Sourdough Starter

Cass has to do a Biology experiment on food fermentation and she chose to experiment with making sourdough.

The yeast was made from scratch using flour and water. After a few days, I woke up one morning to a terrible stench. It smelled like rotten fish, dead animal and socks that have not been washed for a year. I was looking everywhere around the house to find the source of the rotting smell until I saw Knox on the dining table!

Cass named her ‘baby’ Knox, made on 22 September 2021.

Looks like a glass of Frappuccino but smells like dead animal! The entire house had this lingering stench for days. The mil and hubs have been complaining about the stench. I couldn’t tolerate the odor as well since Knox was seated right behind my work desk.

Today we transferred Knox out of the house to the balcony. We could still smell the stench of Knox and at times, it smelled of cow dung 🤮

Does a sourdough starter even smell like this? Can a sourdough expert enlighten us? 😁

No. of times viewed = 87

7 Reasons Why Abortion Might Be The Best Option For You

If you have discovered an unexpected pregnancy — or maybe even a planned one which you are now having doubts about — then abortion is one of the options you might have considered. 

How do you know if abortion is right for you? Here are seven reasons why some people choose to have abortions. 

  1. You’re Not Financially Prepared

To provide everything your baby needs and ensure that you also don’t neglect yourself and your own lifestyle, you need to be in a secure financial situation. This doesn’t only mean your regular income, but also any savings and money for emergencies. If a pregnancy has arisen unexpectedly, you may not be in a good financial situation or have the savings to begin a family. 

  1. You’re Not in the Best Health 

This can apply to physical, mental, or emotional health. Pregnancy may have complications or risks for your own health depending on whether you have existing conditions or you’re suffering from mental or emotional strain, and you aren’t in the right frame of mind to raise a child right now. You may want to take care of your own health first to be in the best position to raise a child. 

  1. You’re Planning for Big Life Changes

You might be looking to relocate to another country, undergo a huge career move, or make life-changing decisions like your future education if you’re a young student. You may already have dreams and aspirations for your life that never included a child, so an unexpected pregnancy may disrupt all of that. 

  1. You Simply Don’t Want a Child

You may not need a reason other than the fact that you simply don’t want a child, whether right now or ever, and it’s reason enough. If you haven’t factored a child into your life and know that you unequivocally don’t want one, then abortion can be a logical option, such as with

  1. You Already Have Children and Don’t Want to Accommodate Another

You might not have planned to have any more children, and the prospect of bringing another into your family may mean that you’re unable to provide for your existing children in the same way, such as with finances or the time and attention you can give. You may want to ensure that your existing children have everything they need instead of entertaining another child that could disrupt everything. 

  1. You’re Not in a Stable Relationship 

Perhaps you always dreamed of having a child with someone you’re ready to settle down with, and you haven’t found them yet; or, maybe you’re with someone you don’t want a child with, such as if you’re planning to end the relationship. It may even be that the pregnancy happened as the result of a casual relationship, and you do not wish to raise a child alone. 

  1. The Baby Was Conceived in Negative Circumstances 

You may have been in an abusive relationship, or perhaps the pregnancy occurred through a situation of abuse or assault. It would be natural to want to sever all ties with what you experienced and also end an unwanted pregnancy that was conceived in a negative way. 

Any of these reasons can signal that abortion is a good option for you.

No. of times viewed = 39

How To Get Children Excited About Their Health

Adorable ethnic little siblings having breakfast in kitchen

From a family perspective, getting healthy can be difficult. While many children absolutely love to run around and get into everything, sometimes it can be harder to get older children to get on board. There is no shame in pushing your kids to live healthy lives, as they will thank you for it further down the line.

Work together

Make sure that everyone is eating together as this can provide fresh encouragement to your children, especially if they seem unwilling to co-operate to begin with. Sitting down at home and eating with each other will help to form a routine and structure that’ll help you all live a healthier lifestyle. As well as setting a clear routine and focusing on eating together and supporting one another, it is vital to get your children on board with the process of exercising regularly. There is one other reason for eating together. It can help our family to bond as you are forced to spend more time together and improve your relationships as a family. It offers vital time to chat with older family members and provides a chance for the younger members to try something new.

