For people who don’t know me well, they think that I starve myself so that I look gaunt. There are some elderly relatives who always think that I don’t eat any food so that I look stick thin. So each time we meet up, they will comment about my weight and lecture me, duh But I don’t do that, nor do I have bulimia. I eat almost everything that I crave but in moderate amounts. Plus I have good genes
as both my parents are thin. My mum is super skinny as she has an ultra small tummy and is a small eater. However, she eats many meals a day and 99% of her meals are homecooked, nutritious and wholesome. So I think I have inherited her DNA as I’m also a very, very small eater but need to eat several small meals a day. Gone are the days when I could stuff myself at buffets till I felt like puking
. We hardly go for hotel buffets now as both hubs and I can’t gobble down so much food like how we used to two decades ago.
But I do miss having our weekly Sunday Japanese buffet lunch at Sheraton Subang and PJ Hilton when Alycia and Sherilyn were toddlers.
I don’t starve myself but I go for low-carb meals. But there are still people who think that low-carb meals are bad and insist that I eat rice and carbs as rice is a miracle, cure-all food . Anyway it’s my body and I do what’s best for myself. These people don’t know that I battled PCOS (an insulin disorder) for years yonks ago. And PCOS caused infertility and that was another battle that I had to go through. And they don’t know that my late maternal granny had diabetes, thus I have to watch my intake of carbs and sugar as diabetes is hereditary.
Anyway, I’ll do me .
These are some of my low-carb meals. Nothing fancy schmancy but delish. Portion control is key in reducing / maintaining your weight.

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