Haru started vomiting and retching since yesterday evening. She vomited twice yesterday and twice today. We suspect she must have ingested disinfectant that our condo guards sprayed on our parcels.
When my parcels arrived yesterday, I asked Alycia to help me get them from the lobby as I was busy with work. When Alycia brought the parcels up, I forgot to tell her to leave the parcels outside the house. These days, I open up all my parcels outside the house due to Covid safety concerns. Also, I don’t want Haru to bite and sniff on the parcels which have been exposed to millions of virus, germs, bacteria and what nots.
When I was busy opening the second parcel, Haru was busy biting on the parcel plastic, box and everything else that was on the floor from the first parcel. While I was busy testing out the newly received rechargeable USB charging fan, Haru was still sniffing and biting the wrappers and boxes. Moment later, Haru started to throw up. Minutes later after throwing up, she started retching white foamy saliva. But she seemed to be OK after the vomit episodes. I monitored her closely and gave her tuna at 9:30pm as usual. She usually eats hungrily and hastily (she’s always hangry!) but this time, she ate very slowly. Thankfully she didn’t throw up.
This morning, I thought that Haru had recovered as her appetite seemed to have returned. But an hour after eating her breakfast of tuna, she threw up again. And moments later, she retched out white foamy saliva again. I summoned Sherilyn to follow me to the vet’s immediately. Thankfully she had 30 minutes of break before the next class and the vet’s is just a 5-minute drive from our place.
Dr Ben examined Haru and told us that Haru’s lymph nodes were inflamed. Her tongue is also bluish in color, suggesting that she had ingested something that’s not right or toxic substance. It could be the disinfectant from the parcel. It could also be remnants of essential oils from my hands after applying on my body. I’m not sure who’s the culprit.
After taking her first dose of antibiotics and anti-vomiting meds, Haru stopped vomiting. But she’s still not 100% herself yet. We could tell from her resting position and her lack of interest in drinking water.
After this worrying incident, we will all be extra careful with our parcels whenever Haru is out of her cage and with our hands before touching Haru. I have to be mindful and remember to wash my hands after applying essential oils on myself and before touching Haru. She could have died from poisoning today had I not brought her to the vet’s. 😲
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