Use smartphones to keep track

Keeping up to date with medical appointments can also be tough as a family, as with so many moving parts it is often difficult to keep track. Thankfully at they can help you to keep up to date with any key appointments and can help in an emergency if you want assistance. They can also help to organize your appointments in a high pressure situation, and will take the stress out of the whole thing by offering remote appointments so that you are able to kick back and essentially host an appointment in the comfort of you own home. If nothing else, it can take away some of the stress of medical appointments as the information is sent directly to your smartphone

Let children help cook

When preparing a healthy meal, why not let your children get involved in the process? It would mean they have more of an idea of what goes into different dishes and they’ll also feel a sense of satisfaction for what they help to create. In a study by Sciencedaily, it was suggested that children who cook at home are more likely to eat fruit and vegetables. This could purely be because as they have helped to prepare it, they are more naturally inclined to like it.

It stands to reason that this might be the case, and it goes for adults, too. It stands to reason that you would be naturally inclined to eat food you prepare so that nothing goes to waste and so that you are able to see the end result of what you helped create. Sparking an interest in healthy food takes persistence and a little creativity. Another tip is to get the kids involved in the shopping process, too.   

No. of times viewed = 24

Haru Oh Haru!

Last week Haru (who’s 9 months old) gave us yet another scare which sent us to the vet’s clinic with her again.

It all started when I was out. Cass Whatsapped me and told me that Haru was acting very strangely and seemed very restless and in pain, couldn’t walk right and crawling low on the floor.

When I got home and checked on Haru, indeed she looked like she was in distress, had a different meow and seemed to be in pain whenever I touched her hind legs and belly. I thought she had swallowed part of her bottle teat as I could not find the missing small bit of the bottle teat that she had bitten off in the morning. This kitty still behaves like a baby and only wants to drink water from a milk bottle. I’ve bought several pet water bottles but she did not seem interested in them at all.

Thankfully Cass had an hour of break in between online classes and could follow me to the vet’s clinic. And thankfully the vet’s is just a 5-minute drive from home.

At the vet’s – one look at Haru and Dr Ben told us that Haru is in heat, thus all the bizarre behavior, caterwauling, ‘manja’ behavior, rolling and flipping on the ground, low crawling and ultra sensitive to touch on the lower part of her body. O.M.G.!!

Actually Haru started to behave more affectionately and strangely about 2 weeks ago and I didn’t give much thought to it. And it peaked when all these bizarre behaviors started to show.

Haru continued to behave very differently for the next 2 days. She was extremely noisy, kept caterwauling and youling and we could not even touch the lower part of her body or she would get very uncomfortable.

The next 2 days saw the girls and I laughing a lot at Haru. I had to explain the female’s reproductive cycle to the girls and it’s some what similar in cats, albeit cats don’t get menstruation. I was surprised that the girls actually know a lot about this topic – they learn it in Biology class and from other sources.

I don’t think I can wait till the December school holidays to get Haru neutered. It’s a terrible time for Haru and all of us at home to have to see her in discomfort during her heat and we can’t tolerate the loud youling and bizarre behavior. It’s both annoying and distressing to us too. Once I find a day when either Sherilyn or Cass has an hour of free time in between online classes, I’ll fix a date with the vet to have the procedure done ✂️

Sleeping on her new scratch board bed, which she does not really fancy. She prefers the old round scratch board bed.
Trying her luck to get near the bread on our dining table. Bread and pau are her favorite foods, besides chicken and pork. She even likes mooncakes 😸

No. of times viewed = 26

A Comprehensive Guide To Crystals And Their Various Uses

For the stunning appearance and the respect an awe that crystals inspire, it is certainly hard to believe that crystals are merely formations of rock. From an initial popularity with the Ancient Egyptians, to a resurgence in recognition in the 1960s and 1970s, crystal is still one of the most respected and widely worn natural elements in the world.

Continue reading for a comprehensive guide to crystals and their various uses.

Uses Of Crystals

Contrary to popular belief, crystals are by no means just used as an ornate decoration or embellishment and, as a result, the vast majority of crystals that you will see inside gift shops and as part of an expensive and detailed ornaments have not been sourced from the earth. Nowadays, as crystals are incredibly rare and extremely hard to find, the bulk of crystals are now solely manmade. 

Fascinatingly, old transistor radios used fragments of crystals to act as a solar cell to regulate electrical flow and to become the transistor. Crystals have been used as solar cells for a number of years and they have powered everything from space transport to the humble calculator. The crystal solar cell creates a type of energy called photovoltaic when combined with silicon. 

In addition, when a crystal is liquidized, the substance that is created is often used in magnetism and inside cogs and other mechanical elements.

