, but you’ll also nurture your child’s creativity. As a bonus, independent play skills emerge when toddlers engage in creating.

Making time for yourself and your special interests is vital for your emotional health as a new parent. Applying even one or two of these suggestions can open up small but essential breathing spaces in an otherwise baby-focused routine.

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