Alycia has finally told the owner of the international pre-school and daycare centre that she will resign and work until the end of April. Teaching is totally not for her. In addition to teaching regular pre-schoolers and primary school kids, she has to teach a 6-year old Autistic boy and even put him to sleep! Some kids would make her tell them stories and teacher Alycia has to put on her best thinking cap to cook up some silly stories to amuse those kids .
Alycia is not one who can create funny stories off the cuff. She’s not even one who likes children! I wonder how she did that!
Wait, there’s more!
Alycia also has to help care for babies at the daycare, like putting them to sleep, watch them when the main caregivers are busy and bring the babies to their parents’ cars in the evening when the teachers in charge are busy. Alycia comes home feeling jaded everyday. She finds teaching kids such a bore to her. She can’t wait to quit this job.
One evening last week, there was a bad frog-choker and in the heavy rain, Alycia had to carry a 15-month old baby boy to his parent’s car — one hand carrying the baby and another holding an umbrella. I was in disbelief! I thank God that Alycia didn’t slip and fall in the torrential rain as she was only wearing slippers and she has never done anything of this sort before in her life
I have to agree that this job is totally not suitable for Alycia. Nonetheless, I think she has gained a wealth of experience in her very first formal job which requires her to mingle with other teachers, parents, the owners and of course children. And even babies. Fortunately she has experience carrying and pacifying her twin baby cousins from Singapore, else she will be clueless on how to deal with babies and toddlers.
Coming back to Alycia’s informal verbal resignation. The owner of the pre-school and daycare counter-offered Alycia. She promised Alycia that teaching kids will only be until end of April. As Alycia will be pursuing a course in Mass Communication, the owner gave Alycia a new job specification, which will be related to her studies. Starting May till July 2021, Alycia will be in charge of handling the centre’s social media pages, viz brand promotion and social media presence. Alycia has accepted the offer and she has to learn how to go about doing it. She hasn’t even started her Mass Comm course yet. The new job scope will be a good stepping stone for Alycia to begin her first job that’s related to her studies in college and uni. Alycia will commence college in September 2021. I’m so excited for her!
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Alycia has tried her best in something she has no formal training in, and has persevered till month end. It’s because of her good performance that she has been offered another post by the same employer. Wishing her all the best in the new field which is related to the course she intends to pursue.
Thanks mum
It’s a good thing Alycia did give herself a try and most importantly learned something from it. So important to have non-academic experience not just marks when one is applying for tertiary education, especially for those outside the country. When we did medical school applications here, at least equal weight given to non-academic achievements and ability to be a team player. Team sports were also important.
On a slightly different angle, asked one guy why he wanted to be a doctor. You would think you’d be so prepared with a most fantastic reply. He said his uncle was some big surgeon in California who told him he’d be a good doctor! What kind of answer is that?? I made sure he didn’t get in!
I totally agree with non-academic achievements and ability to be a team player as a quality in a prospective employee. When I was working in the HR Dept. of a bank years ago, we sometimes hire someone with personality and experience over someone with excellent academic achievements but lacked the interpersonal skill. I cant believe the doctor gave you that answer!