Crystal Jewelry

There is no more fabulous present to give to a loved one than a stunning piece of jewelry containing a clear, bright crystal. 

Whether you are interested in a piece of crystal jewelry for a loved one as a gift, or would like to treat yourself to a special necklace that you will treasure forever, be sure to visit a knowledgeable and professional supplier such as, where everything is created by hand. 

As every single bit of crystal is entirely unique, so too will be the piece of crystal jewelery you invest in, and this simply adds to the overall feeling of wearing such a beautifully unique piece of jewelry. 

The Spiritual Side Of Crystals

Although there is not (currently) any scientific evidence to support the theory that crystals contain various healing powers and properties, this certainly does not stop hundreds of thousands of people subscribing to the notion. 

It is pertinent to point out, however, that whether or not crystals do indeed contain an element of spiritual assistance, even self-fulfilled prophecy can be a fantastic boost to one’s mental health and wellbeing. 

Lapis lazuli, a bright-blue crystal, is said to reduce feelings of anxiety and improve your ability to communicate with others, whereas the purple crystal amethyst has a reputed ability to repel negative energy and the people who exude it. The bright-green crystal aventurine is said to lower your cholesterol and boost your immune system, while orange topaz is supposed to aid meditation and spiritual enlightenment. Finally, black obsidian is said the be one of the strongest protective stones possible. 

No. of times viewed = 25

How To Keep Your Kids Entertained

Swing, Playground, Children Playing, Park, Child, Play

Whether your kids are on school break or it’s the weekend, you might be trying to find things for them to do that don’t involve electronics. They’re used to playing video games or watching video apps, but you want them to do something that strengthens their mind and builds their creativity. Here are some ways you can keep them happy and maybe help them learn some new skills in the meantime. 

Cook a Meal

Most kids love to help out in the kitchen. They get excited to learn how different kitchen tools and machines are used and never tire of helping mix a bowl of cookie dough. Instead of having them help you with the usual cookie mix or cake recipe, have them help you with something more involved.

When you’re preparing things for the meal, make sure you plan for extra prep time. Because the kids are learning what to do, they’re going to be slower than you are. If you’re worried about them hurting themselves with knives, you can buy special wooden safety knives that will allow them to cut many things but won’t cut their skin. 

Paper Mache

Some of the best recreation projects Murray UT are those that take multiple days to complete. They keep the kids entertained long-term and give them something to look forward to. Before starting, have the kids decide what design they want to do. When doing your project, make sure you do it on a warm day in a well-covered area. The glue can make a mess, and you won’t want it everywhere. 

Paint Rocks

When you’re getting ready to paint rocks, part of the fun is going on a walk to find them. If you live near a lake or river, you’ll find plenty of good options near there. Make sure your kids know to never take rocks out of someone’s yard. 

To make painting the rocks extra fun, you could write funny phrases on them and then leave them around the neighborhood. Then, when other people are out for their walks, they can enjoy the rocks, too. 

No. of times viewed = 54

Top 4 Tips For Good Oral Health

Dental, Toothpaste, Toothbrush, Dental Floss, Mouthwash

When it comes to self-care, maintaining good oral hygiene should be at the top of the list. Looking after your teeth will help keep your oral cavity healthy and reduce the risk of nasty infections and diseases. Not to mention, a healthy, clean mouth can help you look, smell, and feel great. Here are four top tips to help you maintain good oral health.

1. Schedule in a Dental Appointment

One thing many people seem to put off is going to the dentist. No one likes the idea of sitting in a chair while someone probes the contents of their mouth. However, a regular visit is key to good oral hygiene. Adults should aim to visit a dentist every six months. If you skip an appointment, you could be at a higher risk of developing a dental condition. In turn, you may have to increase your number of visits per year. Dentists are specially trained to inspect the oral cavity, and they can help stop dental diseases and infections. They can also spot problems early on and give recommendations to fix the issue before it gets worse. The Oakwood Clinic is made up of dental professionals who can help you maintain good oral hygiene. They offer different types of treatments, including cosmetic, general, and preventative dentistry. For more information about their services, visit

2. Swap Your Toothbrush

Whether you use an old-school toothbrush or you brush your teeth with an electric model, the bristles of a brush can lose their cleaning ability after a certain amount of time. For optimum results and healthy teeth, you should aim to replace the toothbrush, or the toothbrush head, every three or four months.

