Barely 3 weeks into in-person classes this year, Cass (and her classmates) have to be home quarantined twice – one week each time. The student who was in close contact with a positive case was finally tested positive 2 weeks later.
It’s not any better for Sherilyn as well. One of her classmates was tested positive for Covid and she had to be home quarantined for a week too. Sherilyn gave us a scare when her temperature went up to 37.9C and hovered around 37.4 – 37.5C for several days. She also had a slight dry cough. Other than that, she was very well with great appetite and all. She tested herself using a Covid RTK four times and all four times showed negative. I can only blame this on her lifestyle. She has a habit of dozing off on the couch and only waking up in the wee hours of the morning to shower! Hubs, the mil and I have been nagging her to shower and sleep early but to no avail.
This Chinese New Year we will be staying put in KL, for the 2nd year straight. With Cass and Sherilyn being close contacts just recently, it is not safe for us to be back to meet my parents as they are highly vulnerable folks. My mum has asthma and weak lungs. I’m really disappointed that I can’t meet my parents yet. I’m praying that we can go back in early March this year during the school holidays. But the trip will likely involve only Cass, Sherilyn and me. Alycia’s semester break will only be in April and the school holidays would have ended by then.
The girls were gifted with clothes, bags and a big angpow from their Sarah koo koo.
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