I got hooked on online shopping during the pandemic when I was stuck at home. At the height of the pandemic, a trip to the shopping mall was something very worrying for most of us, for fear of getting infected with Covid. I avoided shopping malls almost throughout the pandemic. Even trips to the supermarkets were quick and fraught with anxiety.
Now that the pandemic is behind us, I prefer online shopping over physical shopping. However, my online shopping adventures can sometimes become a bit too adventurous, leading to unexpected and unintentional purchases. This is the predicament I find myself in as a habitual online shopper with a penchant for dozing off at the most inconvenient moments.
My online shopping escapades often take place on Lazada and Shopee, where I indulge in retail therapy and hunt for great deals. My typical daily routine involves adding items to my cart, monitoring prices, and eagerly awaiting the moment when I can maximize savings with free shipping vouchers, cashback offers, coins redemption, store promotions and platform promotions. It’s a method that has served me well, resulting in savings, with one significant exception – I sometimes doze off mid-shop.
Yes, you read that correctly. The warm embrace of sleep has an uncanny way of creeping up on me, even in the midst of the most exciting online deals. Picture this: I’m diligently adding items to my cart, my eyes growing heavy as I scroll through pages of irresistible products. And then, it happens. In my half-asleep state, my darn finger slips, and I inadvertently press the dreaded ‘Place Order’ button
My history of accidental purchases reads like a comedy of errors. From dresses to supplements to a surplus of cat food, I’ve had my fair share of “shop till you drop, literally” moments. The worst part? Most of these mishaps occurred at prices higher than I initially intended to pay.

My latest adventure in accidental shopping involved two packets of posh Tyrrell’s potato chips. They ended up in my cart as my SIL recently purchased a packet of Tyrrell’s lightly salted potato chips and everyone at home liked the chips a lot – they were not very salty and oily. Just perfect for the occasional snacking. So I searched for this brand of chips on Lazada and found the best price from one seller. Just as I was about to tuck my phone away and surrender to slumber, it happened again – I pressed ‘Place Order.’ It wasn’t at the best price as I was waiting for the price to drop or for a platform or store promotion. But now, two packets of potato chips were on their way to my doorstep. My daughters are of course delighted and they had a good laugh over this accidental purchase
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