3. Ayurvedic Oil Pulling

The ancient ayurvedic practice of oil pulling has been revered for thousands of years. The idea of this practice is to remove harmful toxins by pulling them out of the body through the tongue. The practice is said to prevent cavity formation, clear discoloration from teeth, and reduce bad breath. You can choose from different types of oil, such as coconut, olive, and sesame, and you should practice oil pulling first thing in the morning before you brush your teeth. To practice, you need to rinse your mouth with water, then swish a tablespoon of oil in your mouth for at least five minutes. Once you have finished swishing, spit out the oil, rinse with warm water, then brush as usual.

Water, Glass, Liquid, Wet, Refreshment, Diamond, Splash
  1. Drink Plenty of Water

Water is natural and free, and drinking enough of it per day is excellent for overall health. Not to mention, it contains no fat, calories, or, most importantly, sugar. Drinking water will help you achieve good oral hygiene. Conversely, a sugary beverage can dissolve your enamel and create cavities, which may eventually lead to tooth decay. Drinking water before eating and drinking can stimulate saliva production, which will stop sugar from clinging to your teeth. On the other hand, drinking water after consuming sweet items can help decrease the risk of plaque and bacteria from building up on your teeth, and it will reduce bad breath too.

No. of times viewed = 21

6 Signs You Need to See A Dentist

Dentist, Dental Care, Dentistry, Teeth, Doctor

Everyone knows they should see a dentist twice a year for a check-up, but it’s quite common for people to miss a year or so without scheduling a meeting with a dentist due to travel, work, family, and ultimately, just not having the time or need to go until pain or uncomfortable sensations strike.

It’s always tempting to wait out the pain with painkillers or gels when discomfort strikes, as common pains like toothache, sensitive teeth, or cracked teeth go away after a few days in minor instances, only to return shortly after. If you suffer from any of these oral conditions below, you should seek dental advice immediately. 

Headaches & Grinding teeth

If you find yourself waking up in the morning with a headache or a slight migraine, this could be down to sore teeth caused by grinding teeth. This sensation (Bruxism) is regular among adults with stress-related issues that cause unconsciously clenching or grinding of their teeth while awake and during sleep, leading to damaged teeth, headaches, and jaw problems.


It’s never an easy time when a toothache strikes! It’s hard to think, concentrate, stand, lay down, sit, or do anything that requires your brain to act. Painkillers can subdue the pain for a while, but if a recurring toothache keeps troubling you, it’s an urgent sign that you should visit a friendly dentist. 

Inflamed Gums

Sore, swollen, and red gums are signs of potential gum disease and can cause serious discomfort if left untreated. Severe cases of gum disease need treating straight away with oral cleaning tools that eliminate infections, plaque around the gum line, and bacterias.

Other minor issues like abscesses around the teeth and gums are easily treatable with a visit to the dentist and proper dental hygiene at home.

Loose or Cracked Teeth

Nothing is satisfying about chewing on food with a wobbly or cracked tooth. Food gets stuck in between the gaps, and the pain and trauma eventually become unbearable. When noticing a loose or chipped tooth, you should see your dentist immediately for assistance.

A qualified dentist will make a diagnosis of the tooth and determine if a cracked tooth can be repaired or needs removing. The procedure at for tooth removal is stress-free and over in no time. 

Sensitive To Hot & Cold

Nearly everyone at some point in their lives suffers from an uncomfortable sensation from hot and cold food or drink in their teeth. If you have sensitive teeth when eating ice cream, hot drinks, citrus drinks, or sweet foods on a regular basis, it’s better to schedule an appointment with a dentist. A dentist can resolve this issue with cleaning and protective coatings aimed to reduce the sensitivity.

Bleeding Gums

Occasional bleeding of the gums that lasts a day or two is nothing to be alarmed about, but continuous bleeding for several days during brushing could be something more serious like gingivitis, periodontal disease, bad breath, scurvy, and even diabetes the longer it’s left untreated.

Minor causes of bleeding gums can also be caused by using a toothbrush with hard bristles, using medication like blood thinners, flossing for the first time, or faulty dental procedures. 

No. of times viewed = 12

Vaccination Week

Alycia’s 2nd dose Pfizer was done and dusted this morning at PPUM ✅. I wasn’t allowed to follow her into the PPV this time and had to wait at the lift area. We were out of the building in under 20 minutes. After two weeks, hopefully she’ll be able to start her driving lessons and step foot into campus!

There’s a surprise door gift of blueberry bread given at the PPV today.

