Ayam Brand, The Trusted Brand

I grew up eating canned baked beans and sardines by Ayam Brand. It’s the trusted brand of choice by my parents. Naturally for me now, Ayam Brand is my brand of choice when it comes to buying canned food for my own family. Our family’s favorite Ayam Brand products have always been canned tuna, saba, mackererl, sardines and baked beans.

Over the decades, Ayam Brand has evolved and expanded their range of pantry staples. From canned baked beans, tuna and sardines, Ayam Brand has over the years introduced new products such as pasta sauce, canned corn kernels, curry paste and coconut milk.

Ayam Brand products are perfect for days when you’re feeling lazy to cook up a fancy meal from scratch and great for camping trips.

Canned food can be transformed into tasty dishes too. For example, canned sardines. All you have to do is to slice some raw onions, julienne some cucumbers and add a squeeze of zesty lemon or lime juice to the plate of sardines and you’ll have an appetizing dish that everyone loves. And baked beans can be cooked with eggs in several styles. These two canned dishes are my absolute favorites.

The other day I received a goodie bag filled with Ayam Brand products, which includes chili saba, tuna mayo, baked beans, chopped tomatoes, packet coconut milk and green curry paste. I was over the moon as I’ve always wanted to try their green curry paste.

Love this cute cushion in the shape of canned plant-based luncheon meat. This is something that I’d like to try some day – a meatless luncheon meat.
I’m going to pair the coconut milk with red bean ‘tong sui’ (sweet soup). I love my ‘tong sui’ drizzled generously with thick coconut milk. So yummeh!

Which Ayam Brand product is your favorite? How do you like to cook your favorite Ayam Brand canned food?

No. of times viewed = 92

Author: Shireen

I am a WFHM of 3 lovely girls - Alycia, Sherilyn and Cassandra. I am a health, fitness and clean freak. I am a freelance content writer and occasionally help out my other half in his food catering business. I also do product reviews and accept sponsored posts on my blogs. I hope you'll enjoy reading my blog as much as I enjoy sharing my day-to-day adventures and mostly boring ranting :P Welcome to my blog! :)

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