After a long hard day in a ‘military’ style Chinese high school, the moment Cass gets home at 3.30pm, she puts down her bag and picks up her beloved Haru to get a dose of pet therapy to de-stress
Cass loves feeding Haru boiled shredded chicken breast meat. She makes Haru do tricks like sit, stand and shake hand before giving her a piece of meat. I think most of the time that Haru stands, sits and shakes hand is just a fluke. But over time, I think Haru will some how understands the commands.
But can cats be trained to do tricks?

I think most cats will be happy to do this with the right motivation and for Haru, her motivation is the chicken. She is crazy over boiled chicken meat.

Below: Haru nibbling on my ankle today. This is her way of initiating a game or play with me. She gnaws at my ankle and then runs away like a panther and then hides under the sofa. When I turn back, she pounces on my leg from the back and nibbles on my leg again.

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