Sherilyn and Cass received their 1st dose of Pfizer yesterday noon at Axiata Arena. There were huge crowds everywhere but many helpful volunteers were there to guide us into the right hall and stations.

I thought that I would have to wait for hours but all was done in under half hour. Reason? Cass was on a wheelchair (she sprained her ankle while exercising the night before and couldn’t walk) and a volunteer led us to every station, thus by-passing the queue. The privilege of being on a wheelchair 😐. Not proud of it anyway. It’s never nice to be on a wheelchair.

As of today evening, apart from a sore arm, Sherilyn has a low grade fever and mild headache. Cass has a sore arm and still nursing her swollen ankle.

No. of times viewed = 22

Mentholatum’s New Acne Care Range For Visibly Clear And Healthy Looking Skin (Japan’s No.1 Daily Skincare for Acne-Prone Skin)

Facial acne, though common among adolescents and young adults, impacts their quality of life. Studies have shown that acne can cause psychosocial disturbances such as depression and anxiety. Citing a research done by Brody, 2019, “acne is not a killer, but it can scar people literally and psychologically.”

In addressing issues arising from facial acne and also to offer a solution to help with acne care, Mentholatum has launched a new skincare range for acne and oily-prone skin known as Mentholatum Acnes.

Mentholatum Acnes, Japan’s No.1 complex trouble care is a brand that has been developed from Rohto-Pharmaceutical, a global pharmaceutical company with rich history and heritage in skincare product development with over 120 years’ experience in pharmaceutical technology. It aims to help consumers achieve visibly clear and healthy-looking skin through its range of products containing naturally derived ingredients to help address acne and oily troubled skin effectively whilst providing gentle care to the skin.

According to a survey by Mentholatum, 72% of respondents experienced improved skin condition after 30 days of using the Mentholatum Acnes, whereas 3 out of 4 said their skin condition improved just after 7 days thereby giving them more self-confidence.

The new Mentholatum Acnes range consists of a full range of acne skincare routine, namely Mentholatum Acnes Creamy Wash, Acnes Powder Lotion, Acnes Oil-Control Moisturiser, as well as Acnes Anti-Acne Spot Gel for spot-treatment. The Acnes product range contains more than 95% of pure Centella Asiatica extract from Madagascar, which is backed by research to effectively help soothe the skin and aid in blemish recovery.

Details of the products are as follows:

Mentholatum Acnes Creamy Wash (RM19.90, 100g)
This Amino Acid soap-free cleansing formula is close to the skin’s natural pH level for a gentle yet effective cleansing, suitable for sensitive acne-prone skin. Salicylic Acid (BHA) is added into the formula to help unclog pores and combat acne. The antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties of the Avocado Extract is a calming agent to calm the skin, at the same time remove sebum for longer lasting oil control. Vitamin C + E antioxidants are also found in this formulation to soothe skin, brighten dull skin, lighten acne marks, and strengthen the skin barrier.

Mentholatum Acnes Powder Lotion (RM19.90, 150ml)
This sebum-balancing and oil-control formula helps remove dead skin cells and fight blemishes by penetrating deep into the pores. It also contains oil absorbing mineral powder to help absorb excess sebum and tighten the pores for smoother looking skin. To prevent excessive dryness, Aloe Vera Extract is added for its moisturising properties, as well as for long-lasting freshness. Similar to the Creamy Wash, the Powder Lotion also contains Vitamin C to help brighten dull skin, lighten acne marks, and strengthen skin barrier.

Mentholatum Acnes Oil Control Moisturiser (RM29.90, 45g)
The moisturising properties of this moisturiser is derived from apple, aloe vera, seaweed, and chamomile extracts to keep the skin feeling soft and moisturised. The apple extract also works alongside with Salicylic Acid for gentle exfoliation; while bitter cherry extract is added to improve skin’s elasticity, leaving the skin plump and youthful.

Mentholatum Acnes Anti-Acne Spot Gel (RM21.90, 18g)
This spot treatment contains 2% Sulphur that effectively treat stubborn acnes. Added with Salicylic Acid, it will reduce excessive sebum, remove dead skin cells, unclog pores, and prevent acne breakouts. It also contains Vitamin E and Licorice extract to soothe and calm irritated acne spots.

To start-off your acne-care routine, cleanse the skin by squeezing an appropriate amount of Mentholatum Acnes Creamy Wash onto wet palms, lather with water and massage gently. Then, rinse thoroughly with water.

