How Hologic Is Transforming the World of Medical Imaging

Every year, medical imaging saves lives. It helps doctors diagnose different conditions like appendicitis, heart disease, stroke, and cancer. This is thanks to transformative companies like Hologic, which focuses on improving health by manufacturing equipment that detects conditions accurately. The company offers various diagnostic solutions aimed at detecting and monitoring a variety of conditions. One of the areas that Hologic Insight 2 has made strides in, is fluoroscopy.

The C-Arm Machine

One of the selling points of the C-Arm machine is that it produces high-resolution images. A healthcare provider will be able to see all types of abnormalities, no matter how tiny. This reduces the risk of wrong or late diagnosis. With this equipment, healthcare providers can provide accurate diagnoses and get patients on the right treatment plan.

One of the pieces of equipment that Hologic company has manufactured to help in fluoroscopy is the C-Arm machine. This is advanced medical imaging equipment widely used in surgeries. It uses X-ray technology to provide the surgeon with high-quality images, enabling accurate procedures and increasing patient outcomes. This equipment is mobile, allowing surgeons to move them around and get images of the patient’s anatomy at different angles.

What Is Fluoroscopy?

This is an imaging procedure that gathers real-time data or images of a patient’s anatomy. It mimics the usual X-ray only that, in this case, you’re getting a continuous image that looks like a movie instead of static images. As the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) highlights, one of the concerns of fluoroscopy is the level of radiation patients are exposed to during these procedures. Fortunately, Hologic has addressed this issue by manufacturing equipment that produces low doses of radiation that hardly affect patients.

Fluoroscopy comes in handy during surgical procedures. It allows surgeons to view moving structures in the body. This includes even the movement of blood. This procedure is much better than invasive surgical procedures, thus reducing the risk of infections and patient recovery time.

What’s the Reason for Fluoroscopy?

Fluoroscopy is used in many procedures like cardiac catheterization, barium x-rays, lumbar puncture arthrography, and intravenous pyelogram. This procedure can either be used alone or in conjunction with other therapeutic or diagnostic procedures. For example, in barium X-rays, the procedure is used alone to monitor intestine movements. On the other hand, cardiac catheterization involves inserting a tube through the blood vessels to diagnose heart conditions. However, this procedure is used alongside fluoroscopy so that the doctor can know where to direct the tube.

Although C-Arm machines are mostly used in surgical suites, they can also be used in outpatient clinics and emergency rooms. By providing accurate images, they allow physicians to make quick decisions about the best care plan for patients.

The Hologic Company has made major contributions to the health industry. One such contribution can be seen in the radiography department through the manufacturing C-Arm machines. Thanks to such equipment, hospitals are experiencing improved workflow and increased patient experience.

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