Tomorrow will be my turn to be vaccinated with AstraZeneca! Venue is at Universiti Malaya. The mil is also having hers tomorrow at the same venue, 2 hours later. So we’re be going together. Hubs had his AZ vaccine on 23 May 2021 and all was well with him. He had almost no side effects, except for having a slight chill 2 days later and that’s about it. I’m envious of him!
Honestly, I am worried of the side effects, especially the controversial blood clots and stroke. I was anemic 4 years ago (caused by a fibroid) and I’ve not had another blood work done to check the red blood cells after a fibroid removal surgery performed in May 2017. I’ve been diligently popping Sangobion (iron supplement) daily for the past one month. I’m not sure if being anemic has any correlation with blood clot. That may just be my unfounded fear. I’m just a worrywart.
Wish me luck guys! I need lots of it. I shall be updating everyone on my experience at the vaccination centre and whether I have any side effects from the vaccine.
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I know several who had the AZ and are fine. The chance of VITT is about the same as being struck by lightning. Any vaccine/ needle can give the usual side effects which are far better than getting Covid. Remember..the best vaccine is the one in your arm. Btw, a friend in the UK was one of the guinea pigs for AZ…he had fever and aches for a couple of days.
Here, we are starting to vaccinate 12 years and up.
Thanks for sharing, Chris!
Is AZ banned in Canada?
Which vaccine is Canada planning to give to kids 12 yrs up?
AZ being used here, one friend has already had her second doze.
I believe kids are getting Pfizer, and no parental approval is needed though most do show up with parents in tow. We are very lucky to have 2.9 mil Pfizer doses this week. I believe we have almost 70% Vax rate, better than the US š.
I read from news that Alberta and Ontario would stop offering first doses of AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine. Which province are you at, Chris? WOW, 70% vax rate is very high. Good job to the Canadian govt!!
Iām in Ont.
AZ was given out in the early days for the 50plus. Many are now due for dose #2. It is still being used, mostly at pharmacies, some of which are operating overnight. Actually there were doses that were set to expire but somehow got extended by a month, so less waste. Every province is different but when you look at the big picture, the side effects are minuscule.
FYI: regular flu Vax is only 50% effective at best, and polio only 90%!
Thanks for the interesting insights!