After cleansing, pat on the Mentholatum Acnes Powder Lotion onto the skin with cotton pads or just your palms. Remember to shake the bottle before every usage to mix the mineral powder and the solution.

Then, apply the Mentholatum Acnes Oil-Control Moisturiser evenly on the skin and gently massage until it is fully absorbed by the skin. Use these three products for your daily day and night time acne skincare routine.

For spot treatment, apply the Mentholatum Acnes Anti-Acne Spot Gel topically 2-3 times a day on the affected areas. The Anti-Acne Spot Gel can be used before applying makeup. Before applying, ensure your hands and skin are thoroughly cleansed to prevent contamination.

The Mentholatum Acnes Creamy Wash, Powder Lotion, Oil-Control Moisturiser, and Anti-Acne Spot Gel are available at Watsons and various online platforms. Get yours now to kickstart your acne skincare journey. For more information about the new Mentholatum Acnes range, kindly log on to

No. of times viewed = 56

Cassandra’s 1st Dose Pfizer Vaccine – 29 Sept 2021 (Wednesday)

A day after I received Sherilyn’s vaccination date (1st dose) via my MySejahtera app, Cass received hers via her MySejahtera app. I’m impressed with how efficient the minister in charged of Covid vax is in arranging vax for everyone in our country, including non-Malaysians and illegals.

This means I’m going to be very busy next week with all 3 girls receiving their vaccines one day after another, 3 days straight!

Monday ¬ Sherilyn’s first dose at Axiata Arena at 12 noon

Tuesday ¬ Alycia’s 2nd dose at PPUM at 10am

Wednesday¬ Cassandra’s 1st dose at Axiata Arena at 1.15pm

I need lots of luck and prayers that everything will go smoothly. I don’t want to be stuck at the youth PPV for hours as there will be mass students including their parents at the PPV. I’m worried of the crowd and Covid risk.

Sherilyn’s entire class will be at the vax centre on the same date and time and so is Cass’s class the next day. I pray that the girls will experience not much to no side effects after their jabs 🙏

Cass fixed herself this oat, granola and fruit bowl for breakkie this morning. It’s composed of half cup of organic instant oats, a little fresh milk, Amazin’ Graze Gula Melaka granola, jackfruit, green kiwi and banana. She ate this in between online classes. I’m glad that my healthy eating habits have rubbed off on the girls as they now prefer healthy snacks.
Also, I don’t really stock up on unhealthy snacks albeit I still stock up on certain ‘health snacks’ 😜
Cass even likes raw sprouts and raw bell peppers now, so proud of her!
Cass has to attend classes even on Saturdays, with 1 Saturday in a month off.
My lunch of chicken porridge, my all time favorite comfort meal.
The porridge is cooked in the TMX 6 using leftover roast chicken. A good fried gave us a full-moon gift box which has half a roast chicken.

No. of times viewed = 28

Thursday, 23 Sept 2021

Yesterday I finally received a vaccination appointment for Sherilyn via my MySejahtera app. Earlier this week her school sent out the application and consent forms to the parents. Within 2 days we received the vaccination date, which is next Monday. All her classmates have been given the same date and time as well.

After Sherilyn’s first dose on Monday, the following day will be Alycia’s second dose. I foresee that the wait will be pretty long on Monday as there will be many students at the PPV. I dread going to the PPV so many times. After next week, I will have another 3 more trips to the vax centre for Sherilyn’s 2nd dose and for Cass’ turn, which is still under process by her school.

On another note, both Sherilyn and Cass will most likely remain at home for remote learning until the end of this year. They have only gone to school for two weeks this year and for about 3 or 4 months last year. As I’ve mentioned before, online learning is not effective for my girls. I can’t wait for them to return to school for proper learning once again.

Alycia will finally be stepping into campus next month! I’m so happy and excited for her! The driving academy has also Whatsapped me to collect her L license and once this is done, she will be able to start her driving lessons, yes!

My simple low-carb lunch today of kimchi soup with lots of vegetables, lean pork slices, fish balls and a handful of raw broccoli and radish sprouts. Yup, this is how little I eat. I have a tummy as small as Haru’s, thus my size 😹

No. of times viewed = 22

Hotteok (Korean Sweet Pancakes) and Tiramisu

Our in-house teenage chef made Hotteok (Korean Sweet Pancakes) for brunch today. They were really delish – crispy on the outside and fluffy on the inside.

