I am convinced that Haru understands me when I talk to her. She ‘answers’ me with a soft purr when I ask her questions. She also comes to me whenever I ask her to “come here”. We’re getting more connected by the day. The girls and I dot on her, even Alycia who has a phobia of cats! Alycia now helps to babysit Haru and can bravely carry Haru around without screaming or freaking out like she used to when we first brought Haru into our home.
Haru’s still not spayed yet. I’m trying to coincide the procedure with the girls’ next school holiday. Hopefully she’ll be well behaved when she hits puberty at 6 months old 😸
Our Maybank logo cat! We all think that Haru looks like a tiger with the stripes on her hands, legs and front of her body. Even the color of her coat resembles a tiger. Don’t ya think so too?
Our body is composed of about 60% water. It is therefore essential to keep our body well hydrated so that our body can function optimally. The function of water is more than just to quench our thirst. Water is needed to regulate our body temperature, protects all our organs and tissues, carries nutrients and oxygen to cells and to moisten tissues in the eyes, nose and mouth. Water can even help with weight loss. When you drink a lot of water, it helps you feel full longer, thus you eat lesser. And the best thing is water is zero in calories!
As our body loses water through sweating, breathing, bodily excretions and digestion, it is therefore important to rehydrate by drinking fluids regularly and eating foods that contain water. This is the reason why it is so important to drink sufficient water so that we remain healthy.
How much water do we need? The current IOM (Institute of Medicine) recommendation for people ages 19 and older is around 131 ounces for men and 95 ounces for women. This refers to your overall fluid intake per day, which includes anything you eat or drink that contains water, like fruits or vegetables. Of this total, men should get around 13 cups from beverages. For women, it’s 9 cups.
Girls and boys between 4 and 8 years old should drink 40 ounces per day, or 5 cups. This amount increases to 56–64 ounces, or 7–8 cups, by ages 9 to 13 years. For ages 14 to 18, the recommended water intake is 64–88 ounces, or 8–11 cups.
How to get motivated to drink enough water
Many people find it a chore to drink the recommended daily water intake. The reasons are varied from dislike to drink water to being too busy with life’s daily activities and work and simply forgetting to drink.
Staying well hydrated and healthy requires a little effort on our part. One way of reminding ourselves to drink is to have a water bottle by our side. You can be working in an office, a student or always on the go. Get yourself a Keepto 64 oz water bottle with time marker and you’ll most likely feel motivated to keep chugging every two hourly.
Keepto water bottles have unique inspirational quote and time marker printed on the bottles. This makes it even easier than ever to drink the perfect amount of water each day. The inspirational quote is great motivation for any fitness goal including weight loss, muscle gain, and tracking water intake during a detox or pregnancy.
Keepto comes in 20 fun colors in a variety of color gradients. Choose one in your favorite colors and you’ll be happy to lug the water bottle everywhere you go to keep yourself well hydrated. You have the option to choose the lid – straw lid or spout lid.
Keeping ourselves well hydrated is a conscious effort. You have to remind yourself to drink throughout the day so that you get the recommended daily water intake everyday to stay healthy. Having a cool water bottle with motivational quotes in your favorite colors next to you makes drinking water just so much more rewarding! I’m a sucker for water tumblers and am now itching to get a Keepto water bottle with time marker 😁