Friday, 13 October 2023
With no improvement on Sherilyn’s injured left foot, we went back to SJMC last Friday. We first went back to the A&E Dept, saw the doctor on duty and got referred to an orthopedic surgeon.
The orthopedic took a look at Sherilyn’s foot and after asking her some questions, told us that an MRI wasn’t really necessary yet. All that was needed was for Sherilyn to rest her foot, which meant that she had no choice but to take a one-to-two week-break from going to college. The doctor was confident that the swelling will subside and the foot will take its time to heal with proper rest. She has to prop her foot up to restrict too much blood from flowing to the ankle.
Sherilyn was prescribed with another 5 days of anti-swelling medication, a topical gel and a foot splint/brace. The splint has to be worn when she walks.
We spent almost 6 hours at SJMC. It would have been much longer if we took the government hospital route. The damage this time was over RM700. I hope our insurer will approve the bulk of the bills incurred. But the foot splint that costs almost RM300 is not covered.

I got home with pins and needles on both my hands as a result of gripping on the wheelchair handles for too long. The repetitive motion of clutching on the handles for hours triggered the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome on my hands 😪
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