She made 3 types of filling for the pancakes:

  1. Brown sugar, cinnamon and walnut
  2. Maple syrup and walnut
  3. Homemade chestnut jam (this was made from scratch in the morning)

Later in the afternoon, she made caramel and popped another batch of popcorns. Her caramel popcorns with hazelnuts tastes 99% like Garrett popcorns and they cost a fraction of the price.

In the evening she made two trays of Tiramisu – one with chocolate liqueur (17% alcohol) and one without liqueur.

Since it’s the second last day of the school holidays today, our teenage chef has some time to spare on her hobby. When school (online classes) resumes next week, she’ll be glued to her desk from morning till evening again.

This Hotteok is absolutely divinish! Crispy on the outside and fluffy on the inside. This will definitely be selling like hot cakes if she had the time to.
Oozing with yummy filling of crushed toasted walnuts, cinnamon and maple sugar.
These pancakes look and taste like Chinese fried red bean buns.
This chestnut jam is dead easy to make – just blend 3 packets of organic chestnuts (peeled), add Lakanto sugar and a bit of organic brown sugar (for the coloring) and cook over stove for 5-10 mins.
So yummy. Goes well with everything.
Homemade ‘Garrett’ popcorns with homemade caramel (less sweet) and toasted hazelnuts. The kernels were popped in our trusty wok, then added with caramel and baked for 4 minutes. Oh. So. Addictive!!
Our yummy dessert for the next 2-3 days 😋
This pancake is for the girls’ koo phor ‘(hubby’s aunt) who stays 2 units below us.

No. of times viewed = 33

3 Handwashing Tips to Teach Your Little One

man in long sleeve shirt standing beside girl in pink tank top washing hands

There are many things that can be done to prevent the spread of germs, thereby reducing the chances of getting sick. Handwashing is one of the best ways, and it is important to teach little ones how and when to do it from an early age. One of the ways to teach good habits is to make it fun. Making things into a game is a great way to get kids to do something they otherwise would choose not to do.

Although washing hands is important, it is not the only strategy to improving the immune system and staying healthy. Exercising, getting enough sunlight, drinking water, sleeping, and eating organically are also important. Important vitamins and minerals can be obtained by eating certain foods. However, there are times when supplementing with Wellements organic multivitamin drops is necessary, and it should be a part of a family’s healthy routine.

The Importance of Handwashing & How to Make it Fun

Children and babies are constantly touching things, and this results in a buildup of germs on the hands. In daycare and school situations, illnesses are commonly passed on from one kid to another. Washing the hands with soap and warm water removes these germs, reducing the risk of spreading the viruses and bacteria that cause illnesses.

One of the ways to teach your little ones how to properly wash their hands is to make it fun. As they should spend at least 20 seconds washing them, it works well to sing one of their favorite songs to make the time go by faster. Good choices are the alphabet song, happy birthday, or other child-friendly song.

You should also teach proper technique. Easy handwashing can be done in three steps:

1. Turn the warm water on and wet hands.

2. Put soap in one hand and have the child rub hands together under the running water, making sure to get both sides of the hands as well as in between the fingers.

3. Dry the hands off completely with a towel, paper towel, or hand dryer.

Washing hands thoroughly is one step in fighting off illness. However, adding vitamin supplements or Wellements immune support is an additional step, especially during flu and cold season or before leaving for a trip. 

Creating Healthy Habits Including a Vitamin Routine for Your Family

There are a number of habits that improve immunity and make for healthier families. Adding a vitamin routine may be one of those habits. Although it is possible to obtain the necessary nutrients from the food you eat, it is sometimes hard to do. When you learn about vitamin types and functions, you can see how they play a vital role in how your body functions. If you are deficient in any vitamin, you are at a higher risk of getting sick, and the same holds true for your little one. 

Although you are probably ok with swallowing a pill, this obviously does not work for babies and children. Thankfully, there are liquid vitamins that are easy to add to food, water, milk, and juice. You can supplement with just one or two vitamins that you know your family is deficient in, or you may choose to incorporate a multivitamin into your routine. 

No. of times viewed = 10

Tips For Growing Your Own Vegetables

green plant on persons hand

As a parent, you’ll definitely want to do more of this to ensure your children eat enough vegetables. Unfortunately, this isn’t always easy; buying fresh, organic vegetables can be expensive, and you might be looking at different ways to make sure there are always vegetables in the house.

