I just realized that I have not updated this blog for 10 days. As you might already have guessed, I’ve been up to my eyeballs with work – house work this time. Maria our part-time maid of 10 years is pregnant with her second child and has been riddled with bad morning sickness. She’s not come in for work for two weeks.
With the mil still not 100% recovered from her second cataract eye surgery, I have to cook, though not every day. Cooking is not something that I look forward to do ever since my last live-in maid went back to Indonesia for good 11 years ago, but would still do it when I’m in the mood.
With Maria pregnant now, I can foresee that she may not come back to work for us. Even before she got pregnant, she’s been getting jobs from other employers who are paying her higher than what we’re paying her.
With this scenario, I’ll have to start looking for another part-time helper. I may even have to learn to live without any helper at all. It’s not that bad an idea as I’ll be able to save a lot of money each month. I can definitely live with dusty ceiling fans and windows 🤑
The girls and I are also happy with Shopee Food and Grab Food several times a week 😁 as no one likes to wash the dirty dishes and keep them after washing.
Alycia returned to college last Tuesday after testing negative for Covid. However, she’s still having intermittent cough and have lost her sense of smell partially. She told me that her food lacked taste a couple of days after she tested negative. I think this is caused by her blocked nasal. As of today, her olfaction has improved and she can taste her food better, though not 100%.

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