During registration on Thursday (Day 1), the staff at HKL asked me for a letter from Cass’ school to confirm that she’s a student of the high school. But the nurse in charge did not inform me to bring this letter along prior to the appointment! Without this letter, I would have to pay for the cost of the procedure and admission.
As it was still the school holidays (term break), I panicked. After we had gotten a bed at the ward, I quickly Whatsapped Cass’ teacher, who was still on a holiday in her hometown in East Malaysia. She told me to call the school. Thank God there are staff working during the school holidays.
Long story short, the extremely helpful school office administrator helped me get the letter signed by the principal. Thank goodness the principal was around on that day. But she needed me to email Cass’ info to the school, which I did, and squinted my eyes looking at the phone screen till I felt dizzy as I didn’t bring my grandma reading glasses along with me. In less than an hour, the letter was emailed to me. Bless that kind staff for helping me, pronto. This is one of the incidences when I am thankful that I sent Cass to a private school. Staff are extremely helpful and I almost always get what I want speedily. I quickly took a Grab car home to get the letter printed. Hubs printed it for me at his office and brought it home. After a quick lunch, I took a Grab car back to the hospital.
After Cass fainted at the toilet, the doctors wanted her to stay for one more night for the nurses to monitor her blood pressure until it stabilizes and not hover at a dangerously low reading. Again I was not prepared for the extra one night stay in the hospital. I rushed home in the evening, had a super quick dinner, packed Cass’ stuff and went back to the hospital at night to pass the things to Cass.
Cass seems unperturbed with sleeping at the hospital alone as she had done it once before two years ago at Pantai Medical Centre.
The ward that Cass was in is quite comfortable, though it’s not air-conditioned. There’s a row of windows next to her bed with cool breeze coming in throughout the day. Thankfully the weather has been gloomy and rainy lately, thus it’s not hot. There’s also a ceiling fan above each patient’s bed. So there’s very good ventilation in the ward, much better than an air-conditioned room with no proper ventilation.
There was an elderly patient with a productive cough though, two rows away from Cass’ bed. It’s really worrying each time she coughed and spat out phlegm 🤮. Anyway, all patients and accompanying caretakers had to take a PCR test before the admission date.

On the day that Cass was discharged from the hospital, when she was walking to her dad’s car, she accidentally twisted her ankle! When she got home, her foot was throbbing in pain. She was reduced to a hobble and didn’t follow us out for our Mid Autumn Festival dinner at a nearby restaurant. She was nursing her foot with ice cubes compress and was in a foul mood.
Dang Murphy’s Law!! And this is why I get terribly restless each time Cass has to do a procedure at the hospital. She seems to attract Murphy’s Law in a hospital setting.
Two days later (yesterday), hubs took Cass for a physiotherapy session of her injured foot. Today Cass went to school with a slight limp.

At the Discharge Counter on Saturday, I was pleasantly surprised when I was told that I didn’t have to pay a single cent for the 3 days 2 nights stay! That’s one of the benefits of being a Malaysian – almost all your medical expenses are paid for by the Government if you seek treatment at a government healthcare facility , albeit some medical gadgets and procedures are not covered. This admission and procedure would have cost almost RM10k had it been done at a private hospital, perhaps exceeding RM10k if done at a 5 or 6-star private hospital.
As of typing this post today (3 days since Cass sprained her ankle), Cass’ ankle has healed well and she’s so happy that she can walk without a limp anymore. She even went for a walk around our condo grounds in the evening. She missed working out and running very, very much.

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