Growing your own vegetables might be a good option; you’ll always have them when you need them, and you’ll know exactly where they’ve come from and how they were grown. If this idea sounds like a good one, read on for some helpful tips when it comes to growing your own vegetables.

Prepare The Soil

The first thing you’ll need to do to grow your own vegetables is to prepare the soil for them. If they aren’t planted in the right soil, to begin with, they might struggle to grow, and you’ll end up with no vegetables at all even after your hard work or small vegetables that won’t feed your family.

Before you plant any seeds, it’s a good idea to add organic fertilizer and compost to the soil and dig it all over so that it’s properly mixed. This will help the vegetables to grow, no matter whether the soil in your yard is generally healthy or not. Start doing this a few weeks before you intend to plant anything to get the best result.

Use Raised Beds

Now that your soil is prepared, you’ll need to create a separate planting area for the vegetables themselves. Although you can certainly plant them directly into the ground, this won’t give them the best chance of growing healthily; raised beds are what you need in that regard.

When you create a raised vegetable bed (perhaps by using railway sleepers or wooden planks and specialist grouting equipment to clear out any debris), your growing season will automatically be extended. This is because the soil will warm up much earlier in the year, thanks to it being above the frozen ground. Another benefit of raised beds is that your back won’t suffer as much when you’re gardening since you won’t have to bend down so far.

Choose The Right Vegetables

It’s well worth spending a lot of time thinking carefully about the vegetables you intend to plant. Start with the ones you like to eat most and determine whether they can grow on your soil type, climate, and the growing conditions that will be available. It might be that the vegetables you want most simply won’t grow how you want them to, so you’ll need to seek out the ones that will.

An alternative is to invest in a greenhouse.  In this way, you should be able to grow almost any vegetables because you can create the climate that works best for them. Have this greenhouse in addition to your vegetable patch, and you should be able to grow anything you want to.

girl sitting using smartphone

Plants Flowers Too

Vegetables have to be pollinated; otherwise, they won’t grow properly, and you want to give them as much chance as possible to grow well. This is why planting flowers in between the vegetables is a great idea. Not only will it look wonderful and smell lovely, but it will attract bees and other pollinators, ensuring that your vegetables get all the help they need to grow just right.

No. of times viewed = 29

Online Purchases ‘WTF’ Moments

I started shopping online intensively for most of our household necessities early this year. This is the year that I did the most online shopping in my entire life, thanks to Covid-19. Overall, I’m happy and satisfied with 95% of my purchases as they were usually purchased during online sales with great discounts, free shipping and cashback. But I’ve had my fair share of WTF!! moments too. Laugh in your sleeve if you wish😆

You would have read my recent post on the purchase of a replacement scratch board from Shopee for Haru last week. When Haru got into the zoomies today, she ripped the replacement board. Again! It was a heap of cardboard mess and she was tangled in the long cardboard strips. This shows very poor workmanship of the scratcher, which is not even cheap. I paid RM10 just for some corrugated cardboard.
Since I couldn’t safe it anymore, the scratcher had to be binned. I don’t think I will get the replacement scratcher anymore. I’ll buy another type of scratch board which is sturdier.
These 2 packets of popcorn kernels purchased from Shopee were my mistake. I did not read the description carefully, which says ‘kernels’. I was more attracted to the photo of the big, delicious, round mushroom popcorns.
When I opened the parcel, I got a big shock as I’d expected to see ready-to-eat popcorns. The girls and I laughed uproariously. We waited impatiently for 5 days in anticipation of enjoying some healthy plain popcorns but look what we received!
Sherilyn and Cass are excited now as they get to make popcorns! Cass has been hounding me for ages to buy popcorn kernels for her to try making popcorns. Her wish has come true now.

I had placed an order for DECAF Nescafe Gold from Shopee Supermarket. The picture on the Shopee website showed Nescafe Gold Decaf. However, what I received was a jar of Nescafe Gold without the word ‘DECAF’ on the front label.
I quickly snapped a photo of the item and messaged the seller. The customer service staff was prompt to reply me and told me that this is the new packaging, where there’s no ‘DECAF’ on the front label. Instead, the ‘DECAF’ word is at the back label in microscopic size fonts. WTF?!
I had to snap a picture of the back label and then enlarged it on my phone to read the words. Even with enlarging on the phone, the words were still micro mini and I could not decipher the prints! How misleading Nestle is with their poorly designed label!
Nestle: you better change the label design to stop misleading buyers!

No. of times viewed = 27